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    You hear this,“No wonder you are fat.All you ever d0 is eat.”You feel sad.“I skip my breakfast and supper.I run every morning and evening.What else can I do?”

    Basically you can do nothing.Your genes,not your life habits,determine your weight and your body constantly tries to maintain it.

    Albert Stunkard of the University of Pennsylvania found from experiments that“80 percent of the children of two fat parents become fat,as compared with no more than 14.percent of the children of two parents of normal weight.”   

    How can obese people become thinner through dieting? Well,dieting can be effective.but the health costs are great.

    Jules Hirsch,a research physician at Rockefeller University,did a study of eight fat people.They were.given a liquid formula(配方)providing 600 calories a day.After more than 10 weeks,the subjects lost on average 45 kg.But after leaving the hospital,they all regained the weight.

    The results were surprising:by metabolic(新陈代谢的)measurement,fat people who lost large amounts of weight seemed like they were starving.They had psychiatric problems.They dreamed of food or of breaking their diet They were anxious and depressed.Some wanted to kill themselves.They hid food in their rooms.

    Researchers warn that it is possible that weight reduction doesn’t result in normal weight,but in an abnormal state lust like that of starved non.obese people.   

    Thin people, however,suffer from the opposite.They have to make a great effort to gain weight  Ethan Sims of the University of Vermont got prisoners to volunteer to gain weight.In four to six months—they ate as much as they could.They succeeded in increasing their weight by 20 to 25 percent. But months after the study ended,they were back to normal weight and stayed there.

    This did not mean that people are completely without hope in controlling their weight.It means that those who tend to be fat will have to constantly battle their genetic inheritance(遗传)if they want to significantly 1ower their weight.

    The findings also provide evidence for something scientists thought was true—each person has a comfortable weight range.The range might be as much as 9kg.Someone might weigh 60--69kg without too much effort.But,going above or below the natural weight range is difficult.The body resists by feeling hungry or full and changing.the metabolism to push the weight back to the range it seeks.

The story is mainly written to       。

    A.point out the relations between our body and mind

    B.warn us it’s extremely harmful to reduce or gain our weight

    C.tell us that it’s difficult to make a significant change in our weight

D.stress that dieting 1s a recommended way to help you reach your desired weight   

Jules Hirsch’s study’found that         .

     A.big weight loss could lead to mental problems

     B.a person’s weight can be decided by their parents’ weight

     C.only dieting cannot produce a desired result in weight reduction

     D.big efforts to lose weight may result in a weight much heavier than one’s normal weight

From the text,we know that the body can still feel comfortable

     A.when the weight goes up or down by 6 kg

     B.when the weight goes up or down by l0 kg

     C.when the weight is increased by 20 to 25 percent

     D.when the weight is decreased by 20 to 25 percent

What can be inferred from the passage?

     A.When it comes to weight,naturalness is the healthiest

     B.Weight reduction could be both risky and painful.

     C.Seek professional advice when reducing your weight.

     D.There’s no hope and no point in controlling your weight.


I was fifteen months old, a happy, carefree kid until the day I fell.It was a bad fall.I landed on a glass rabbit which cut my eye badly enough to blind it.Trying to save the eye, the doctors stitched the eyeball together where it was cut, leaving a big ugly scar in the middle of my eye.And as I grew, this sightless eye in so many ways controlled me.

       Yet Mama would say to me, at every turn, "Hold your head up high and face the world." It became a litany that I relied on.She had started when I was young.She would hold me in her arms and stroke my hair and say, "If you hold your head up high, it will be okay, and people will see your beautiful soul." She continued this message whenever I wanted to hide.

       Those words have meant different things to me over the years.As a little child, I thought Mama meant; "Be careful or you will fall down or bump into something because you are not looking." As an a dolescent, even though I tended to look down to hide my shame, I found that sometimes when I held my head up high and let people know me, they lilted me.My mama's words helped me begin to realize that by letting people look at my face, I let them recognize the intelligence and beauty behind both eyes even if they couldn't see it on the surface.

