At the age of 18 he joined the ship, which was used to carry coal down the east coast of England. 在他十八岁时.他在过去用来沿英国东海岸运煤的船上当上了船员. 1)join the ship当了船员 join 是及物动词.表示“参加 之意.后接表示“组织 .“团体 等概念的名词时. 意思是成为该团体的一员. 例如:join the navy 参加海军join the club 成为俱乐部会 员 2)down the east coast of England沿着英格兰的东海岸.down相当于along 查看更多



1. When did Steve begin smoking?  
A. At the age of fifteen.    
B. At the age of fourteen.  
C. At the age o sixteen  
2. Who did Steve follow to learn to smoke?   
A. His father              
B. His friends.          
C. His brothers.  
3. What did Steve think of smoking at first?  
A. He thought it pleasant.
B. He thought it could make him feel like an adult.
C. He thought it was harmful.


O.Henry,born in Greensboro,North Carolina,was the pen name of William Sydney Porter.His father,Algernon Sidney Porter,was a physician.When William was three years old,his mother died,and he was raised by his grandmother and aunt.William was a good reader,but at the age of fifteen he left school,and worked in a drug store and later on a Texas farm.After that,he moved to Houston,where he had a number of jobs,including that of bank clerk.After moving to Austin,Texas,in 1882,he married.
In 1884 he started a humorous weekly The  Rolling Stone.When the weekly failed,he joined The  Houston Post as a reporter and columnist(专栏作家).In 1897 he was put into prison over some financial(财务的)dealings.While in prison,William started to write short stories to earn money to support his daughter Margaret.His first work,Whistling Dick’s Christmas Stocking(1899),appeared in McClure’s Magazine.After serving three years of the five years’ sentence,he changed his name to O.Henry,hoping to forget his bitter past.
O.Henry moved to New York City in 1902 and from December 1903 to January 1906 he wrote a story a week for the New York World,and also published the stories in other magazines.His first collection,Cabbages and Kings,appeared in 1904.Many other works quickly followed,such as The Gift of the Magi and The Furnished Room.O.Henry’s best known work is The Ransom of Red Chief.His stories always have surprising endings.He published 10 collections and over 600 short stories during his lifetime.
O.Henry’s last years were shadowed by drinking,ill health,and financial problems.In 1907,he experienced a failed marriage.In 1910,O.Henry died after an illness.
【小题1】What’s the passage mainly about?

A.A brief introduction to O.Henry.
B.O.Henry’s career and marriage.
C.How O.Henry became a well­known writer.
D.O.Henry’s best known works.
【小题2】It can be inferred from the passage that O.Henry ________.
A.didn’t like to study during his childhood
B.had little parental love as a child
C.was very interested in medicine and farming
D.took up only one job after he moved to Houston
【小题3】Which is the right time order for the following events in O.Henry’s life?
①He moved to New York City.
②He joined The Houston Post.
③Whistling Dick’s Christmas Stocking came out.
④The Furnished Room came out.
⑤Cabbages and Kings appeared.
【小题4】Which of the following works of O. Henry’s is the most popular according to the passage?
A.Cabbages and Kings.
B.The Gift of the Magi.
C.The Furnished Room.
D.The Ransom of Red Chief.


The 92-year-old, thin, calm and proud lady, who is fully dressed each morning by eight o’clock, even though she is nearly blind, moved to a nursing home today.

Her husband of 70 years recently passed away, making the move necessary. After many hours of waiting patiently in the hall of the nursing home, she smiled sweetly when told her room was ready.

As she walked slowly to lift, I provided a true description of her tiny room, including the old sheets(床单) that had been hung on her window. “I love it.” She said with the happiness.

“Mrs. Jones, you haven’t seen the room…. Just wait..”  “That doesn’t matter.” She replied. “ Happiness is something you decide ahead of time. Whether I like my room or not doesn’t depend on how the furniture is arranged. It is how I arrange my mind, I have already decided to lobe it. It is a decision I make every morning when I wake up. Each day is a gift, and as long as my eyes open I will focus on the new day and all the happy memories I’ve stored away.” She went on to explain, “Old age is like a bank account(帐户). You put what you have in. So, my advice to you would be to put in a lot of happiness in the bank account of memories. Thank you for your part in filling my memory bank.” And with a smile, she said, “All my memories are happy ones.”

Mr. Jones was always happy in the nursing home and she died at the age of 108.

1. We can infer from the passage that the writer_____________. one of Mrs. Jones children a relative of Mrs. Jones in the nursing home the owner of the nursing house

2. The room in which the old lady will live ____________.

A.isn’t in good condition fairly big very comfortable equipped with new furniture

3. Which of the following words can best describe Mrs. Jones?





4. The author intends to tell us_________________.

A.why the lonely woman was happy

B.what a nursing home was alike to live a long life to lead a happy life



In 1995, Susan Boyle went to Glasgow to audition (试演) for My Kind of people, a televised talent show popular in the UK. She was immediately rejected. She was nervous during the audition, and felt she didn't perform well, but her brother said that she was rejected because of her plain looks. Boyle was not discouraged and continued to sing at church and at the karaoke nights in a local pub.

