2.prepare for与be prepared for的区别: prepare for指对将要作的事“做准备 .表示动作.而be prepared for是 系表结构.指“为--做好了准备 .表示状态.试比较下面两个句子: We are preparing for the final exam. 我们正在为期末考试做准备. We are always prepared for anything to happen. 我们随时准备对付可能发生的事. 查看更多



Task Reading:

A.Riding School: You can start horse-riding at any age. Choose private or group lessons any weekday between 9 am and 8:30 pm (3:30 pm on Saturdays). There are 10 kilometres of tracks and paths for leisurely rides across farmland and open country. You will need a riding hat.
B.Sailing Club: Our Young Sailor's Course leads to the Stage 1 Sailing qualification. You’ll learn how to sail safely and the course also covers sailing theory and first aid. Have fun with other course members afterwards in the clubroom. There are 10 weekly two-hour lessons (Tuesdays 6 pm ~ 8 pm).
C.Diving Centre: Our experienced instructors offer one-month courses in deep-sea diving for beginners. There are two evening lessons a week, in which you learn to breathe underwater and use the equipment safely. You only need a swimming costume and towel. Reduced rates for couples.
D.Tennis Club: Learn to play tennis in the heart of the city and have fun at our tennis weekends. Arrive on Friday evening, leam the basic rules on Saturday and play in a competition on Sunday. There's also a disco and swimming pool. White tennis clothes and a racket are required.
E. Watersports Club: We use a two-kilometre length of river for speedboat racing, and water-skiing. A beginners' course consists of ten 20-minute lessons. You will learn to handle boats safely and confidently, but must be able to swim. The club is in a convenient central position and is open daily from 9 am to 4 pm, with lessons all through the day.
请阅读下列运动爱好者的信息,然后匹配57---60 运动爱好者与拟加入的运动学校、中心或俱乐部:
57. Jack Anderson. Jack works in the city centre and wants to take up a sport that he can do regularly in his lunch hour. He enjoys activities which are fast and a bit dangerous.
58. Margaret Lillian. Margaret already plays golf at weekends. Now she has retired and wants to leam a new activity she can do in the countryside in the mornings.
59. Peter Florian. In six weeks' time, Peter is having a holiday on a Thailand island, where he plans to explore the ocean depths. He has a 9-to-5 job and wants to prepare for this holiday after work.
60. Alice Fingelhamm. Alice is 16. She wants to do an activity one evening a week and get a certificate at the end. She would also like to make new friends.
Paper three: Writing






With 15-level courses covering the practice of listening, speaking, reading, writing, grammar and vocabulary and other aspects of English language skills, Classic English Training Courses provide not only rich interactive learning content, but English-speaking foreign teachers organizing the English class and language activities to ensure that the trainees can really apply the skills they learned to improve their English. Each class consists of about 20 trainees.


For those unable to attend the training center, they can choose our online English training courses for adults. The course provides nearly 2,000 hours, covering 15 levels of interactive English language teaching content, but also for students with special mobile portable learning tools, such as translation tools, online notebooks. Another feature of online courses is that the student still have the opportunity to chat with online teacher so that we can have 24-hour online speaking courses.


If you learn English aiming at professional development, our Business English Course will be your core course content. The teaching materials integrate the classic cases from Harvard Business School, which help trainees achieve career success by learning key English language skills. The course covers a wide range of popular business topics,including conference calls, business meetings, business speeches and business negotiations. The maximum number of the trainees in a class is 5.


If you want to learn some professional terms and phrases to promote your own career, you would be interested in learning English in our English Courses for Professions. No matter you’re working in a bank, a logistic department or a travel agency, we’ll ensure you will master the key language skills leading to success. The class size is no more than 20 trainees.


Based on the business English curriculum, our Private English Course will maximize your learning progress. These courses are specially designed for those trainees who have specific targets or additional learning need. The instructor and the trainee will have the class face to face, one to one. The schedule of the course depends on both of your instructor and you yourself.