       In high school I was successful both academically and socially.I was even elected class president, but on the inside I still felt like a freak.Ail I really wanted was to look like everyone else.When things got really bad, I would cry to my mama and she would look at me with loving eyes and say, "Hold your head up high and face the world.Let them see the beauty that is inside."

       When I met the man who became my partner for life, we looked each other straight in the eye, and he told me I was beautiful inside and out.He meant it.My mama's love and encouragement were the spark that gave me the confidence to overcome my own doubt.I had faced adversity, encountered my problems head on, and learned not only to appreciate myself but to have deep compassion for others.

       "Hold your head up high," has been heard many times in my home.Each of my children has felt its invitation.The gift my mama gave me lives on in another generation.

How did the writer have her eyes hurt?

       A.She was attacked by a glass rabbit.          B.Her eyes were hurt by accident.

       C.The doctor made a mistake.            D.A serious illness blinded her.

When she heard her mother told her to hold her head up high for the first time, she_____.

       A.didn't fully understand these words

       B.was greatly encouraged and moved

       C.was puzzled by these words

       D.was surprised by these words

Why did the writer still feel unhappy when she was successful both academically and socially?

       A.Because she was not satisfied with what she has.

       B.Because she thought she could have done better.

       C.Because she wanted to live a normal life.

       D.Because she really wanted to be different.

What is the point of the story?

       A.A mother's love for a daughter is a treasure.

       B.One should not be controlled by others.

       C.The real beauty is inside out.

       D.Where there is a will.there is a way.


You hear this,“No wonder you are fat.All you ever d0 is eat.”You feel sad.“I skip my breakfast and supper.I run every morning and evening.What else can I do?”

    Basically you can do nothing.Your genes,not your life habits,determine your weight and your body constantly tries to maintain it.

    Albert Stunkard of the University of Pennsylvania found from experiments that“80 percent of the children of two fat parents become fat,as compared with no more than 14.percent of the children of two parents of normal weight.”   

    How can obese people become thinner through dieting? Well,dieting can be effective.but the health costs are great.

    Jules Hirsch,a research physician at Rockefeller University,did a study of eight fat people.They were.given a liquid formula(配方)providing 600 calories a day.After more than 10 weeks,the subjects lost on average 45 kg.But after leaving the hospital,they all regained the weight.

    The results were surprising:by metabolic(新陈代谢的)measurement,fat people who lost large amounts of weight seemed like they were starving.They had psychiatric problems.They dreamed of food or of breaking their diet They were anxious and depressed.Some wanted to kill themselves.They hid food in their rooms.

    Researchers warn that it is possible that weight reduction doesn’t result in normal weight,but in an abnormal state lust like that of starved non.obese people.   

    Thin people, however,suffer from the opposite.They have to make a great effort to gain weight  Ethan Sims of the University of Vermont got prisoners to volunteer to gain weight.In four to six months—they ate as much as they could.They succeeded in increasing their weight by 20 to 25 percent. But months after the study ended,they were back to normal weight and stayed there.

    This did not mean that people are completely without hope in controlling their weight.It means that those who tend to be fat will have to constantly battle their genetic inheritance(遗传)if they want to significantly 1ower their weight.

    The findings also provide evidence for something scientists thought was true—each person has a comfortable weight range.The range might be as much as 9kg.Someone might weigh 60--69kg without too much effort.But,going above or below the natural weight range is difficult.The body resists by feeling hungry or full and changing.the metabolism to push the weight back to the range it seeks.

56.The story is mainly written to      

    A.point out the relations between our body and mind

    B.warn us it’s extremely harmful to reduce or gain our weight

    C.tell us that it’s difficult to make a significant change in our weight

D.stress that dieting 1s a recommended way to help you reach your desired weight   

57.Jules Hirsch’s study’found that         .

     A.big weight loss could lead to mental problems

     B.a person’s weight can be decided by their parents’ weight

     C.only dieting cannot produce a desired result in weight reduction

     D.big efforts to lose weight may result in a weight much heavier than one’s normal weight

58.From the text,we know that the body can still feel comfortable

     A.when the weight goes up or down by 6 kg

     B.when the weight goes up or down by l0 kg

     C.when the weight is increased by 20 to 25 percent

     D.when the weight is decreased by 20 to 25 percent

59.What can be inferred from the passage?

