He is the last person to Mary’s birthday party. A. to invite B. to be invited C. invited D. being invited 查看更多




1.Last week, I s______________ my newly-bought sweater for one in another color.

2.It u__________ him that nobody told him about the whole thing.

3.He asked several questions c______________ the future of the company.

4.We can tell what people think from their facial e________________.

5.Whether it is safe or not is one of the most f________________ asked questions about the Internet.

6.Our president will make an o______________ visit to Tokyo in March and will attend a lot of meetings there.

7.We had planned to complete the new bridge in 2012, but it was finished two years ahead of s______________.

8.He is the chairman of a large international o________________.

9.The temperature is f__________ to reach as low as 4℃ and warm clothes will be needed.

10.Light travels faster than sounds, so we see l________________ followed by thunder on rainy days.



A School Report

Name: Edward Scott         School: Kelvin Grove Stale High School

Grade: 7                  Term ends: 6,May

Subjects & Performances


He is a little weak in this, but he has tried his best to catch up with others.


He is the best in the class. Keep it up.


He can work out many difficulties.


His reading is very good, he can remember many words.


He is not so good at this, but has done better than before.


He is familiar(熟悉) with the names of many places in the world.


He doesn't like pop songs, though sings very well.

Remarks(评语): Edward is able to do a lot better. More work is needed next term.

Class teacher: Ivy

Headmaster: M. L. Martin

School reopens: 11, September

1.This is a_________.

A.studying plan of Edward Scott

B.teaching plan of Ivy

C.school report of Edward Scott

D.working plan of M. L. Martin

2.Which subject is NOT mentioned(提到) in the form?





3.Edward's best subject is_________.





4.Edward is not so good at_________.

A.science and geography

B.history and French

C.music and English

D.maths and history



 根据下列各句句意及所给单词的首字母或汉语提示, 写出所缺单词的正确形式。 

61. We need a foreign policy that is more ______ (灵活的).

62.  Children begin to learn basic ______ (道德) in the kindergarten.

63. We are looking for some ______ (精力充沛的) persons to be salesmen.

64.  I have an ______ (预约) with my dentist this afternoon.

65. After she o______ her shyness, she became very outgoing.

66. You’d better _________ (请教) a doctor about your unclear disease.

67. The reason for his failure is the l_______ of experience.

68. Why are there so many adverts for washing _______(粉)on TV?

69. She ___________(鼓舞)those who wanted to cheer the achievements of women.

70. Although our sense of sight is overused, our sense of touch and smell have been _______________(忽视)。

71. He works very hard in order to get the precious doctor’s ___________(资格,资历).

72. She shouldn’t dress herself so c_________ in such a formal occasion.

73. It was said that the man was _____________(怀疑)to be connected with the crime.

74. __________(争吵)with his wife, he didn’t want to go home.

75. The problem was beyond my c___________, so I asked my teacher for help.

76. I’ve made a few small ____________ (改正)to your report.

77. The bank has ____________(分支) in all parts of the country.

78. We don’t like his ideas. The young people are the most eager to learn and the least_______________(保守的) in their thinking.

79. The goal of Olympic athletes is impressed in their ___________(座右铭)---swifter,higher, stronger.

80. A heavy rain p________ down last night and the roads are muddy.



第三部分 写作(共两节,满分35分)

第一节 完成单词(满分10分)

1. He is a famous p________ and his poems are popular with the youth.

2. She entered the lab without p_____________ (许可).

3. He is the most h________(英俊) man I’ve ever met.

4. The most important thing to remember when dealing with an emergency is to keep c___(镇定).

5. Being an honest man you shouldn’t tell l_________(谎言).

6. He fought for freedom with v_____________(暴力), not in a peaceful way.

7. A person’s life is l________ (有限的), but love is lasting.

8. Wild plants and animals have many e______ (敌人), among whom man is the most dangerous.

9. The concert a_______ (吸引) a great number of people.

10. Don’t l__________(嘲笑) at him. Sometimes you are not able to do as well as he.


1. He has a (n) ___________ (名声) for honesty, so the leaders all believe in him.
2. I know you don't like her, but try not to make it so ___________ (明显的).
3. _____________ (自然地), as a beginner, I'm not a very good driver yet.
4. People never trust him because he is always l__________.
5. Timoteo v_____________ to direct the traffic at the Devil's bend. No one asked him to do so.

