What's a 747's motto? 查看更多



In 2006, the UK government started to allow universities in England and Wales to charge British students tuition fees. More than 80 percent of students in England and Wales now take out a student loan in order to go to university. They use the loan (贷款)  to pay for tuition fees, books and living expenses. Although the interest on student loans is quite low, it begins as soon as the student receives the loan. The average student in England and Wales now graduates from university with debts of around £12,000. Students of medicine usually have debts of more than £20,000. That is a lot of money. It means graduates cannot afford to buy a house for many years. They even struggle to pay rent on a flat, because they have to start paying back the student loan after graduating. If you start to earn over £15,000 a year, the government takes repayments directly from your monthly salary. Is it any surprise, therefore, that the average British person does not leave their parents’ home until they are 30 years old?

You might think that a British person with a degree will find it easy to get a well-paid job. However, most people in white-collar jobs seem to have a degree these days, so there is a lot of competition. Also, British companies tend to value work experience over a piece of paper. Like everyone else, graduates usually have to start at the bottom and work their way up. That can be very frustrating for them, since they are often over-qualified for the work they are doing. While at university, they have dreams of getting an exciting, challenging job. Therefore, life after university ends up being quite disappointing for a lot of graduates.

All of the above is beginning to make British people question whether a university degree is really worth the money.

1.What's the best title of this passage?

A.What's a University Education worth in the UK?

B.There is a lot of competition in the UK

C.There won't be any University Place left for British students

D.It doesn't cost students more and more to attend university

2.What's the following is true?  

A.University Education is really worth the money in England

B.University Education is worth all over the world except in England

C.British education is becoming more expensive for a majority of British students

D.British students don't like to go to university

3.We can infer from the passage ____

A.The average British person didn't leave their parents' home until they are

35 years old

B.Having a degree doesn't get aBritish person a good job

C.Students are graduating without larger and larger debts.

D.things are easier for students from other countries coming to study

in the UK without money

4.The word "interest" in paragraph2 means_______

A. money paid for a week's work

B. money borrowed from a band

C. a regular monthly salary

D. extra money paid on a loan or bank savings



HOW would you like to step into the world of other people’s dreams? That’s just what Dom Cobb (Leonardo DiCaprio) does. His work is to steal secrets from people when they are asleep and dreaming. He has an even rarer ability: He can plant an idea in someone’s sleeping mind, and watch it grow and take root in reality. This ability is called inception.
The movie Inception (《盗梦空间》) was on show in Chinese cinemas not long ago. It is imaginative, of course. The movie leads one to wonder just how much we know about dreams. For years, scientists and researchers have been trying to solve sleep’s greatest mystery.
Is it possible to enter someone’s dreaming mind? In the movie, DiCaprio uses a drug and a dream machine to put a scenario (某一特定情节) into someone’s sleeping mind. He then goes to sleep himself, connected to the machine, and enters the other person’s dream.
In real life, there is a machine that can read someone’s mind. A brain scanner takes pictures of brain activity, and then the software recreates images of what the person was looking at.
Researchers say it may be possible one day to record someone’s dream – without the danger (or the fun) of actually sharing that dream.
What’s a dream, anyway? A dream is a group of images and sounds our brain creates when we’re sleeping. In the 1950s, researchers discovered a sleeping condition that happened around every 90 to 120 minutes during sleep: rapid eye movement, or REM. During this period you’re fast asleep, yet your eyes move around quickly under your eyelids (眼皮) and your brain is nearly as active as during the day. That’s when most dreams happen.
What do dreams mean? Dreams are not always filled with meaning. Sometimes dreams are just your mind playing with thoughts and images from your life, or things you may have read or seen on TV. But at other times, dreams show things that you want to achieve in real life, or things that cause you trouble or stress.
【小题1】The movie Inception is mentioned at the beginning of the article to ______.

