IV. 改错 10% After the ground zero which the World Trade Center collapsed, 1. there is a specially rescue square-a dozen or so sad men who lost their sons 2. or brother in the disaster of Sept.11. For almost every day since, most 3. of these men had spent the daylight hours in search of their kin. 4. They are retired firefighters and police officers and, in a sense, they are 5. the lucky ones. Because their careers in uniform, they are able to be near 6. their lost children more rather than having to sit home and crumble. 7. “This is a hell of way to spend your retirement, said Lee Ielpi, 8. 57, the retired firefighter who found his son on Dec. 11 before 91 days 9. of searching. “But I’m leaving until the last dustpan of dirt has been 10. swept away from here. 查看更多




Did you enjoy yourself yesterday? I suppose you do. But I’d like to tell you what a bad day I had yesterday. Everything just went wrongly. On the morning, my alarm clock didn’t ring, since I woke up an hour late. I was in such a hurry that I burnt my hand when I was cooking the breakfast. Then I ran out of the house to catch the 8:30 buses. This is the bus I usually take. But, you may laugh, I missed it of course. I am very unhappy, and scared as well because teacher hates the students coming late to school. So I ran three miles to school only to found that nobody was there. The school was quiet but peaceful. Our classroom was locked. I realized that moment: It was Sunday.



I’m glad to write to you. It is near a month since you had left our hospital. I’m still worried about you. How are you get along these days? I think you may be much better now, but I’d better have a good rest and take good care of yourselves since you are sixty-year-old man. I still remember those days which you helped me to my English. With your help, I make good progress. But to my regret, my English remains very poor through I have made good use of my time. Can you give me some advice on it?



七、Error correction(短文改错)10分
Mr.Smith was a biology professor,but he had         1._________
a lot of animal bones that he was very proud.Then       2._________
one year he managed to get a better job in others       3._________
university.As he was busy at the work,his wife asked    4._________
three men to remove all their things to the new house.      5._________
One of them was just about throw a large box into the       6._________
truck with all the other things,then Mrs.Smith ran          7._________
out and said,“Please treat the box gentle! It has          8._________
all of my husband's bones in it.” Heard this,the           9._________
man was so surprising that he nearly dropped it on his feet.10._________









In a national spelling contest in America, 11-year-old


girl was asked to spell a certain word. But with her softly

77. _________

voice the judges were sure if she spelled the word with letter

78. _________

A and E . They talked it over and finally decided to simply        

79. _________

ask her what she had said. Immediately the girl knew he had

80. _________

mis-spelled the word. But instead of lying and told the judges

81. _________

she had said the correct letter, she told the truth which

82. _________

she had said the wrong letter, so she had lost the contest.

83. _________

As the girl walked off the stage, the audience stood

84. _________

to their foot clapping to applaud her honesty.

85. _________


短文改错 (10分)
注意:1. 每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;
2. 只允许修改10处,多者(从第11处起)不计分。
Mike called his wife to tell him that he had got two film tickets. He asked her to go and meet him outside the theatre. Mike’s wife is very glad because they hadn’t seen a film for quite long time. She met her husband in the entrance to the cinema. Mike took out his wallet to get the ticket, so they were not there. He then tried his pockets, but the tickets were not there, too. Mike looked very worrying. “What’s the matter?” asked his wife. “Well,” Mike explained, “I remember that I did with them. I put them on the desk and forgot to pick them up before leaving for the office!”

