Three years before they knew that all their belongings were gone. 查看更多






People enjoy talking about “firsts”. They like to remember their first love or their first car. But not all firsts are happy ones.

One of history’s bad but important firsts was the first car accident. Cars were still young when it happened. The accident took place in New York City in May 1896. A man from Massachusetts was visiting the city in his new car. At that time, bicycle riders were still trying to get used to the new set of wheels on the road. No one was sure who was to blame for it. Anyway, the bike and the car hit each other hard. The man on the bike was injured. The driver of the car had to stay in jail and wait for the hospital report on the bicycle rider. Luckily, the rider was not killed.

Three years later, another car accident took place. It was again in New York City. A man named Henry Bliss stepped off a streetcar(无轨电车). He was hit by a passing car. Once again, no one was sure just how it happened or whose fault it was. The driver of the car was put in prison. Poor Mr. Bliss became the first person to die in a car accident.

46. Which of the following is true?

A. The first driver came from New York City.

B. Both of the two car accidents killed a person.

C. The second car accident didn’t happen in the same city as the first one.

D. No one knew how the two accidents had happened.

47. In both accidents the drivers of the cars_______.

A. could not drive their cars very well

B. had to stay in prison for a while

C. tried to run away after the accidents took place

D. knew it was their fault

48. The word “jail” in this passage means ________.

A. police station      B. prison                C. school       D. office

49. The main idea of the passage is ________.

A. not all firsts are happy ones                           B. two of the first car accidents

C. two unhappy “firsts”                             D. bicycle riders get used to cars



As a parent you have the responsibility to help your children understand money. But first you will need to understand your own attitude towards money, and make sure to practise what you teach.

Ask yourself what things that cost money are the most important to you. Also ask yourself what financial goals do you have for yourself and your family this year, in five years, and so on?

Take a minute to write down a list. Below are some ideas to get you started. There’s no right or wrong here. This exercise is just to help you grasp what money means to you so that you can help your children understand your values.

◆ Home

◆ Household expenses

◆ Education

◆ Recreation, entertainment

◆ Savings

◆ Charitable contributions

You can start discussing money when your children are as young as three years old. The best time to teach a child anything is when he or she shows an interest. So he prepared to start talking about money when your child starts asking you to buy candy or toys.

Begin by showing how money is exchanged for items or services. Show your children how money works by allowing them to buy something, such as a toy or a book.

Be open and honest, and explain to your children why they can or cannot have certain items. If you must say no to a child’s request to spend money, you might say, “You have enough toy trucks now.” Or, if the request is for multiple items, “You have a choice to make, between this toy and that one.”

You can start explaining the bigger picture once your children understand the basic function of money. Show an older child how money is used to provide for the whole family.

45. Why should parents understand their own money attitudes first?

A. To help their children earn money.      B. To set an exampel to their children.

C. To help them set financial goals.       D. To help them tell right from wrong.

46. Which of the following is NOT one of the major categories of things that cost money listed in the article?

A. Travel and investments.               B. Household expenses.

C. Education and entertainment.         D. Savings and charitable contributions.

47. Which of the following is NOT a way to teach the children about money?

A. Showing how money is exchanged.

B. Allowing children to buy whatever they like.

C. Explaining the limits involved in using money.

D. Having an open discussion about money.

48. According to the passage, when should parents start teaching a child about money?

A. When the child can understand its basic function.

B. When the child can understand how money is used to provide for the whole family.

C. When the child knows how to support a family.

D. As young as three, or when they start showing an interest.



As you probably know,  J.Paul Getty was one of the richest and moat successful American industrialists in history.Quite ambitious from an early age, Getty made his first million at age 23 in 1916.He later went on to found the Getty oil company, In 1957, Fortune magazine named him the richest living American and in 1966, the Guinness Book of Records named him as the world's richest private citizen.

Although he is highly regarded by vast numbers of people for his financial success, as a younger man, his drive to acquire power and money had a detrimental impact on other aspects of his life, particularly in his relationships with women.He was, at one point quoted assaying "A lasting relationship with a woman is only possible if you are a business failure.” He married five times, having children with four of these wives.He couldn’t seem to keep a marriage going for very long.His obsession with having a fortune and power alienated (疏远) each of his wives, eventually driving them away. His marriage with his first wife Jeanette lasted for only three years, with Allene for two years, Adolphine, four years, Ann, four years, and finally Louise, nineteen years.

