The football match was because of the heavy rain. 查看更多







1.Where is Wellington?

A.It’s in Japan.

B.It’s in New Zealand.

C.It’s in Asia.

2.What do we know about the weather in New Zealand?

A.The warmest months are from June to August.

B.The coldest months are from December to February.

C.There is plenty of rain there.

3.Where was Rose born?

A.In London.

B.In Canada.

C.In America.

4.What sport does the woman like best?




5.How long has the woman had the car?

A.About 6 years.

B.About 5 years.

C.About 4 years.




6.Who does Mary want to see?

A.The policeman.

B.Mr Zhang.

C.A doctor.

7.What is Mr Zhang doing?

A.He is telephoning someone.

B.He is having a talk with some guests.

C.He went out on business.

8.What time will Mr Zhang be free?





9.Where is Mum?

A.In the kitchen.

B.In the sitting room.

C.In the bathroom.

10.Where is their father?

A.He is in his company.

B.He is away on business.

C.He is in the bedroom.

11.What makes mother cry?

A.The heavy housework.

B.The naughty children.



12.Where did the story happen?

A.On the bus.

B.At the bus stop.

C.On the way to work.

13.Why did Henry ring the bell twice?

A.He wanted the bus to go on.

B.He wanted the driver to hear him more clearly.

C.He wanted to make fun of the conductor.

14.Why did the conductor shout at Henry?

A.Because Henry rang the bell.

B.Because Henry rang the bell twice.

C.Because Henry wanted to get off on the way.

15.How did Henry think about the happening?

A.He didn’t realize his mistake.

B.He wanted to complain to his wife.

C.He didn’t agree to the rule.




1.What factory will be built outside the city?

A.A car factory.

B.A computer factory.

C.A tractor factory.

2.Why does the man live in the countryside?

A.It’s near the school.

B.It’s quiet.

C.His house is too old.

3.What does the woman mean?

A.The machine was just repaired.

B.The clerk doesn’t like to be troubled.

C.She can help him.

4.What’s wrong with Tom?

A.He’s ill in hospital.

B.He’s ill at home.

C.He has to stay at home.

5.What will the woman probably do?

A.She will go to meet the man.

B.She will go to the theatre to see her parents.

C.She will stay at home with their sisters.




6.What is the topic of the conversation?

A.The weather.

B.Life in the country.

C.Holiday in the country.

7.Where did Jane spend the nights in the country?

A.In a farmer’s house.

B.In the open air.

C.At a friend’s home.

8.What was the weather like in the country?

A.It was fine.

B.It was rainy.

C.It was terrible.


9.Where was Susan going when Bob met her?

A.To the work place.

B.To her home.

C.To a supermarket.

10.What does Susan do at her supermarket?

A.Cleaning the place.

B.Putting things in order and wrapping fruits and vegetables.

C.Looking after sick customers.

11.What does Bob do?

A.He works in a garden.

B.He works in a garage.

C.He works on a farm.


12.How is the woman planning to spend the coming weekend at the beginning?

A.To see a foreign film.

B.To hear a concert.

C.To watch a ball game on TV.

13.What suggestion does the woman’s brother give in spending the time?

A.To watch the final football game.

B.To go to the cinema.

C.To watch the final football game on TV.

14.Why does the man refuse to go to the football game together with the woman?

A.Because he wants to stay at home to watch TV.

B.Because he wants to take care of his mother.

C.Because his mother doesn’t allow him to watch the football match.

15.Which one is the home team?




