I notice how extremely wise Annie was. 查看更多





It was a bitter, cold craning in evening Virginia years ago. An old man was waiting for a ride across the river. The wait seemed endless. His body became stiff the cold wind.    

He heard the faint, steady   31  of approaching hooves (马蹄) coming along the frozen path,   32 , he watched as several horsemen   33  the bend. He let the first one pass by, then another and another. Finally, the last rider neared the sport where the old man sat like a snow   34 . As this one drew near ,the old man   35 the rider’s eye and said, “Sir, would you mind giving an old man a   36  to the other side?” There appear to be passage way by foot." 

Reining his horse, the rider replied, “Sure. Hop aboard.” Seeing the old man was unable to   37  his half – frowned body from the ground, the horseman dismounted and helped the old man  onto the horse. The horse took the old man not just across the fiver ,but to his   38 .

As they neared the cottage, the horseman’   39 caused him to inquire ,"Sir ,I notice that you let several other riders   40 without making an effort to secure a ride. Then I came up and you   41 asked me for a ride. I'm curious. What if I had   42 and left you there?" 

The old man   43 himself slowly down from the horse, looked the rider straight in the eyes, and replied, "I’ve been around here for some time .I   44 I know people pretty good. The old – timer continued. I looked into the eyes of the other riders and immediately saw there was no   45 for my situation. It would have been   46 even to ask them for a ride. But when looked into your eyes, kindness and compassion were   47 . I knew, then and there, that your gentle spirit would welcome the opportunity to give me   48 my time of need.”

Those heartwarming comments   49 the horseman deeply.

“I'm most grateful for what you have said.” He told the old man .''May I have get too   50  in my own affairs that I fail to respond to the needs of others with kindness and compassion ."      

With that Thomas Jefferson turned his around and made his way back.

31.A.rhythm               B.nonce                  C.voice                  D.singing

32.A.Excitedly            B.Anxiously           C.Angrily               D.Desperately

33.A.cut                     B.rounded              C.traveled               D.repaired

34.A.hall                    B.wall                    C.statue                  D.pile

35.A.hit                      B.attracted              C.cleaned               D.caught

36.A.rest                     B.ride                    C.hand                   D.way

37.A.raise                   B.build                   C.expose                D.set

38.A.office                 B.town                   C.car                      D.destination

39.A.curiosity             B.determination      C.courage               D.confidence

40.A.pass by               B.east sway             C.turn around         D.slow down

41.A.suddenly             B.occasionally         C.slowly                 D.immediately

42.A.refused               B.flown                  C.escaped               D.rehabbed

43.A.put                     B.lowered               C.laid                     D.supported

44.A.admit                  B.imagine               C.think                   D.hope

45.A.warmth               B.kindness              C.concede               D.consideration

46.A.useless                B.worthless             C.uninteresting        D.disappointing

47.A.hidden                B.evident                C.great                   D.strong

48.A.money                B.clothes                C.assistance            D.horse

49.A.influenced           B.spoilt                  C.encouraged          D.touched

50.A.lazy                    B.tired                   C.busy                   D.proud






修改:在在错的词下划一横线, 并在该词下面写上修改后的词。

注意: 1. 每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;

2. 只允许修改10处, 多者 ( 从第11处起 ) 不计分。

After shopping, Mother and I went to a restaurant for lunch. I notice Mother looking at a nearby table occupy by an elderly woman and﹀ young couple. They are silently, and it was clearly that things were not going well. As we left, Mother stopped on their table. “Excuse me,” she said, put her arm around the unhappy old woman. “You remind me so many of my mother. May I hug ” (拥抱) you?” The woman smiled happily as she accepted to it. After we left, I said, “That was very nice of you, Mother. So I didn’t think she looked like Grandma.” “Neither did me.” said  Mother cheerfully.




    My first memories of acts of kindness are from when I was about 12 years old. From then on I always 36  at home and with friends.

That winter I notice that many  37   people had difficulty getting to the  38  store after a snowstorm. So I started to spend part of a   39   Saturday knocking at apartment doors to ask if any one needed 40  from the store. The grocery store was down a huge hill and I would bring   41   a couple of bags of groceries for them. I liked it and it made them so 42  .

It started with  43  alone and then the number grew. A short time later, my 44  in the building asked what I was doing and a couple of them  45  and it became a routine. I  46  asked for or took money for it. Sometimes the ladies 47  slip the change in my pocket. I would just buy something the next time to give to them, 48 flowers or a card. I did this every 49_ up to when I left to go to college.

When I was away at   50 , many people asked my mom how I was doing. Through those conversations she  51  what I used to do -—I had never told her.