Perhaps as a young man, Getty was willing to pay whatever price for financial success.Yet Paul came to feel some regret in regard to his life priorities as he approached his later years when he Wrote: "I hate and regret the failure of my marriages.I would gladly give all of my millions for just one lasting marriage success."

At the end of Getty's life, all of the wealth that he had got meant very little to him.It was only then that he became wise enough to understand what really mattered most.Despite all of his accomplishments, he died with great regret.

It' s a sad story and a cautionary tale for those of us who may have chosen to make career building our highest priority(优先权), thereby ignoring our relationships.Like any other living organism, relationships require care and attention in order to grow.Even the strongest relationships will he damaged, if there is not enough care.

1.What is Paragraph l mainly about?

A.People' s admiration for J.Paul Getty.

B.How J.Paul Getty led his life.

C.J. Paul Getty's achievements.

D.How J.Paul Getty became rich.

2.The underlined word "detrimental" in Paragraph 2 is the closest in meaning to "_         ".





3.J.Paul Getty's marriage that lasted for the longest time was with _         





4.At the end of his life, what J.Paul Getty cares about most is the success in      



5.What is the author's conclusion from the passage?

A.Young people should focus an career - building.

B.The strongest relationships between people won't be damaged.

C.We should attend to the needs in relationships.

D.Successful people don't care about relationships with others.




第二节  完形填空 (共20小题,每小题1.5分,满分30分)


Forty-three years seems like a long time to remember the name of a person. I have forgotten the name of an old lady who was a(n)   31   on my paper route (报童) when I was a twelve-year-old boy. Yet it seems like just yesterday that she taught me a lesson in   32  . One afternoon, a friend and I were   33   rocks onto the roof of the old lady’s house   34   her backyard. The object of our play was to observe how the rocks changed to missiles as they   35  to the roof’s edge and shot out into the   36  .

I found myself a perfectly smooth rock and sent it for a ride. The stone was too smooth, however, so it   37   from my hand as I let it go and headed   38   for a small window on the old lady’s back wall.

I was too scared about getting   39   that first night to be concerned about the old lady with the broken window. However, a few days later,   40   I was sure that I hadn’t been discovered, I started to feel   41   for her misfortune.

I made up my mind that I would   42   my paper delivery money, and in three weeks I had the seven dollars that I   43   would cover the cost of her window. I put the money in an envelope with a(n)   44   explaining that I was sorry for breaking her window and hoped that the seven dollars would cover the   45   for repairing it.

I waited until it was dark, and then put the envelope through the letter slot in her door.

The next day, I   46   the old lady her paper and was able to   47   the warm smile that I was   48   her. She thanked me for the paper and said, “Here, I have something for you.” It was a bag of cookies. I thanked her and ate the cookies as I   49   my route.

After several cookies, I   50   an envelope. When I opened the envelope, I was shocked. Inside were the seven dollars and a short note that said, “I’m proud of you.”

31. A. adviser                  B. customer                               C. assistant                      D. neighbor

32. A. carefulness             B. cleverness                      C. selfishness                    D. forgiveness

33. A. throwing                  B. kicking                          C. picking                      D. striking

34. A. by                         B. under                           C. from                         D. around

35. A. dropped                B. rolled                           C. flowed                     D. fell

36. A. room                  B. kitchen                            C. yard                         D. sky

37. A. skipped                   B. stopped                        C. stepped                  D. slipped

38. A. straight                  B. slow                             C. right                         D. fast

39. A. lost                        B. trapped                        C. caught                       D. hurt

40. A. before                     B. when                             C. but                         D. though

41. A. guilty                       B. safe                            C. anxious                     D. nervous

42. A. borrow                    B. move                              C. transfer                         D. save

43. A. used                        B. calculated                     C. chose                                       D. earned

44. A. book                        B. article                            C. note                                D. notice

45. A. period                     B. cost                                C. size                                 D. distance

46. A. handed                   B. sold                                 C. left                                  D. showed

47. A. witness                   B. wear                               C. return                            D. bring

48. A. comparing to        B. playing with                  C. learning about             D. receiving from

49. A. continued               B. chose                                       C. followed                        D. forgot

50. A. tore                         B. marked                          C. bought                           D. felt



.It will be about three years________next Olympic Games are held.