A.encourage readers to watch the movie
B.tell readers about people with special dreaming abilities
C.inform readers about the science of dreams
D.warn reader about the threat of dream stealers
【小题2】According to the article, how does a brain scanner work?
A.It records dreams.
B.It uses a special drug that causes no pain.
C.It finds out what dreams mean.
D.It takes pictures of brain activity and recreates images.
【小题3】 According to the article, which of the following statements about REM sleep is TRUE?
A.Most dreams occur in REM sleep.
B.Over the last ten years scientists have solved the mystery of REM sleep.
C.People always remember what they have dreamed in a REM sleep.
D.People can have REM sleep all night.
【小题4】 The article claims that ______.
A.dreams tell us a lot about a person’s character
B.dreams are connected to real life
C.dreams are useful and help keep our brains active
D.dreams are usually about meaningful things


American Watersports Tuesday-Saturday
Located on the beach of the Sea Gardens Beach Resort, there are fun things to
rent for the whole family. They offer rentals for kayaks, jet skis, and even parasail!
Enjoy the water up-close or from a bird’s eye view! No matter what activity you’re
enjoying, be sure to protect yourself and your family from the sun’s powerful rays and  apply plenty of sun block!
15th Street Boat Company Monday-Saturday
15th Street Boat Company offers rental boats of all kinds. They’re sure to have what you are looking for, whether it’s a small boat for a quick and simple outing or an extravagant boat with comfortable seats with a stereo and high tech navigation. You can rent a boat for half a day or a couple of days, or even weeks at a time. If you want it, they’ve got it. It’s fun for everyone!
Coconut’s Watersports 9am-5pm Monday-Sunday
Coconut’s Watersports is open 7 days a week and offers tons of water fun for the whole family. Jet Ski activities last 30 minutes or 1 hour and can make stops along the way. You must be at least 14 years of age to ride alone and can be as young as 3 to ride along with an adult. Everybody is required to wear a life jacket and a license is required to operate the Jet Ski. Bathing suits and shorts are recommended.
Jet Ski Tours of Miami 10am-7pm Thursday-Sunday
Jet Ski Tours of Miami includes onsite parking, indoor restrooms, lockers, and life jackets for participants. You may choose a one or two tour and each Jet Ski can hold up to 3 people. You must be at least 18 years old in order to ride. As long as you are accompanied by an adult, there is no age limitation for any passenger. There is a restaurant nearby to eat at. The tour visits 6 different islands and passes by Bayside and Hard Rock. You may even catch sight of dolphins, turtles or a crab resting in these splendid Florida waters.
【小题1】You should especially protect yourself from sun burnt while visiting______.

A.Jet Ski Tours of Miami
B.Coconut’s Watersports
C.15th Street Boat Company
D.American Watersports
【小题2】Which of the following can help you enjoy sailing a boat?
A.Go to the Sea Gardens Beach Resort.
B.Visit 15th Street Boat Company.
C.Choose Jet Ski Tours of Miami.
D.Visit Coconut’s Watersports.
【小题3】What’s a must to ride alone in the Jet Ski activities?
A.One must be at least 14 years old.
B.One must wear bathing suits and shorts.
C.One must apply plenty of sun block.
D.One must be accompanied by parents.
【小题4】What will you do to satisfy your son’s curiosity about sea animals?
A.You would like to rent a boat to ride with him.
B.You need a boat with comfortable seats with a stereo.
C.You’d like to choose American Watersports.
D.You prefer the tour to Bayside and Hard Rock.



If you have to miss a meal a day, which meal will cause you fewest health problems if you don’t eat it? If you have to make a decision of this type, most people (especially very busy people) will choose to skip breakfast.

However, many experts in the field of health consider breakfast ( the meal which “break” you “fast” ) to be the most important  meal of the day. If we eat a good breakfast, they say, we will have the energy and nutrients (营养) we need to begin our working day with vigor(活力) and stay hopeful with good honor. However, many people skip breakfast or substitute a cup of coffee for a well balanced meal. What happens if we ignore the importance of breakfast?

One recent study conducted in the United States tested a large number of people. Participants(参加者) included both males and females who ranged in age from 12 to 83. The results showed that if a person eats an adequate(丰富的) breakfast, he or she will work more efficiently(效率高地) and more productively than if he or she skips breakfast or eats a very poor breakfast. This fact appears to be especially true if a person’s work involves mental(脑力的) activities. The study showed that if school-children eat fruit, eggs, bread and milk before going to school, they will learn more quickly and will be able to concentrate on their lessons for a longer period of time than if their breakfast is inadequate(不丰富).

