disaster A. Advise B.surpise C. promise D. time 查看更多



All people,      they are old or young, rich or poor, have been trying their best to help those in need since the disaster.

A. even if                       B. whether                    C. no matter                           D. however



A. loose     B. wool        C. cool         D. school  

A. track      B. pace        C. flame       D. persuade  

A. atlas      B. destroy       C. insurance         D. disaster  

A. calm      B. recover   C. curtain     D. official

A. thunder  B. breathe     C. earthquake D. beneath  


The crisis(危机) at Japan’s Fukushima Dai-Ichi nuclear(核) energy center caused by the terrible earthquake has raised questions about the future of the nuclear energy industry. Arjun Makhijani is president of the Institute for Energy and Environmental Research in the United States. He says the disaster(灾难)in Japan is historic.
This week, the chairman of America’s nuclear agency said there is little chance that harmful radiation(辐射) from Japan could reach the United States. Gregory also said America has a strong program in place to deal with earthquake threats. No new nuclear power centers have been built in the United States since nineteen seventy-nine. That was when America’s worst nuclear accident happened at the Three Mile Island center in Pennsylvania. The accident began to turn public opinion against nuclear energy. At present, about twenty percent of electricity in the United States comes from nuclear energy.
German Chancellor Angela Merkel said Germany would close seven nuclear power centers while energy policy is reconsidered. The European Union is planning to test all centers in its twenty-seven member nations.
Developing nations are less willing to slow nuclear expansion. China said it will continue with plans to build about twenty-five new nuclear reactors(反应堆). And India, under a cooperation agreement with the United States, plans to spend billions on new centers in the coming years.
Nuclear reactors supply fourteen percent of global electricity. Nuclear energy is a clean resource, producing no carbon gases. But radioactive waste is a serious unresolved issue. So is the presence of nuclear power centers in earthquake areas like the one near Bushehr, Iran.
The best title of the text is         .
A. Various Opinions on Japan’s Nuclear Disaster        
B. Japan’s Disaster is Likely to Run out of Control      
C. America Feels Great Concern for Japan’s Nuclear Crisis
D. Japan’s Disaster Throws Doubt on Nuclear Energy Industry
We can learn from the text that America         .

A.experienced a terrible nuclear accident 32 years ago
B.has a strong program to deal with radiation danger
C.depends heavily on nuclear energy to produce electricity
D.will check all the reactors before cooperating with India
According to the text, which country will be most likely to have a similar disaster?
How does the author seem to feel about the future of nuclear energy?
The best title of the text is         .
A.Various Opinions on Japan’s Nuclear Disaster
B.Japan’s Disaster is Likely to Run out of Control
C.America Feels Great Concern for Japan’s Nuclear Crisis
D.Japan’s Disaster Throws Doubt on Nuclear Energy Industry


In my whole childhood I focused on training to play professional soccer. Through the mid 90’s I  36 through Olympic training and on June 13,1997 I was  37 with a minor league team, when a 16-year-old boy ran a stop sign(闯红灯).That night 38 my life. I was on my motorcycle and got 39 by a car, partly disabling me six months. I lost most of my memory, 40 coma (昏迷)symptom and had to learn to 41  all over. During the coming 24 months of physical treatment I changed my 42 of life.

    I began making 43 as if each day was my last day 44. Before the 45 , I was studying at a university. I was taught that the 46 of life was to study career skills and pursue financial 47. After returning from near death I went 48 searching. I traveled through the native reservation of the northern USA and witnessed the most extreme 49. I slowly realized there was so much more to 50 than just doing things for myself. I started listening to the people I met and 51 to help them any way possible.

   Everywhere I stayed I met 52 people telling me stories about 53 the earth and making better use of nature’s energy. In 2005 my father quickly died from cancer and I 54 the desire to do much of anything for myself. I started looking for well-off people to aid those 55. I’ve accumulated a list of people nearing life threatening situations or those trying to make a major effect on the world and now I try to help them full time.

A. advanced       B. fought         C. looked        D. won

A. playing         B. working       C. competing     D. coming

A. corrected       B. influenced      C. destroyed      D. changed

A. run            B. hit            C. knocked       D. stuck

A. spread          B. caught         C. showed        D. suffered

A. walk           B. talk            C. eat           D. drive

A. duty           B. view           C. course        D. dream

A. decisions       B. discoveries      C. promises       D. studies

A. possible        B. available        C. present        D. alive

A. event          B. experience      C. difficulty      D. disaster

A. reality         B. value           C. purpose       D. content

A. balance        B. situation        C. stability       D. expense

A. head          B. spirit           C. heart         D. soul

A. poverty        B. anxiety         C. anger         D. simplicity

A. nature         B. society         C. life           D. happiness

A. refused        B. volunteered      C. tended        D. learned

A. wonderful      B. famous         C. wealthy       D. cautious

A. developing     B. exploring        C. respecting     D. understanding

A. realized        B. controlled       C. gained        D. lost

A. in despair      B. in need          C. in touch       D. in season 


We should try our best to ______ those people after the disaster.

A.break out         B.cheer on          C.break up          D.cheer up


