2.He is very strong. He will be able for another hour. 查看更多



Old Behrman was a painter but was a failure in art. For years, he had always been planning to paint a work of art, but had never yet begun it. He earned a little money by serving as a model to artists who could not pay for a professional model. He was a fierce, little, old man who protected the two young women in the studio apartment above him.

Sue found Behrman in his room. In one area was a blank canvas(画布) that had been waiting twenty – five years for the first line of paint. Sue told him about Johnsy and how she feared that her friend would float away like a leaf on the old ivy vine climbing hopelessly up the outside block wall.

Old BeYucman was angered at such an idea. “ Are there people in the world with the foolishness to die because leaves drop off a vine?”

“She is very sick ,” said Sue, “and the disease has left her mind full of strange ideas.”

“This is not any place in which one so good as Miss Johnsy shall lie sick, “  yelled Behrman .  “Some day I will Paint a masterpiece,and we shall all go away.”

Johnsy was sleeping when they went upstairs. Sue pulled the shade down to cover the window. She and Behrman went into the other room. They looked out a window fearfully at the ivy vine. Then they looked at each other without speaking. Beluman sat and posed as the miner.

The next morning, Sue awoke after an hour’ s sleep. She found Johnsy with wide – open eyes staring at the covered window.

“Pull up the shade; I want to see,” she ordered, quietly. Sue obeyed.

Despite the strong wind, yet there was one ivy leaf against the wall. It was the last one on the vine. It was still dark green at the center. But its edges were colored with the yellow. “It is the last one,” said Johnsy.“I thought it would surely fall during the night. It will fall today and I shall die at the same time.”

“Dear, dear!” said Sue,“Think of me, if you won’t think of yourself. What would I do?”

But Johnsy did not answer.

The next moming, when it was light, Johnsy demanded that the window shade be raised. The ivy leaf was still there.

“I’ ve been a bad girl, “  said Johnsy ,  “Something has made that last leaf stay there to show me how bad I was. It is wrong to want to die. You may bring me a little soup now.”

An hour later she said: “Someday I hope to paint the Bay of Naples.”

Later in the day, the doctor came, and Sue talked to him in the hallway.

“Even chances.  With good care,  you’ll win, “ said the doctor.  “And now I must see another case I have in your building. Behrman, his name is-some kind of an artist, I believe. Pneumonia(肺炎),too. He is an old, weak man and his case is severe. There is no hope for him; but he goes to the hospital today to ease his pain.”

The next day , the doctor said to Sue:“She’ s out of danger. You won..”

 “I have something to tell you, Johnsy, “ she said.“Behrman died today. And look out the window, dear, at the last ivy leaf on the wall. Didn’ t you wonder why it never moved when the wind blew? Ah, darling, it is Behrman’ s masterpiece—he painted it there the night that the last leaf fell.”

75. What was in Johnsy’ s mind all the time?

A. When the last leaf falls I must go.

B. The old ivy leaves have little to do with my getting well.

C. I am such a bad girl as to make everything messy.

D. Someday I hope to paint a masterpiece.

76. Which detail in the passage suggests that Behnnan was a failure?

A. He worked as a miner to make ends meet.

B. His drawing board had waited 25 years to receive the first line of his masterpiece

C. He was protective of the two girls but mostly sensitive and fierce.

D. He was a professional model waiting for his great opportunity.

77. We can learn from the story that_____.

A. The relationship between the two artist girls was developed on material comfort

B. The three artists mentioned in the story shared a studio apartment

C.Behnnan showed great sympathy for the two youth

D. Johnsy was somehow annoyed to be accompanied by a never – succeeded artist

78. What does the underlined part “Even chances.” mean ?

A. The doctor indicated that Johnsy was doomed to die.

B.The doctor thought that they should let her go.

C. The doctor believed that Johnsy had every chance of recovery

D. The doctor put her chances at fifty – fifty.

79. When Johnsy said she had been a bad girl, she meant that_____.

A. asking for death was not right

B. she deserved more severe punishment

C. she should never forget about her dream.

D. she was ashamed not to be able to support the other two.

80. The short story can be listed as a typical example of stories with_____.

A. surprise endings                   B. vivid contrasts ( 对比)

C. artistic imagination                D. attractive openings





M:Would you like a red skirt?