The study also showed that contrary to what people believe, if you skip breakfast, you will not lose weight. This is because people become so hungry if they skip breakfast that they eat too much for lunch and end up gaining weight instead of losing. So remember, if you want to lose weight, skipping breakfast will not help you. You will likely lose more weight if you decrease your other meals.

1. According to experts, breakfast is the most important meal of the day because _____.

A.a good breakfast breaks you down fast

B.you’ll lose weight quickly if you skip breakfast

C.breakfast provides what a person needs to work

D.after a long night, you’ll feel very hungry

2.The underlined part “substitute a cup of coffee for a well balanced meal”(Para. 2) probably means _______.

A.to exchange a cup of coffee for a well balanced meal.

B.To drink a cup of coffee instead of a well balanced meal.

C.To change a cup of coffee into a well balanced meal.

D.To regard a cup of coffee as a well balanced meal.

3.The example of school-children in para.3 shows that _______.

A.school-children will be quick and attentive all day if they eat breakfast

B.a proper breakfast will make mental workers more efficient

C.fruit, eggs, bread and milk are the best breakfast for mental workers

D.school-children who have breakfast are much brighter than those who don’t

4.Which of the following is NOT true according to Para. 4?

A.Some people skip breakfast because they want to be slimmer.

B.Most people who skip breakfast actually eat more for lunch.

C.People put on weight because they eat too much breakfast.

D.Skipping breakfast won’t help people who want to lose weight.

5.The best title of the passage is _______.

A.How to Lose Weight                     B.What’s a Healthy Diet

C.Surprising Results of a Study               D.Breakfast – A Meal That Breaks You Fast



American Watersports Tuesday-Saturday

Located on the beach of the Sea Gardens Beach Resort, there are fun things to

rent for the whole family. They offer rentals for kayaks, jet skis, and even parasail!

Enjoy the water up-close or from a bird’s eye view! No matter what activity you’re

enjoying, be sure to protect yourself and your family from the sun’s powerful rays and  apply plenty of sun block!

15th Street Boat Company Monday-Saturday

15th Street Boat Company offers rental boats of all kinds. They’re sure to have what you are looking for, whether it’s a small boat for a quick and simple outing or an extravagant boat with comfortable seats with a stereo and high tech navigation. You can rent a boat for half a day or a couple of days, or even weeks at a time. If you want it, they’ve got it. It’s fun for everyone!

Coconut’s Watersports 9am-5pm Monday-Sunday

Coconut’s Watersports is open 7 days a week and offers tons of water fun for the whole family. Jet Ski activities last 30 minutes or 1 hour and can make stops along the way. You must be at least 14 years of age to ride alone and can be as young as 3 to ride along with an adult. Everybody is required to wear a life jacket and a license is required to operate the Jet Ski. Bathing suits and shorts are recommended.

Jet Ski Tours of Miami 10am-7pm Thursday-Sunday

Jet Ski Tours of Miami includes onsite parking, indoor restrooms, lockers, and life jackets for participants. You may choose a one or two tour and each Jet Ski can hold up to 3 people. You must be at least 18 years old in order to ride. As long as you are accompanied by an adult, there is no age limitation for any passenger. There is a restaurant nearby to eat at. The tour visits 6 different islands and passes by Bayside and Hard Rock. You may even catch sight of dolphins, turtles or a crab resting in these splendid Florida waters.

1.You should especially protect yourself from sun burnt while visiting______.

A.Jet Ski Tours of Miami

B.Coconut’s Watersports

C.15th Street Boat Company

D.American Watersports

2.Which of the following can help you enjoy sailing a boat?

A.Go to the Sea Gardens Beach Resort.

B.Visit 15th Street Boat Company.

C.Choose Jet Ski Tours of Miami.

D.Visit Coconut’s Watersports.

3.What’s a must to ride alone in the Jet Ski activities?

A.One must be at least 14 years old.

B.One must wear bathing suits and shorts.

C.One must apply plenty of sun block.

D.One must be accompanied by parents.

4.What will you do to satisfy your son’s curiosity about sea animals?

A.You would like to rent a boat to ride with him.

B.You need a boat with comfortable seats with a stereo.

C.You’d like to choose American Watersports.

D.You prefer the tour to Bayside and Hard Rock.


