5.Just after putting away the dishes, A. the doorbell rang loud B. Nancy heard the doorbell ring C. someone knocked at the door D. the doorbell was run 查看更多



【小题1】There are different t________ of blood, as you know.
【小题2】He seems to be doing nothing , but _____________ ( 实际上 ) he is just waiting for his chance.
【小题3】There was a choice of four prizes, and the winner could s____________ one of them.
【小题4】The two brothers looks the same in a_____________,but they are different in character.
【小题5】The family began to d___________ the Christmas tree with glass balls and lights a week ago.
【小题6】After p_____________ him to give up smoking, Kate was in relief.
【小题7】We can d____________ many songs from the internet nowadays.
【小题8】Since we are short of money, I can’t afford to buy a new car to _________ (取代) my old one.
【小题9】I would be most g__________ if you would send me the book immediately.
【小题10】Ye Shiwen won two gold m____________, which surely makes the “west society" uncomfortable.



1.There are different t________ of blood, as you know.

2.He seems to be doing nothing , but _____________ ( 实际上 ) he is just waiting for his chance.

3.There was a choice of four prizes, and the winner could s____________ one of them.

4.The two brothers looks the same in a_____________,but they are different in character.

5.The family began to d___________ the Christmas tree with glass balls and lights a week ago.

6.After p_____________ him to give up smoking, Kate was in relief.

7.We can d____________ many songs from the internet nowadays.

8.Since we are short of money, I can’t afford to buy a new car to _________ (取代) my old one.

9.I would be most g__________ if you would send me the book immediately.

10.Ye Shiwen won two gold m____________, which surely makes the “west society" uncomfortable.



     Many people have 1.d__________ of becoming a famous singer or musician. 2.H__________
speaking, they 3.a__________ great importance to becoming rich and famous. Some may
4.f__________ a band in high school and give 5.p__________ on pubs or clubs. The Monkees started
in a different way. They began as a TV show. There was only one musician in the band. The other three
were actors. They had to 6.r__________ on other musicians to help them. They just 7.p__________ to
sing. They became even more popular than the Beatles. Not everyone likes the life after they become
famous. They can't go anywhere 8.w__________ being followed. Their 9.p__________ life is regularly
discussed. Some become so 10.s__________ to it that they decide to leave the stage




1.When does the play start?

[  ]

A.At 6:30.

B.At 8:00.

C.At 6:00.

2.How marry letters does he write to his mother in a month?

[  ]




3.Who do you think broke the rule?

[  ]

A.Uncle Jim.



4.What can we learn from the conversation?

[  ]

A.The man couldn't find a perking lot.

B.It's hard to find a place to leave the car.

C.The woman was worried about her late arrival.

5.What does the woman suggest?

[  ]

A.Exercise just after getting up.

B.Eating something good for breakfast.

C.Not exercising so many times a day.



6.What are they talking about?

[  ]

A.Changjiang Travel.

B.TV programmes.

C.A football match.


7.When does the football match start?

[  ]

A.1:00 a. m.

B.1:00 p.m.

C.9:00 p. m.

8.What do we know from the dialogue?

[  ]

A.Both of them like watching football matches.

B.The dialogue between them isn't at home.

C.They watch TV every evening.

9.What was the woman's main purpose in going to New York during the vacation?

[  ]

A.To learn English.

B.To visit an American family.

C.To go sightseeing.

10.When did the woman come back from America?

[  ]

A.On July 5th.

B.On July 6th.

C.On August 25th.

11.What in particular did the woman talk about the American classes?

[  ]

A.The teacher were kind.

B.The students were free.

C.There were a lot of activities in class.


12.Who shot Abraham Lincoln?

[  ]

A.A slave owner from south.

B.A player at the theatre.

C.A young man of 25 .

13.When did Lincoln died?

[  ]

A.On the evening of April 14,1865.

B.On the evening of April 15,1865.

C.On the morning of April 15,1865.

14.Where did Lincoln died?

[  ]

A.At the theatre.

B.At the hospital.

C.On the way home.


15.What happened when he was thirty-one?

[  ]

A.He was blind.

B.He was deaf.

C.He gave concerts.

16.How many years were the great musician alive?

[  ]




17.What did Beethoven do when he lost his hearing?

[  ]

A.He never gave in.

B.He stopped writing music pieces.

C.He lost his heart .


18.What caused the accident?

[  ]

A.Alfred had drunk too much.

B.Alfred was driving too fast.

C.The old man walked too slowly.

19.Why did Alfred drive away without helping the old man?

[  ]

A.Because he thought the old man was not really injured.

B.Because he thought the police would help the old man.

C.Because he thought no one else would notice him and he couldn't be found out.

20.What do you think of Alfred?

[  ]

A.A fearless person.

B.A dishonest man.

C.An experienced driver.


  Every year just after Christmas the January Sales start.All the shops reduce their prices and for two weeks, they are full of people looking for bargains.My husband and I do not normally go to the sales as we don’t like crowds and in any case are short of money as we have to buy lots of Christmas presents.

  Last year, however, I took my husband with me to the sales at the large shop in the center of London.We both needed some new clothes and were hoping to find a television set.When we got to station, I left my husband and started looking around the shops.Unfortunately all the clothes were in very large sizes and so were not suitable for me.But I did buy a television at a very cheap price, so I felt quite pleased with myself.

  When I arrived at the station, my husband was not there.So I sat down in a nearby cafe to have a cup of tea.I quickly finished my tea when I saw my husband and went out to meet him.He looked very happy.Then I saw he was carrying a large and heavy cardboard box.“Oh, dear!”I thought.Yes, we had no new clothes but two televisions.We shall not be going to the sales again.


In January ________.

[  ]


lots of people go shopping for discount


people have a lot of money to spend after Christmas


all the shops close for a two-week Christmas holiday


people don’t have enough money to go looking for bargains


In this passage, the word“bargain”could best be replaced by“something ________”.

[  ]


given to people


offered at a reduced price


offered, sold or bought which is expensive


sold for the purpose of reaching an agreement


The husband and wife in the story ________.

[  ]


wished to buy a TV


went to the sales the year before


often went to the sales to buy clothes


were usually not short of money after Christmas


After their day’s shopping, they ________.

[  ]


were happy with their bargains


had got everything they wanted


got more than they had hoped for


had to go back to the sales the next day