W:No.I don’t like red skirt.

M:How about yellow, green?

W:Yes.But they are too short.

M:We have some longer ones but they are orange.

W:Good.I like orange best.

1.hat color does the girl like best?




W:I really enjoyed meeting your parents.I hope they like me.

M:Don’t worry.I’m sure they’ll say yes.

2.hat’s the probable relationship between the two speakers?

A.Husband and wife.

B.A girl and her boyfriend.

C.Teacher and student.

M:Do you have to go now?

W:Yes, I’m afraid I do.I’ll get up at 6∶30 tomorrow to catch the first bus, and to be at work at 7∶30 in my factory.

3.hat are the two speakers doing?

A.Catching the earliest bus.

B.Working in a clothes factory.

C.Saying goodbye to each other.

M:I’d like a first-class ticket to London.

W:Fine.The next flight leaves at 4 p. m.

4.here are the two speakers?

A.In a classroom.

B.At a booking office.

C.At a railway station.

M:When do you serve lunch?

W:Around 12 o’clock.But you can order some drinks now.

M:Are they free of charge?

W:For soft drinks, yes.

5.hat can you know from the conversation?

A.It is 12 o’clock now.

B.Drinks are free of charge.

C.Soft drinks are free of charge.




W:Tom, I have some presents for you and Tim.You can choose two of them.

M:Why not three?You have five here.

W:Because you choose first.

M:Then ask Tim to choose first.

6.How many presents does the woman have?




7.Why doesn’t Tom want to choose first?

A.He thinks Tim should choose first.

B.He doesn’t like the presents.

C.He wants to get more presents.

8.Who will choose first?



C.It’s hard to say.


W:I’ve had this terrible pain in my back for three days now.I couldn’t get to sleep till around five o’clock this morning.Can you give me something for it?

M:Without a prescription, the strongest thing I can give you is aspirin.In the old days we used to be able to give out all kinds of medicine without a prescription, but these days the laws have changed and I can’t give you anything strong enough to help without a prescription.

W:Gee.Aspirin isn’t strong enough and I don’t have an appointment with my doctor until the end of the week.

M:What’s your doctor’s name?

W:My doctor is Dr Anderson.

M:Oh, Dr Anderson, I know him.He’s certainly a wonderful fellow.I’ll tell you what I can do.I can call Dr Anderson and ask him for a prescription right over the phone.I’m sure he can do that.

W:That would be wonderful.I really need to get some strong pain killers as soon as I can.Do you think he’ll still be in his office?

M:Sure, I know he stays late at the clinic every day to perform experiments.


M:You just relax and we’ll get you fixed up in no time.

9.Why is the man going to call Dr Anderson?

A.To tell him the woman is coming.

B.To make an appointment.

C.To fill the prescription.

10.Which is NOT true?

A.The woman needs drugs to kill her pain.

B.The woman thinks aspirin will solve her problem.

C.The man and the woman both like Dr Anderson.

11.Why does Dr Anderson stay late at the office?

A.He lives there.

B.He does experiments after work.

C.He loves his work.


W:Hello, China Airlines.What can I do for you, sir

M:Hello, I’d like to ask if you have the tickets to Beijing on Friday afternoon.

W:Wait a minute, please.Yes, we have.One is at 1∶30,the other at 3∶45.

M:May I have two at 3∶45?

W:Sorry, we have only one left.Would you please have the ones at 1∶30?

M:All right.

W:Thank you.When will you come for the tickets?

M:How about this afternoon?


12.What are they talking about?


B.Booking airline tickets.

C.The timetable of China Airlines.

13.On which day will the man leave for Beijing?




14.Which flight does he get at last?

A.The 1∶30 flight.

B.The 3∶45 flight.

C.The 5∶00 flight.


M:I’d like to book a ticket to Beijing.

W:What day are you planning to go?