If your are worrying about TOEIC, TOEFL or IELTS, we carefully prepare for you a variety or rich learning materials and test samples. Our outstanding team will provide you with the appropriate test service, and we have already helped your peer successfully improve test scores by 40%. Just leave your own contact information, and we’ll immediately call you and answer your all questions about the exams.


56. Now Xiao Yu is a department head working in a trade company. She often faces the challenges to argue with other companies or discuss about work with her foreign bosses. She looks forward to being promoted and earning more money.

57. Cai Liangliang has his own business. He finds he’s poor at communicating with his foreign customers. But he often flies from place to place, all around the country. For the sake of his business, he has his computer with him everywhere.

58. Wang Xin has been a secretary in the present company for 2 years, but she realizes that her professional knowledge is not enough. According to this, she plans to study abroad, and she’s now working hard on the entrance exams.

59. Li Ting likes traveling and she works as a part-time tourist guide in vocations. It’s difficult for her to introduce historical relics to her foreign customers. She prefers a class where she can have many peers to exchange ideas and learn from each other.

60. Wu Peng is a well-known cartoon maker. He has accepted an invitation to work abroad. To make himself more convenient at work, he needs to make up his poor English. He expects to have the courses designed just for himself.



Task Reading:



A.Riding School: You can start horse-riding at any age. Choose private or group lessons any weekday between 9 am and 8:30 pm (3:30 pm on Saturdays). There are 10 kilometres of tracks and paths for leisurely rides across farmland and open country. You will need a riding hat.

B.Sailing Club: Our Young Sailor's Course leads to the Stage 1 Sailing qualification. You’ll learn how to sail safely and the course also covers sailing theory and first aid. Have fun with other course members afterwards in the clubroom. There are 10 weekly two-hour lessons (Tuesdays 6 pm ~ 8 pm).

C.Diving Centre: Our experienced instructors offer one-month courses in deep-sea diving for beginners. There are two evening lessons a week, in which you learn to breathe underwater and use the equipment safely. You only need a swimming costume and towel. Reduced rates for couples.

D.Tennis Club: Learn to play tennis in the heart of the city and have fun at our tennis weekends. Arrive on Friday evening, leam the basic rules on Saturday and play in a competition on Sunday. There's also a disco and swimming pool. White tennis clothes and a racket are required.

E. Watersports Club: We use a two-kilometre length of river for speedboat racing, and water-skiing. A beginners' course consists of ten 20-minute lessons. You will learn to handle boats safely and confidently, but must be able to swim. The club is in a convenient central position and is open daily from 9 am to 4 pm, with lessons all through the day.

请阅读下列运动爱好者的信息,然后匹配57---60 运动爱好者与拟加入的运动学校、中心或俱乐部:

57. Jack Anderson. Jack works in the city centre and wants to take up a sport that he can do regularly in his lunch hour. He enjoys activities which are fast and a bit dangerous.

58. Margaret Lillian. Margaret already plays golf at weekends. Now she has retired and wants to leam a new activity she can do in the countryside in the mornings.

59. Peter Florian. In six weeks' time, Peter is having a holiday on a Thailand island, where he plans to explore the ocean depths. He has a 9-to-5 job and wants to prepare for this holiday after work.

60. Alice Fingelhamm. Alice is 16. She wants to do an activity one evening a week and get a certificate at the end. She would also like to make new friends.

Paper three: Writing



1. 图画内容反映了什么?

参考词汇:倒计时牌          a countdown board 
过度关心和监管    excessive care and supervision
With the College Entrance Examination around the corner, parents are making great efforts to help their child to prepare for it.




1. 图画内容反映了什么?







参考词汇:倒计时牌          a countdown board 

过度关心和监管    excessive care and supervision


With the College Entrance Examination around the corner, parents are making great efforts to help their child to prepare for it.



