The trees grow taller and taller with each passing day. 查看更多



Many year ago a poor man grew an orange tree.              76. _______
On the tree there were many fine oranges. Some day he found       77. _______
one of them was so big as a football . He took it             78. _______
to the king . The king was so happy that he gave the            79. _______
poor man lots money. When a rich man heard of it ,           80. _______
he said for himself ,"I'll take my gold cup to the king          81. _______
and he will give me much money . The next day the king receive        82. _______
from the cup . The king was very fond of the cup and he told      83. _______
the rich man, “I have an orange . It is beautiful than the cup,     84. _______
so I have decided to give it to you as the reward instead money”.     85. _______







Many year ago a poor man grew an orange tree.              76. _______

On the tree there were many fine oranges. Some day he found       77. _______

one of them was so big as a football . He took it             78. _______

to the king . The king was so happy that he gave the            79. _______

poor man lots money. When a rich man heard of it ,           80. _______

he said for himself ,"I'll take my gold cup to the king          81. _______

and he will give me much money . The next day the king receive        82. _______

from the cup . The king was very fond of the cup and he told      83. _______

the rich man, “I have an orange . It is beautiful than the cup,     84. _______

so I have decided to give it to you as the reward instead money”.     85. _______



As a boy, I am used to go the countryside to draw  66.___________

animals and plants. One day I was walking cross a field, 67.___________

looking for rabbits to draw. Losing in thought, I hadn’t 68.___________

noticed a bull to running towards me. About 100 meters  69.___________

ahead there was a tree under that I would sit and     70.___________

draw. Suddenly, I heard the noise behind me. I turned   71.___________

and saw the bull. I know a bull can run much faster    72.___________

than a man. I quickly reached the tree and climb up.   73.___________

In the tree I saw the bull kicking food bag with its   74.___________

feet. It kept do this for 15 minutes and then moved    75.___________

away. I felt quite nervous at that time.









One day a man was walking across a forest.


He had few caps in his hand. It was such


a hot weather that he decided to have a rest


under a big tree. He put one cap on his head


and lay down to sleep. The other caps were


on the ground besides him.


An hour after he woke up. To his surprise,


he found the caps on the ground missed. And he


couldn't search them anywhere. “Where are


my caps?” he said to himself. At this moment


noises from the tree attracted him. He looked up


and saw some monkeys in the tree. Every had


a cap on its head. “give me my caps!” cried he.


But monkeys couldn't understand him. They only


jumped and laughed.



阅读下列短文, 从所给的四个选项中, 选出最佳答案。

    A tree frog (蛙) is less than an inch long, yet its loud and clear call can be heard almost a mile away. It is hard to find where this sound comes even though the creature may be sitting nearby. Probably more persons hear than ever see the tiny animal. Only the full-grown male can sing, and the performance is a surprising sight to watch. The tree frog sits on its hind legs, leans back and sings. With its   mouth closed, the frog makes four two-one notes. The sac (囊) under its chin (下巴) is then a bag of loose skin. To call again, it must take another breath. A spell of cool weather may make the frogs quiet for a while, but the next warm spring night, they will be singing again.

1. We can infer (推断) from the passage that the tree frog must sit down in order to ________.

[    ]   

A. sing        

B. avoid being seen  

C. rest its hind legs  

D. eats its food  

2. What does the first sentence mean?

[    ]

A. The tree frog's song is not loud, but it can be heard a mile away.  

B. Because it is small, the tree frog's song can't be heard a mile away.  

C. Although the tree frog is small, its song can be heard a mile away.  

D. When it is an inch long, the tree frog can be heard a mile away.

3. According to the author, the frog sings without ______.

[    ]

A. leaving its hiding place  

B. making much noise  

C. opening its mouth      

D. singing the same songs again

4. In line 10, the word "spell" could be taken place of by _____.

[    ]   

A. day  

B. short period  

C. season  

D. month

5. It is clear from the passage that the tree frog is ___

[    ]

A. not easy to be noticed

B. not friendly to humans

C. easily seen in most woods

D. easily frightened by noise