Boyle suffered a personal loss in 1997, when her father passed away. After his death. Boyle put her big dreams on hold to care for her sick mother Bridget Boyle. The mother and daughter often talked of Susan's possible fame. Bridget Boyle encouraged her daughter to take part in singing competitions. “She was the one who said I should enter Britain's Got Talent. We used to watch it together.” Susan later told reporters. “She thought I would win.”

In 1999, Boyle used all of her savings to pay for a professional demo (样本唱片) tape. which she sent to record companies. In 2002, Boyle began taking singing lessons from voice coach Fred O'Neil.

In 2007, Boyle's mother passed away at the age of 91. A neighbor reported that when Bridget Boyle died, her daughter “wouldn't come out for three or four days or answer the door or phone.” She lived alone with her cat, Pebbles. For over a year, she refused to sing. But in August of 2008, O'Neil urged her to try out for Britain's Got Talent. Convinced that the performance would be an honor to her mother, Boyle auditioned in Glasgow, Scotland. She sang I Dreamed A Dream in the first round of the show, which was aired on 11 April 2009.

The 47-year-old Scottish woman's plain looks provided a sharp contrast (对比) to her powerfully beautiful voice. The performance astonished the audience and the judges. Online videos of her performance totaled over 40 million views within a week. Although she failed to win the final of Britain's Got Talent, Susan Boyle became globally popular. Her first album I Dreamed A Dream has sold over five million copies.

Bridget Boyle's attitude towards her daughter's musical talent can be described as      .

A. critical      B. doubtful     C. indifferent        D. optimistic

From Para. 4 we learn that Boyle      .

A. was slightly discouraged by her voice coach

B. entered Britain's Got Talent to prove her ability

C. decided to give up her singing career

D. was deeply affected by her mother's death

Which of the following is TRUE about Susan Boyle?

A. Her international fame grew rapidly in 2008.

B. Her audition for My Kind of People failed.

C. She has never stopped singing since 1995.

D. She was the winner of Britain's Got Talent.

In writing this passage, the author mainly intends to      .

A. tell us how Boyle's dream came true

B. let us know more about Boyle's personal life

C. show how Boyle was influenced by her family

D. explain how to enter and win a talent show


In 1995, Susan Boyle went to Glasgow to audition (试演) for My Kind of people, a televised talent show popular in the UK. She was immediately rejected. She was nervous during the audition, and felt she didn't perform well, but her brother said that she was rejected because of her plain looks. Boyle was not discouraged and continued to sing at church and at the karaoke nights in a local pub.

Boyle suffered a personal loss in 1997, when her father passed away. After his death. Boyle put her big dreams on hold to care for her sick mother Bridget Boyle. The mother and daughter often talked of Susan's possible fame. Bridget Boyle encouraged her daughter to take part in singing competitions. “She was the one who said I should enter Britain's Got Talent. We used to watch it together.” Susan later told reporters. “She thought I would win.”

In 1999, Boyle used all of her savings to pay for a professional demo (样本唱片) tape. which she sent to record companies. In 2002, Boyle began taking singing lessons from voice coach Fred O'Neil.

In 2007, Boyle's mother passed away at the age of 91. A neighbor reported that when Bridget Boyle died, her daughter “wouldn't come out for three or four days or answer the door or phone.” She lived alone with her cat, Pebbles. For over a year, she refused to sing. But in August of 2008, O'Neil urged her to try out for Britain's Got Talent. Convinced that the performance would be an honor to her mother, Boyle auditioned in Glasgow, Scotland. She sang I Dreamed A Dream in the first round of the show, which was aired on 11 April 2009.

The 47-year-old Scottish woman's plain looks provided a sharp contrast (对比) to her powerfully beautiful voice. The performance astonished the audience and the judges. Online videos of her performance totaled over 40 million views within a week. Although she failed to win the final of Britain's Got Talent, Susan Boyle became globally popular. Her first album I Dreamed A Dream has sold over five million copies.

1.Bridget Boyle's attitude towards her daughter's musical talent can be described as      .





2.From Para. 4 we learn that Boyle      .

A.was slightly discouraged by her voice coach

B.entered Britain's Got Talent to prove her ability

C.decided to give up her singing career

D.was deeply affected by her mother's death

3.Which of the following is TRUE about Susan Boyle?

A.Her international fame grew rapidly in 2008.

B.Her audition for My Kind of People failed.

C.She has never stopped singing since 1995.

D.She was the winner of Britain's Got Talent.

4.In writing this passage, the author mainly intends to      .

A.tell us how Boyle's dream came true

B.let us know more about Boyle's personal life how Boyle was influenced by her family

D.explain how to enter and win a talent show


