状语从句在句中起状语作用.可修饰主句中的动词.形容词和副词等.按其作用和意义可分为时间.原因.目的.结果.条件.让步.方式.比较.地点等九种.这些状语从句高中课本均有涉及.掌握其用法对我们学好主从复合句非常重要.下面将对其中难点作一些必要的提示.供同学们复习时参考. [思维1]时间状语从句.常用的引导词有 when , while , as , as soon as , before , after , since , until , hardly- when - , no sooner -. than- 等. 时态呼应.多数时间状语从句和主句的时态呼应比较明显.容易掌握.这里只说两点:其一.状语从句用一般现在时表将来.如:She will get married when she meets the right man.其二.在表“刚--就-- 的句型 hardly . . . when 和 no sooner . . . than . . . 中.主句常用过去完成时.从句常用一般过去时.如果否定词置于句首.主句可用倒装结构.如:Hardly had I entered the room when I heard a loud noise . when 和 while 的选择.when 既可引导“点 时间.也可引导“段 时间.而 while 只能引导“段 时间.如:While I was reading she came in . ( 段时间.while 可换成 when ) / When the clock struck twelve , all the lights went out . . 难点3:until 的用法.这两个词一般可互换.但 until 语气较强.可置于句首.另外还要注意.当主句的动词是延续性动词.要用肯定形式.表“到--为止 .如:Wait until he comes . 当主句动词为终止性动词.要用否定形式.表“直到--才-- .如:Don’t leave until he comes . since 的难点.since 引导的状语从句中.动词可以是延续性的也可以是终止性的.都表示状态或动作的结束.这一点在理解时要特别注意.如:Great changes have taken place since you left . It is years since he was in Beijing . ( was 是延续性.应理解为 was “在 这个状态的结果.即“自他离开北京以来 .而非字面上的“自他在北京以来 . ) [思维2] 原因状语从句.常用的引导词有 because , since , as. 难点1:because , since 和 as 的用法.because 表达一种充分理由.因果关系明显.语气较重.可回答 why 引导的问句.常置于主句之后 .而 since 和 as 指的是双方都知道的原因.语气较弱.不能用来回答 why 引导的问句.一般放在句子的开头.请注意领会下列句子. I married her , not because she was rich , but because she was good - natured , clever and beautiful . Since you don`t understand , I will explain it again . 关于表原因的连词 for.一般语法家把 for 看作并列连词.引导并列分句.功用与 because 等从属连词不同.这一点不必细究.但要明白.for 引导的分句.主要是补充说明原因.解释另一分句.不可回答 why 的问句.如 : He felt no fear , for he is brave . [思维3]目的状语从句.常用的引导词有 so that , that , in order that 等.放在主句之后.从句转换成不定式.目的状语从句可以转换为不定式.但只有主句和从句主语一致时.才能直接转换.例如:He works hard in order that he can serve the country well . ( 主从句主语一致可改为:He works hard in order to serve the country well . ) [思维4]结果状语从句.引导词有 so- that - , such - that - , 等.放在主句之后.主句表原因.从句表结果. so 和 such 的用法.so 是副词.后面跟形容词或副词.而 such 是形容词.后跟名词 .但当名词被表数量的 many , much , few , little 修饰时.要用 so.例如:There were so many people in the street that we could hardly get through . 另外.可数名词单数.有形容词修饰.可把形容词提到不定冠词前.用 so 修饰形容词.例如:It is such a heavy box that nobody can move it . = It is so heavy a box that nobody can move it . [思维5]条件状语从句.主要引导词有 if , unless , as long as 等.表将来.从句要用现在时态.如:You will fail unless you work harder . 条件的真实性.英语中.条件可分为真实条件和假设条件两种.如果不可能或可能性不大.属于假设条件.需要用虚拟语气. [思维6]让步状语从句.主要引导词有 although , as , even if , however , whatever , no matter who 等. 让步状语从句的倒装.由 as , though 引导的让步状语从句比较特殊.常使用倒装语序.即将表语或状语提前.如果表语是可数名词单数.要省略不定冠词.例如: Rich as he is , I don’t envy him . Child as he is , he knows a lot . [思维7]方式状语从句.引导词有 as if , as , the way 等. as if 引导的方式状语从句常用虚拟语气.如 : He is talking about the moon as if he had really been there . 但在 It looks as if-, It seems as if - 句型中常用陈述语气.如:It looks as if he is coming . the way 的用法.the way 后面的引导词常用 that 引导.而且经常省略.一般不用 in which 引导.例如:We didn`t like the way he treated us . A . which B . where C . that D . in which.此题答案应该是C. [思维8]地点状语从句.主要引导词有 where , wherever , anywhere , everywhere 等. Where there is a will , there is a way . I will meet you anywhere you like . Make marks where you have any questions . [思维9]比较状语从句.常用 The more - the more , as 或 than 引导. I know more about it than he does . The more we can do for you , the happier we will be . [思维10]学习状语从句的两点注意: 连词的误用.由于受汉语的影响.同学们常犯的错有 Because - so- , Since - so- , Although - but - 这些连词被重复使用了.应该任去一个.另外.状语从句和主句决不能用 and 连接.如 If you leave it with me , and I will take care of it . 此句应去掉连词 and , ’98NMET 第18题就考查了这个问题. [思维11]状语从句的省略.状主事从句有很多省略情况.其中时间状语.地点状语.条件状 语.方式状语从句常可省略句中主语和 be 动词而只保留形容词.分词.不定式.介词短语等. While very young , she began to study English . We will help you whenever possible . If necessary , ring me at home . She hurriedly left the room as if angry . 另外.比较状语从句也常省略一些相同成分.例如: Tom studies as well as Lily . [动脑动手] 单元能力立体检测 汉语式典型错误题析 (下) 61. Although he is old , but he works hard . 查看更多