M:I’m supposed to be in Beijing on the morning of the fourteenth, but I’d rather get there on the evening of the thirteenth.

W:What time would you like to leave?

M:Late in the afternoon, after work.

W:We’ve a flight at four thirty.

M:That’s too early.I don’t get out of work until five.Do you have a later flight?

W:The next flight is at five thirty, but there are only back seats left.What about another at six thirty?We still have some seats on the flight on the thirteenth, and it only takes you an hour and a half to get into Beijing.

M:Oh, good, I’d better take the six thirty.By the way, do they serve dinner on the flight?

W:Yes, they do.

15.Which flight does the man decide to take?

A.The six thirty flight.

B.The five thirty flight.

C.The four thirty flight.

16.What time will the man get into Beijing?

A.At five on the afternoon of the fifteenth.

B.At nine on the morning of the fourteenth.

C.At eight on the evening of the thirteenth.

17.Where will the man have supper most probably on the day when he leave for Beijing?

No one can call back yesterday.昨日不会重现。

A.At home.

B.On the plane.

C.In a restaurant.


Goats always seem to be the second best to other farm animals.They give milk, but not as much as cows do.They provide wool, but not as much as sheep do.They carry loads, but not as well as horses do.However, goats have their own special strong points.They develop well on weeds and small branches that would make cattle and sheep sick.They can live just about anywhere since they need very little space.Years ago, city residents even raised goats in their backyard.Goats can also climb just about anything, and they can even live on the steep slopes of mountains.In fact, the animal seems healthiest and happiest when there is something for them to climb.Because of all these above, goats are raised for their milk, meat, hair and leather in many parts of the world.

18.Why does the speaker say that goats are the second best to other animals?

A.They’re much smaller.

B.They don’t produce much.

C.They learn more slowly.

19.Why are goats popular in some areas?

A.They can live on steep slopes.

B.The are particularly healthy animals.

C.Their leather is very valuable.

20.What can goats provide?

A.Wool and fur.

B.Milk and meat.

C.All above.