Now, I'm a teacher and teaching my students the art of true 52 ; Everyone in the world needs help, and everyone can also   53  help. The image of those old people’s happiness caused by my      54 of goodwill appears in my mind every time I have the chance to do something   55 . This is the power of charity.

A. look around    B. run about   C. help out     D. act up

A. lazy         B. young     C. elderly      D. disabled

A. grocery         B. clothes           C. food       D. medicine

A. sunny          B. cloudy           C. rainy       D. snowy

A. anything       B. nothing      C. all          D. few

A. forwards        B. in          C. back       D. out

A. surprised        B. interested   C. ashamed     D. happy

A. myself         B. me          C. themselves  D. them

A. classmates       B. students      C. relatives     D. friends

A. gave up         B. joined in    C. paid up      D. turned away

A. sometimes      B. not         C. neither           D. never

A. would         B. should       C. could      D. dared

A. like          B. as           C. by          D. for

A. day            B. week        C. month     D. winter

A. school          B. college       C. leisure     D. work

A. recognized      B. followed    C. learned       D. proved

A. friendship       B. usefulness   C. success       D. kindness

A. offer          B. own        C. accept       D. reward

A. acts           B. words       C. thought      D. test

A. unusual         B. successful   C. hard        D. nice


One night last February, a seventeen-year-old Duffy drove home along a winding road, he saw a strange light thrown against the tree. “I knew it wasn’t the moon”, he said. “I drive this road all the time and I notice little things out of place.”
Duffy stopped his car and got out to examine. Below him far down in the deep valley lay a broken car with its headlights on. Thirty minutes earlier, a man had driven off the edge of the road, which has no guardrail. His car fell and rolled end over end, landing on its top more than two hundred feet below.
Duffy rushed to call for help, then returned and got down to reach the injured driver. Snow covered the valley and the temperature was below freezing. After struggling back up the cliff, Duffy took off his jacket and shirt and wrapped the injured man in time, along with the blankets from his car.
Life-saving deeds are starting to become usual action for Duffy, the oldest of seven children. When he was 12, he saved his ten-year-old brother from drowning. Two years ago, his three-year-old sister ate rat poison, and Duffy cleaned out her mouth, make her drink milk to protect her stomach and called doctors.
“We have tried to teach the children good values, and it looks like we have got some reward for it.” His father says.
【小题1】 The strange light came from ________.

A.The bright moon.B.Duffy’s car.
C.The broken car in the valleyD.an unknown place
【小题2】 The phrase” landing on its top” means the car lay_________.
A.on the top of the cliffB.with its wheels upward
C.with its head upwardD.on the road as usual
【小题3】From the above article, we can see Duffy has saved ________ at least.  
【小题4】 “We have tried to teach the children good values” may probably mean Duffy’s parents often tell their children_________.
A.to help people in dangerB.how to save people’s lives
C.to remember the value of the carD.how to do business



One night last February, a seventeen-year-old Duffy drove home along a winding road, he saw a strange light thrown against the tree. “I knew it wasn’t the moon”, he said. “I drive this road all the time and I notice little things out of place.”

Duffy stopped his car and got out to examine. Below him far down in the deep valley lay a broken car with its headlights on. Thirty minutes earlier, a man had driven off the edge of the road, which has no guardrail. His car fell and rolled end over end, landing on its top more than two hundred feet below.

Duffy rushed to call for help, then returned and got down to reach the injured driver. Snow covered the valley and the temperature was below freezing. After struggling back up the cliff, Duffy took off his jacket and shirt and wrapped the injured man in time, along with the blankets from his car.

Life-saving deeds are starting to become usual action for Duffy, the oldest of seven children. When he was 12, he saved his ten-year-old brother from drowning. Two years ago, his three-year-old sister ate rat poison, and Duffy cleaned out her mouth, make her drink milk to protect her stomach and called doctors.

“We have tried to teach the children good values, and it looks like we have got some reward for it.” His father says.

46. The strange light came from ________.

A. The bright moon.          B. Duffy’s car.

C. The broken car in the valley   D. an unknown place

47. The phrase” landing on its top” means the car lay_________.

A. on the top of the cliff    B. with its wheels upward 

C. with its head upward    D. on the road as usual

48. Duffy wrapped the man because_________.

A. he was badly injured    B. he had lost too much blood  

C. he had nothing on      D. it was too cold that day

49. From the above article, we can see Duffy has saved ________ at least.  

A. two     B. three     C. four      D. five

50. “We have tried to teach the children good values” may probably mean Duffy’s parents often tell their children_________.

A. to help people in danger         B. how to save people’s lives

C. to remember the value of the car     D. how to do business


