The writer understood what the teacher was doing. 查看更多



A patient of mine, a successful businessman, tells me that before his cancer he would become depressed unless things went a certain way. Happiness was “having the cookie.” If you had the cookie, things were good. If you didn’t have the cookie, life wasn’t worth a damn. Unfortunately, the cookie kept changing. Some of the time it was money, sometimes power, sometimes sex. At other times, it was the new car, the biggest contract, the most prestigious address.

A year and a half after his diagnosis of prostate(前列腺) cancer he sits shaking his head ruefully(悔恨地). “It’s like I stopped learning how to live after I was a kid. When I give my son a cookie, he is happy. If I take the cookie away or it breaks, he is unhappy. But he is two and a half and I am forty-three. It’s taken me this long to understand that the cookie will never make me happy for long. The minute you have the cookie it starts to crumble or you start to worry about it crumbling or about someone trying to take it away from you. You know, you have to give up a lot of things to take care of the cookie, to keep it from crumbling and be sure that no one takes it away from you. You may not even get a chance to eat it because you are so busy just trying not to lose it. Having the cookie is not what life is about.

My patient laughs and says cancer has changed him. For the first time he is happy. No matter if his business is doing well or not, no matter if he wins or loses at golf. “Two years ago, cancer asked me, Okay, what’s important? What is really important?” Well, life is important. Life, life, any way you can have it. Life with the cookie. Life without the cookie. Happiness does not have anything to do with the cookie, it has to do with being alive.” He pauses thoughtfully. “Damn, I guess life is the cookie.”

1.The writer should be a ________ according to the passage.

       A.teacher                       C.psychologist        D.researcher

2.What does “cookie” really mean in the passage?

       A.Desires someone has.                           B.A kind of dessert.

       C.Money he wants to get                         D.A social position.

3.The character in the passage understood the truth of life ________.

       A.when he got cancer                             B.before he got cancer

       C.after he got cancer                               D.unless he got cancer

4.The author writes the article _________. make readers know his sharp wit      get readers to think about their health have readers know how to get cookies make it clear that life is important



  Until I was twelve years old, I thought everyone in the world knew about the grinnies, if I thought about the term at all-which is unlikely.After all, everyone in my family used the word quite naturally, and we understood each other.So far as I knew, it was a word like any other word-like bath, or chocolate, or homework.But it was my homework which led to my discovery that grinnies was a word not known outside my family.

  My last report card had said that I was a “C” student in English, and my parents, both teachers, decided that no child of theirs would be just an average student of anything.So nightly I spelled words aloud and answered questions about the fine points of grammar.I wrote and rewrote and rewrote every composition until I convinced my mother that I could make no more improvements.And the hard work paid off.One day the teacher returned compositions, and there it was-a big fat, bright red “A” on the top of my paper.Naturally, I was delighted, but I didn't know I was attracting attention until the teacher spoke sharply, “Helen, what are you doing?”

  Called suddenly out of my happy thoughts, I said “Oh, I've got the grinnies!” The teacher and my classmates burst into laughter, and then I understood that grinnies were used inside my family.Other people were not so lucky.

  And it is really lucky to have the grinnies, an uncontrollable, natural state of great pleasure.Grinnies are shown on the outside by sparkling eyes and a wide, wide smile - not just any smile, but one that shows the teeth and stretches the mouth to its limits.A person experiencing the grinnies appears to be all mouth.On the inside grinnies are characterized by a feeling of joyful anxiety.Grinnies usually last just a few seconds, but they can come and go.Sometimes, when life seems just perfect, I have occasional attacks of the grinnies for a whole day.

  The term originated in my mother's family.Her younger sister, Rose, who had deep dimples(酒窝), often expressed her pleasure with such a grin that the dimples appeared to become permanent.When Rose was about four, she started explaining her funny look by saying, “I have the grinnies”.The term caught on, and it has been an important word in our family now for two generations.

  The occasion doesn't matter.Anything can bring on the grinnies-just so long as one feels great delight.When my brother finally rode his bicycle-without training wheels-from our house to the corner and back, he came home with the grinnies.When I was little, my mother's announcement that we would have homemade ice cream for dessert always gave me the grinnies.My father had the grinnies when I was chosen to make a speech at the end-of-school-year ceremony.Grinnies can be brought on by a good meal, a sense of pride, a new friend, a telephone call from someone special, an achievement.Or sometimes one gets the grinnies for no reason at all:just a sudden sense of happiness can bring on a case.Whatever brings them on, an attack of the grinnies is among life's greatest pleasures.

