17.What’s the first step in making a new shoe? A.Test several pairs. B.Design a shoe model. C.Put a design plan into a computer. 查看更多




第二节:阅读下列材料, 从所给的六个选项(A、B、C、D、E、和F) 中,选出符合各小题要求的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。选项中有一项是多余选项。

It was coming up on Mother’s Day, and John usually tried to make it “back home”, but this year he was just too tired. He was in a small town just outside of Little Rock when he drove by a flower shop. He said to himself. “I know what I will do, I’ll send Mom some roses.”

   He went into the small shop and saw a young boy talking to the clerk. “How many roses can I get for six dollars, ma’am?” The boy asked. The clerk was trying to explain that roses were expensive. Maybe the young man would be happy with carnations.

   “No. I have to have roses,” he said. “My Mom was sick so much last year and I didn’t get to spend much time with her. I want to get something special. It has to be red roses, because that’s her favourite.”

The clerk looked up at John and was just shaking her head. Something inside of John was touched by the boy’s voice. He wanted to get those roses so bad. John had been blessed in his business, and he looked at the clerk and silently mouthed that he would pay for the boy’s roses.

The clerk looked at the young man and said, “Okay, I will give you a dozen red roses for your six dollars.” The young man almost jumped into the air. He took the flowers and ran from the store. It was worth the extra thirty-five dollars just to see that kind of excitement.

John ordered his own flowers and had the clerk to be sure that delivery would include a note telling his mother how much he loved her. As he drove away from the shop, he was feeling very good. He caught a light about two blocks from the shop. As he waited at the light, he saw the young boy walking down the sidewalk. He watched him cross the street and enter a park through two huge gates. Suddenly, he realized it wasn't a park. It was a cemetery(墓地). He saw the young man stop by a small monument and go to his knees. He carefully laid the roses on the grave and began to cry.

As he cried, John heard the young man speak, “Mommy, oh Mommy, why didn’t I tell you how much I love you. Why didn’t I tell you one more time? Jesus, please, find my Mommy. Tell my Mommy I love her."

John turned, tears in his eyes, and walked back to his car. He drove quickly to the flower shop and told her he would take the flowers personally. He wanted to be sure and tell his Mother one more time just how much he loved her.

1. How much money did the young man’s flowers altogether cost?

A. 41 dollars      B. 6 dollars      C. 35 dollars       D.29 dollars 

2. What’s the main reason that John helped the young man pay the roses?

 A. Because he had a lot of money.

B. Because they are good friends.

C. Because he was moved by what the young man said.

 D. Because he likes to help others.

3. According to the passage, which sentence is true?

A. The young man’s mother has passed away.

B. The young man often tells his mother that he loves her.

C. John often goes home to visit his mother.

D. John doesn’t love his mother.

4. What can we infer from the last paragraph?

A. He will have the flowers delivered to his mother.

B. He will send the flowers to his mother himself.

He decided to buy more flowers.

He will not buy the flowers.




L:  ____1____.

S: I want to borrow a book, can you recommend(介绍) an interesting one?

L:  ____2____.

S:  I like story and travel books.

L:   Have you read “Song of Youth”?

S:  Oh, yes, I have. I want a book written by Mark Twain.

L:  ____3____.

S:  “ The Adventures of Tom Sawyer”?

L:  All right. I’ll get it for you.

S:  ____4____

L:  You may keep it for two weeks.

S:  ____5____.

L:  You may come and renew them.

S:  Thank you for your kind help.

L:  You are welcome. Good-bye!

S:  Good-bye!

A.What shall I do if I can’t finish it on time.

B.Good morning! What can I do for you?

C.What’s the title of the book?

D.What do you want?

E. Of course, I can. But tell me first what kind of books you like to read

F. How long may I borrow the book?

G. Thanks a lot. How long may I keep the book?




What can I do for you, sir?

I bought this mobile last Saturday here in your shop. 1.

What’s the matter with it?


How long does it last?

It can last only one day! Then, I’ll have to recharge it. Sometimes it just turns off by itself.

It doesn’t seem to matter much. 3.