     A.When it comes to weight,naturalness is the healthiest

     B.Weight reduction could be both risky and painful.

     C.Seek professional advice when reducing your weight.

     D.There’s no hope and no point in controlling your weight.


I decided not to bring in home any other things with the words Made in China on a dark Monday, two days after last Christmas, though I still keep some in my house.

  At work my boss, Mr. White, points out that I am ___36__ myself if I think I have been __37_____ Chinese products, in spite of the obvious facts in daily life.

  “Chinese ___38___ are everywhere,” he says, “You can’t avoid those, no matter how hard you try, it is impossible.”

   That is the __39____, which I have been considering for months, since I have kept the American car with the Chinese ___40__ in it. This week I was __41___ again of the difficulty of avoiding China when I bought earrings from a local artist. I was feeling pleased with myself ___42_____ I got home and noticed the gift box made in China.

  My boss continues, “You know what you are doing? You are ___43__ your dependence on China, not __44___ it,” he says, “You are just cheating yourself.”

   The boss, a frequent complainer, doesn’t slow down when I ___45___ to stop him to ___46___ that I am writing a __47____ of stories on the boycott for the business magazine.

   “Maybe you can ___48____ it a year without Chinese products, ___49_____ sooner or later you will even ___50___ Chinese dishes,” the nice boss says, “There is no getting around it.”

   I ____51____ at him as he turns to leave, quite ___52____.

   “Thanks for your support,” I say to his ___53____.

   The year is nearly half over. I can ___54_____without them. ___55___, it is a little inconvenient to live without a DVD player, a DV camera or a printer made in China. But a better question might be: How hard could it be to live without Made in China with the whole family?

A. fooling        B. persuading      C. beating         D. enjoying

A. keeping        B. accepting      C. avoiding         D. admitting

A. advertising     B. items          C. materials        D. business

A. story          B. plan           C. suggestion       D. point

A. parts          B. engines         C. wheels          D. goods

A. asked         B. reminded        C. troubled         D. puzzled

A. as            B. when           C. since            D. until

A. delaying       B. losing          C. catching          D. lacking

A. escaping       B. obeying         C. objecting         D. hating

A. mean          B. manage         C. try               D. intend

A. describe        B. suggest         C. declare            D. state

A. copy          B. book            C. set               D. series

A. do            B. get             C. make             D. have

A. but           B. or              C. and               D. for

A. wash          B. break           C. serve             D. enjoy

A. laugh          B. glance          C. nod              D. stare

A. annoyed        B. surprised        C. delighted          D. satisfied

A. honor          B. back            C. kindness          D. face

A. work           B. rescue          C. survive            D. stay

A. Finally         B. Honestly         C. Generally          D. Directly


I liked climbing things when I was a baby. My mother remembers and has told me most of those   16  moments like this one. When I was one and a half years old, we lived in our first house in Rue St-Louis. On a hot summer day, my father intended to   17  the roof of our old house. In order to climb up there, he   18  a ladder front of the house.
In my town,   19  could walk outside because the streets were   20 . I was outside watching my father climb on that strange thing. I was curious about why my father disappear at last. So I decided to go up it to   21  why it was impossible to see my father after he reached the   22  of that thing. At 1.5 years old, still a baby wearing pampers, I climbed that ladder to the roof top and started walking   23 . My father did not notice that-he was on the other side occupied with his repairs. It happened that a nice lady in our   24  passed by and   25  me. The nice lady came to my house and   26  my mother of it, who was fearful and   27  ran outside to speak with me.
She really thought I would just   28  that roof, for I was just a baby  29 . She asked me to sit down and stop moving in a   30  way you speak to your babies when they are cute.   31 , I threw myself flat on the   32 and waited.
My mother climbed the ladder to   33  me up and there I was enjoying the view laughing at my mother’s shocked face.   34  the saying goes, “He who knows nothing   35 nothing.”

A.figure outB.think outC.pick outD.point out
A.fall offB.climb ontoC.repairD.destroy
A.after allB.at allC.in allD.all in all