  In fact, now that I look back on the experience, I feel sorry for my seventh-grade teacher.I think it's a pity that she didn't know the word grinnies.It's such a useful term for saying, “I'm really, really pleased!”


After the writer was twelve years old, she ________.

[  ]


thought everyone knew the meaning of “grinnies”


equaled “grinnies” to bath or chocolate in meaning


got to know “grinnies” was used only inside her family


discovered the word “grinnies” through her mother


When her English teacher called her name, the writer was ________.

[  ]


looking at the big “A” on the top of her paper


listening to her English teacher attentively


too happy to notice what's happening around her


busy rewriting and improving her compositions


According to the writer, the word “grinnies” originates from ________.

[  ]


her mother


her aunt


her brother


her father


The writer feels sorry for her seventh-grade teacher because the teacher ________.

[  ]


has no pity on her students


should not have laughed at her


doesn't have any luck to meet her parent


has no idea of what “grinnies” is


What method does the writer use to explain “grinnies”?

[  ]


Cause and effect.




Comparison and contrast.




     Until I was twelve years old, I thought everyone in the world knew about the grinnies, if I thought
about the term at all - which is unlikely. After all, everyone in my family used the word quite naturally,
and we understood each other. So far as I knew, it was a word like any other word  - like bath, or
chocolate, or homework. But it was my homework which led to my discovery that grinnies was a
word not known outside my family.
     My last report card had said that I was a "C" student in English, and my parents, both teachers,
decided that no child of theirs would be just an average student of anything. So nightly I spelled words
aloud and answered questions about the fine points of grammar. I wrote and rewrote and rewrote every
composition until I convinced my mother that I could make no more improvements. And the hard work
paid off. One day the teacher returned compositions, and there it was - a big fat, bright red "A" on the
top of my paper. Naturally, I was delighted, but I didn't know I was attracting attention until the teacher
spoke sharply, "Helen, what are you doing?"
     Called suddenly out of my happy thoughts, I said "Oh, I've got the grinnies!" The teacher and my
classmates burst into laughter, and then I understood that grinnies were used inside my family. Other
people were not so lucky.
     And it is really lucky to have the grinnies, an uncontrollable, natural state of great pleasure. Grinnies
are shown on the outside by sparkling eyes and a wide, wide smile - not just any smile, but one that
shows the teeth and stretches the mouth to its limits. A person experiencing the grinnies appears to be
all mouth. On the inside grinnies are characterized by a feeling of joyful anxiety. Grinnies usually last just
a few seconds, but they can come and go. Sometimes, when life seems just perfect, I have occasional
attacks of the grinnies for a whole day.
     The term originated in my mother's family. Her younger sister, Rose, who had deep dimples (酒窝),
often expressed her pleasure with such a grin that the dimples appeared to become permanent. When
Rose was about four, she started explaining her funny look by saying, "I have the grinnies". The term
caught on, and it has been an important word in our family now for two generations.
     The occasion doesn't matter. Anything can bring on the grinnies - just so long as one feels great
delight. When my brother finally rode his bicycle - without training wheels - from our house to the corner
and back, he came home with the grinnies. When I was little, my mother's announcement that we would
have homemade ice cream for dessert always gave me the grinnies. My father had the grinnies when I
was chosen to make a speech at the end-of-school-year ceremony. Grinnies can be brought on by a
good meal, a sense of pride, a new friend, a telephone call from someone special, an achievement. Or
sometimes one gets the grinnies for no reason at all: just a sudden sense of happiness can bring on a
case. Whatever brings them on, an attack of the grinnies is among life's greatest pleasures.
     In fact, now that I look back on the experience, I feel sorry for my seventh-grade teacher. I think it's
a pity that she didn't know the word grinnies. It's such a useful term for saying, "I'm really, really pleased!"
1. After the writer was twelve years old, she ______.
A. thought everyone knew the meaning of "grinnies"
B. equaled "grinnies" to bath or chocolate in meaning
C. got to know "grinnies" was used only inside her family
D. discovered the word "grinnies" through her mother
2. When her English teacher called her name, the writer was ______.
A. looking at the big "A" on the top of her paper
B. listening to her English teacher attentively
C. too happy to notice what's happening around her
D. busy rewriting and improving her compositions
3. According to the writer, the word "grinnies" originates from______.
A. her mother
B. her aunt
C. her brother
D. her father
4. The writer feels sorry for her seventh-grade teacher because the teacher______.
A. has no pity on her students
B. should not have laughed at her
C. doesn't have any luck to meet her parent
D. has no idea of what "grinnies" is
5. What method does the writer use to explain "grinnies"?
A. Cause and effect.
B. Examples.
C. Comparison and contrast.
D. Process.

