I know nothing about that young girl she is an actress. A. except B. except for C. except that D. besides 查看更多



Odland remembers like it was yesterday working in an expensive French restaurant in Denver. The ice cream he was serving fell onto the white dress of a rich and important woman.

Thirty years have passed, but Odiand can' t get the memory out of his mind, nor the woman' a kind reaction (反应). She was shocked, regained calmness and, in a kind voice, told the young Odiand, “It’s OK. It wasn't your fault. " When she left the restaurant, she also left the future For­tune 500 CEO (总裁) with a life lesson: You can tell a lot about a person by the way he or she treats the waiter.

Odiand isn't the only CEO to have made this discovery. Rather, it seems to be one of those few laws of the land that every CEO learns on the way up. It' s hard to get a dozen CEOs to agree about anything, but most agree with the Waiter Rule. They say how others treat the CEO says noth­ing. But how others treat the waiter is like a window into the soul.

Watch out for anyone who pulls out the power card to say something like, " I could buy this place and fire you," or "I know the owner and I could have you fired. " Those who say such things have shown more about their character (人品) than about their wealth and power.

The CEO who came up with it, or at least first wrote it down, is Raytheon CEO Bill Swanson. He wrote a best-selling book called Swanson’s Unwritten Rules of Management.

"A person who is nice to you but rude to the waiter, or to others, is not a nice person," Swan-son says. " I will never offer a job to the person who is sweet to the boss but turns rude to someone cleaning the tables. "

1. What happened after Odiand dropped the ice cream onto the woman’s dress?

A. He was fired.                B. He was blamed.

C. The woman comforted him.     D. The woman left the restaurant at once.

2. Odiand learned one of his life lessons from ______.

A. his experience as a waiter               B. the advice given by the CEOs

C. an article in Fortune                       D. an interesting best-selling book

3. According to the text, most CEOs have the same opinion about _______.

A. Fortune 500 companies                     B. the Management Rules

C. Swanson’s book                           D. the Waiter Rule

4. From the text we can learn that _______.

A. one should be nicer to important people

B. CEOs often show their power before others

C. one should respect others no matter who they are 

D. CEOs often have meals in expensive restaurants


As we all know sewing-machine(缝纫机) repair is one of the fastest growing businesses in the world today.Newspapers,women’s magazines,high schools and colleges are all encouraging millions of American women to do their own sewing,not only to make their own shirts and sweaters,but also to make nice clothes for their husbands,sons,or boyfriends.The lates figures(数字) show that over 89 million American women,because of the high costs of ready-to-wear clothing are now making almost all of their families’ clothes.Most of these women get great satisfaction from making the family clothes on their own sewing machines.So it is natural that the demand(要求) for excellent service of sewing machines is growing.
Think of it! 89 million or more sewing machines,not including another 10 million sewing machines in schools of all kinds,need service at least once a year,and quite possibly four or more times each year.I know some women who return their sewing machines to repairmen time after time to get them fixed properly.I’ve seen sewing machines come out of repair shops in worse condition than they were when they went in.
So I’ve decided to write an introduction book to sewing-machine repair and teach people how to repair their own sewing machines at home.It’s not that difficult.In the book,I will teach you everything you need to know about how to repair your sewing machine.
【小题1】The author wrote the passage to       .

A.teach women to repair their sewing machines.
B.explain his or her purpose in writing the book
C.introduce the reasons for doing one’s own sewing
D.tell us that sewing-machine repair is a fast-growing business
【小题2】American women make clothes by themselves because       .
A.they cannot buy the clothes they see in magazines
B.their husbands or boyfriends want them to do so
C.ready-to-wear clothes cost a great deal of money
D.they can’t get great satisfaction from buying clothes
【小题3】We learn from the passage that sewing machines       .
A.aren’t very difficult to be repaired
B.cannot work well after one year
C.don’t easily get broken
D.need service 4 times a month
【小题4】It can be inferred from the passage that       .
A.the book will also show you how to make nice clothes
B.there are not enough sewing-machine-repair shops in America
C.over 99 million sewing machines need service at least once a year
D.the demand for excellent service of sewing machines grows the fastest in America


I know this is not quite the right word, but I can’t be bothered to think of ______.