My Way to Success

From the day I signed up for the Naumburg Competition, everything changed. I had made a decision to start again, to save my life, and that meant a 360-degree turnaround.
I kept on practicing. An enormous amount of work had to be done in two months. I went from not practicing at all to thirteen hours a day.
I spent two weeks just playing scales. If I thought I sounded bad before, now I sounded worse than awful.
At the time I lived on 72nd Street, close to West End Avenue. I had an apartment with a window the size of a shoebox. I didn't do mylaundry. I left my apartment only to walk to Juilliard─and not onBroadway like everyone else. I walked up Amsterdam Avenue because I didn't want to see anybody, didn't want to run into anybody, didn't want anyone to ask what I was doing.
I stopped going to classes and became a hermit. I even talked Miss DeLay into giving my lesson at night.
My eating habits were awful. I lived on fried sausages, a pint of peanut butter/chocolate ice cream, and a gallon of Coca-Cola every day. That's all I ate for eight weeks.
I was nuts. I was completely obsessed with getting back into shape, with doing well in this competition. If I could, people would know I was still on earth. Not to count me out; to stop asking, “Whatever happened to Nadja?”
The last week before the Naumburg auditions, I couldn't touch the violin. I had worked and worked and worked and worked and then I just couldn't work anymore.
I certainly could have used it. I wasn't as prepared as I should have been. But I simply had to say, “Nadja, you've dedicated yourself to this thing. Ready or not, do your best.”
Fifty violinists from around the world auditioned for the competition on May 25, 26, and 27, 1981. Those that made it past thepreliminaries would go on to the semifinals. Those that passed that stage would go to the finals. In years past, one violinist was chosen as winner and two received second and third place.
On May 26, the day of my audition, I went to the Merkin Concert Hall at 67th Street and Broadway. I waited, played for twenty minutes, and went home. I couldn't tell whether the preliminary judges were impressed or not. I'd find out the next evening.
Maybe subconsciously I was trying to keep busy; that night, when I fried the sausages, I accidentally set my apartment on fire. I grabbed my cat and my violin, and ran out the door. The fire was put out, but everything in my place was wrecked.
Fortunately, the phone was okay and on the evening of May 27, I had the news from Lucy Rowan Mann of Naumburg. Thirteen of us had made it.
Talk about mixed emotions. I was thrilled to be among the thirteen; a group that included established violinists, some of whom had already made records. But it also meant I had to play the next day in the semifinals of the competition.
Everyone entering the competition had been given two lists of concertos. One was a list of standard repertory pieces. The other list was twentieth-century repertory. For our big competition piece, we were to choose from each list and play a movement from one in the semifinals, and a movement from the other in the finals─if we made it that far.
From the standard repertory list, I chose the Tchaikovsky Concerto. I had been playing the Tchaik for three years, so it was a good piece for me.
From the twentieth-century list, I chose the Prokofiev G minor Concerto. I had never played it onstage before.
My goal had been just passing the auditions, but now my thought pattern began to change. If I wanted a sliver of a chance of advancing again, my brain said, “Play your strong piece first.”
Logically, I should play the Tchaikovsky in the semifinals just to make it to the next stage. Who cared if that left me with a piece I probably wouldn't play as well in the finals of the competition? It'd be a miracle to get that far.
There wouldn't be more than seven violinists chosen for the final round, and if I were in the top seven of an international group, that was plenty good enough.
The semifinals were held on May 28 in Merkin Concert Hall. You were to play for thirty minutes: your big piece first, then the judges would ask to hear another.
There was a panel of eight judges. They had a piece of paper with my choices of the Tchaikovsky and the Prokofiev in front of them. “Which would you like to play?” they asked.
I said meekly, “Prokofiev.”
My brain and all the logic in the world had said, “Play your strong piece.” My heart said, “Go for it all. Play your weak piece now, save Tchaikovsky for the finals.”
Maybe I don't listen to logic so easily after all.
My good friend, the pianist Sandra Rivers, had been chosen as accompanist for the competition. She knew I was nervous. There had been a very short time to prepare; I was sure there'd be memory slips, that I'd blank out in the middle and the judges would throw me out. My hands were like ice.
The first eight measures of the Prokofiev don't have accompaniment. The violin starts the piece alone. So I started playing.
I got through the first movement and Sandra said later my face was as white as snow. She said I was so tense, I was beyond shaking. Just a solid brick.
It was the best I'd ever played it. No memory slips at all. Technically, musically, it was there.
I finished it thinking, “Have I sold my soul for this? Is the devil going to visit me at midnight? How come it went so well?”
I didn't know why, but often I do my best under the worst of circumstances. I don't know if it's guts or a determination not to disappoint people. Who knows what it is, but it came through for me, and I thank God for that.
As the first movement ended, the judges said, “Thank you.” Then they asked for the Carmen Fantasy.
I turned and asked Sandy for an A, to retune, and later she said the blood was just rushing back into my face.
I whispered, “Sandy, I made it. I did it.”
“Yeah,” she whispered back, kiddingly, “too bad you didn't screw up. Maybe next time.”