I’d like you to return the money.

4.We can repair the mobile for you.

No, I hope you can change it for a new one of the same model at least.

All right. 5.

A. I’m sorry, but we can’t.

B. But it doesn’t work well.

C. Is there anything wrong?

D. So what do you want us to do?

E. The battery doesn’t last long.[来源:Zxxk.Com]

F. We can change it for another one.

G. All right, don’t worry.




1. H___________ the Olympic Games is a great honour to us Chinese people.

2. An a_____________ is a person who does a sport.

3. Bank of China has b____________ all over the country.

4. I’m d_____________ at your success in the final exam.

5. What’s the s______________ of the symbol “♀”?

6. The burning coals started to f___________ yellow and orange.

7. Some p_____________ gathered around the victim to try to help him while others directed the traffic.

8. We drove two hours to attend the opening c______________ of the final festival.

9. We shouldn’t look down on those who do p_____________ labour.

10. We should take measures to meet the increasing r______________ of the people.

11. He is always watching CCTV news broadcast on c________________ affairs.

12. Nowadays, many places have been developed into tourist a________________.

13. This story just happened on the p______________ evening .

14. Mr Johnson, a member of the I________________ Olympic Committee will visit a

high school in Beijing.

15. What’s your f________________ sport of the five?

16. There are 12 _______________ (选手) in the two-hundred-metre dash.

17. The main _______________ (体育馆) for 2008 Olympic Games will be completed by 2006.

18. He was given a _________________(奖章)for his bravery in the accident.

19. E____________ a new sport into the Olympics can be a long process.

20. U____________ women were allowed to compete in honour of the wife of Zeus.




Try this little test. A man dressed completely in black is sitting at a bar in a country pub. He is drinking one whisky after another. After three hours, the man in black leaves the pub and walks drunkenly down a small country road. There are no lights, and there is no moon. A car without headlights approaches. The driver notices the man, however, and is able to brake in time to avoid an accident. How could the driver see the man in black? Think about this.

The reason we can get stuck with this – and other problems in life—is that we make assumptions. If we assume that the man in black is out for an evening drink, then the problem is a hard one to solve.

The dictionary describes an assumption as something we take for granted or suppose to be true. Assumptions are essential to logical thinking and decision-making, but what happens if they are false?

Sometimes false assumptions can lead to disaster. On 8 January 1989, a British Midland Airways Boeing took off from Heathrow for Belfast. The number-two (right) engine, which had caused trouble on the previous flight, had been cleared. Twenty minutes after take-off, the plane began to shake violently. The flight recorder later showed what had happened. The captain asked the co-pilot what the problem was. “It’s the f-ing right engine again!” he replied. The captain ordered no.2 engine to be shut down, and the lefthand (no.1) engine to be turned on for an emergency landing. The 737 crashed on the edge of the M1 motorway. The cause of the crash? The captain and copilot made a false assumption and shut down the wrong engine. Of the 118 passengers, 39 died and 74 suffered serious injury.

The more risky or the more expensive the decision, the more important it is to check assumptions. There is a nice way to remember the importance of assumption checking. Look at the letters in the word ASSUME, and note that taking things for granted can make an ASS(傻瓜) of U and ME.

1. What purpose does Paragraph 1 serve in the passage?

  A. To provide background information of the topic.

  B. To attract readers attention to the topic.

  C. To use an example to support the topic.

  D. To offer basic knowledge of the topic.

2. The main purpose of the passage is to remind the readers _________.

  A. of the importance of making assumptions

  B. of the danger of making assumptions

  C. to make assumptions before dealing with problems

  D. to check assumptions before dealing with problems

3. The best title for this passage may probably be __________.

  A. Assumptions Lead To Disaster

  B. Ways of Avoiding False Assumption

  C. When Things Are Not as They First Seem

  D. Assumptions and Decision-making

4. The most probable reason that the driver can see the man in black is that       .

  A. there were bright stars in the sky when the accident happened.

  B. the driver had very good eyesight.

  C. the accident happened where the lights were bright.

  D. the accident happened during the afternoon, in daylight.