  1. A.
    a better
  2. B.
    a best
  3. C.
    the better
  4. D.
    the good


When I was about twelve years old, my mother told us that we would not be ___1___ Christmas gifts for lack of money.I felt sad and thought, “What would I say when the other kids asked what I’d ___2___?” Then,three women ___3___ at our house with gifts for all of us.For me they bought a doll.I would no longer have to be ___4___ when I returned to school.
Years later, when I stood in the kitchen of my new house, thinking how I wanted to make my ___5___ Christmas special and memorable there, I ___6___ remembered the women’s visit.I decided that I wanted to create the same feeling of ___7___ for as many children as I could possibly ____8__.
So I ___9__ a plan and gathered forty people from my company to help.We gathered about 125 orphans (孤儿) at the Christmas party.For every child, we wrapped colorful packages filled with toys, clothes, and school supplies, each with a child’s name.We wanted all of them to know they were ___10__.Before I called out their names and handed them their gifts, I ___11__ them that they couldn’t open their presents until every child had come forward.Finally the __12___ they had been waiting for came as I called out, “One, two, three.Open your presents!” As the children opened their packages, their faces beamed and their bright smiles ___13__ up the room.The __14___ in the room was obvious, and it wasn’t just about toys.It was a feeling---the feeling I knew from that Christmas so long ago when the women came to visit.I wasn’t forgotten.Somebody still remembered me.I know I___15___.

A.broke inB.settled downC.showed upD.turned off
A.kept up withB.caught up withC.came up withD.put up with


In 1898 an 8.2 earthquake almost flattened America, killing over 30,ooo people in less than four minutes. In the middle of complete damage and disorder, a father rushed to the school where his son was supposed to be,  26  that the building was  2 7.
After the unforgettably shock, he 28  the promise he had made to his son: “ No matter  29 happens, I’ll always be there for you!” And tears began to 30 his eyes. As he looked at the pile of ruins, it looked hopeless, but he kept remembering his 31  to his son. He rushed there and started 32 the ruins.
As he was digging, other helpless parents arrived , 33 : “It’s too late ! They are all dead! 34  , face reality; there’s nothing you can do!” To each parent he responded with 35 : “Are you going to help me now? ”No one helped. And then he continued to dig for his son, stone by stone.
Courageously he went on alone because he needed to know 36 : “Is my boy 37 or he is dead?” He dug for eight hours … 12 hours…36 hours…then , in  38  hour , he pulled back a large stone and heard his son’s 39 . He screamed his son’s name, “ARMAND!” He heard back, “Dad!?! It’s me, Dad! I told other kids not to worry.  I told them that if you were alive, you 40 me and 41 you saved me, they’d be saved. You promised, ‘No matter what happens, I’ll always be there for you!’ You did it, Dad!”
“What’s going on in there? ”the father asked
“There are 14 of  us  42 43  33,Dad. We’re scared, hungry, thirsty and thankful you are here. When the building collapsed, it made  44  , and it saved us.”
“Come out , boy!”
“No, Dad! Let the other kids out first, 45 I know you’ll get me! No matter what happens, I know you’ll always be there for me!”

A.only discoveringB.only to discoverC.only realizingD.only to realize.
A.as flat as a pancakeB.as high as a mountain
C.as strong as an ox D.as weak as a kitten
A.memorized B.forgotC.keptD.remembered
A.whatB.that C.whichD.who
A.fillB.fill in C.comeD.burst
A.diggingB.digging throughC.digging outD.digging into
A.to sayB.saidC.and sayingD.saying
A.Come outB.Come againC.Come onD.Come off
A.one wordB.one soundC.one rowD.one line
A.for himselfB.of himselfC.by himselfD.to himself
A.38B.the 38C.38thD.the 38th
【小题15】A will save       B. would  save   C. save          D. would have saved
A.ifB.because C.even ifD.though
A.forB.behindC.out ofD.over
A.a promiseB.spaceC.roomD.a triangle
A.becauseB.thoughC.whenD.even though