At that point I didn't care if I did make the finals because I had played the Prokofiev so well. I was so proud of myself for coming through.
I needed a shot in the arm; that afternoon I got evicted. While I was at Merkin, my moped had blown up. For my landlord, that was the last straw.
What good news. I was completely broke and didn't have the next month's rent anyway. The landlord wanted me out that day. I said, “Please, can I have two days. I might get into the finals, can I please go through this first?”
I talked him into it, and got back to my place in time for the phone call. “Congratulations, Nadja,”“they said. “You have made the finals.”
I had achieved the ridiculously unlikely, and I had saved my best piece. Yet part of me was sorry. I wanted it to be over already. In the three days from the preliminaries to the semifinals, I lost eight pounds. I was so tired of the pressure.
There was a fellow who advanced to the finals with me, an old, good friend since Pre-College. Competition against friends is inevitable in music, but I never saw competition push a friendship out the window so quickly. By the day of the finals, I hated him and he hated me. Pressure was that intense.
The finals were held on May 29 at Carnegie Hall and open to the public. I was the fourth violinist of the morning, then there was a lunch break, and three more violinists in the afternoon.
I played my Tchaikovsky, Saint-Sa‘ns’s Havanaise, and Ravel's Tzigane for the judges: managers, famous violinists, teachers, and critics. I went on stage at five past eleven and finished at noon. Those fifty-five minutes seemed like three days.
I was so relieved when I finished playing; I was finished! It's impossible to say how happy I was to see the dressing room. I went out for lunch with my friends. It was like coming back from the grave. We laughed and joked and watched TV.
As I returned to Carnegie Hall to hear the other violinists, I realized I'd made a big mistake: they might ask for recalls. A recall is when they can't decide between two people and they want you to play again. It's been done; it's done all the time in competitions. No way was I in shape to go onstage and play again.
In the late afternoon, the competition was over. Everybody had finished playing. Quite luckily─no recalls.
The judges deliberated for an hour. The tension in the air was unbelievable. All the violinists were sitting with their little circle of friends. I had my few friends around me, but no one was saying much now.
Finally, the Naumburg Foundation president Robert Mann came on stage.
“It's always so difficult to choose ...” he began.
“Every year we hold this competition,” Robert Mann said. “And in the past, we've awarded three prizes. This year we've elected to only have one prize, the first prize.”
My heart sank. Nothing for me. Not even Miss Congeniality.
“We have found,” Mann went on, “that second place usually brings great dismay to the artist because they feel like a loser. We don't want anyone here to feel like a loser. Every finalist will receive five hundred dollars except the winner, who will receive three thousand dollars.”
And then he repeated how difficult it was to choose, how well everyone had played ...dah, dah, dah.
I was looking down at the floor.  
“The winner is ...”
And he said my name.
A friend next to me said, “Nadja, I think you won!”
I went numb. My friends pulled me up and pointed me toward the stage. It was a long walk because I had slipped into a seat in the back. Sitting up in front was my old friend. I would have to walk right past him and I was dreading it, but before I could, he got up and stopped me.
He threw his arms around me and I threw my arms around him. I kept telling him how sorry I was. I was holding him and started to cry, saying, “I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry.” I didn't want to lose, but I really didn't want him to lose either. And he was holding me and saying, “Don't be sorry. I'm so proud of you.” It was over, and we would be friends again.
I took my bow, then ran to Juilliard. Ten blocks uptown, one block west, to give Miss DeLay the news. She could be proud of me now, too.
Suddenly, everything was clear. Playing the violin is what I'd do with my life. Heaven handed me a prize: “You've been through a lot, kid. Here's an international competition.”
Everything had changed when I prepared for the Naumburg, and now everything changed again. I made my first recording. Between September 1981 and May 1982, I played a hundred concerts in America, made one trip to Europe, then two months of summer festivals. And people asked me back.
There was a great deal of anxiety playing in Europe for the first time. But I was able to rely on my self-confidence to pull me through.
Self-confidence onstage doesn't mean a lack of nerves backstage. The stakes had increased. This wasn't practice anymore, this was my life. I'd stare into a dressing-room mirror and say, “Nadja, people have bought tickets, hired baby-sitters, you've got to calm down; go out there and prove yourself.”
Every night I'd prove myself again. My life work had truly begun

  1. 1.

    In a gesture to prepare for the competition, Nadja did all the following except _________

    1. A.
      preoccupying herself in practice
    2. B.
      trying to carry out her deeds secretly
    3. C.
      abandoning going to school for classes
    4. D.
      consuming the best food to get enough energy
  2. 2.

    How many violinists does the passage mention advanced to the finals?

    1. A.
    2. B.
    3. C.
    4. D.
  3. 3.

    After Nadja finished playing at the finals, she went out for a while and when she came back to hear the other violinists she realized she had made a mistake because _________

    1. A.
      she forgot that there was going to be a recall
    2. B.
      she didn’t get hold of the permission to leave
    3. C.
      chances were that she had to replay and she was off guard
    4. D.
      there was another play she had to take part in in the afternoon