单词拼写 (共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)
1. English is made up of the grammar and vocabulary brought to Britain by people from different countries and c____________.
2. The last few years have seen many d____________ in and out of China, from earthquake to drought, even to nuclear radiation (核辐射).  
3. Old English c____________ of Celtic, and the languages of the Angles and the Saxons, which once conquered Britain, and the Vikings.
4. … Now the flame has been lit. The 2008 Olympic Games have ____________(正式地) started.
5. The Normans, who d____________ England and take control of the country in 1066, made the most contributions to Middle English.
6. The twins are so alike that we have much difficulty in d______________ one from the other.
7. They have kept a close a_____________ with a college in the US in order to obtain the latest result of the experiment.
8. The child asked his Grandma, “How much is twelve m____________ by five?” She answered quickly, “Sixty”.
9. The book is too difficult! I’m afraid I won’t be able to read it. Do you have a copy that has been ____________ (简化)?
10. They took him to court for questioning the existence of the Greek gods and for _____________ (腐化、堕落) the young people of Athens.


单词拼写 (共10小题;每小题0.5分,满分5分)
【小题1】The crowd __________(惊慌) at the sound of the explosion.
【小题2】It’s useful to read some _____________(简写) English stories.
【小题3】 I’m sorry the book you want is not ________(可获得的)now, but you can choose others related to the same topic. 
【小题4】I’m afraid it isn’t a __________(方便的) time; could we fix another day?
【小题5】 She wore so much _________(珠宝) that she seemed to be covered in gold.
【小题6】He was o        with an English story so that he didn’t hear someone come in.
【小题7】With the midterm examination a_________, the students are working harder and harder.
【小题8】Old English c____________ of Celtic, and the languages of the Angles and the Saxons, which once conquered Britain, and the Vikings.
【小题9】The college is not an o__________recognized Spanish language school.
【小题10】The twins are so alike that we have much difficulty in d______________ one from the other.


单词拼写 (共10小题;每小题0.5分,满分5分)


1.The crowd __________(惊慌) at the sound of the explosion.

2.It’s useful to read some _____________(简写) English stories.

3. I’m sorry the book you want is not ________(可获得的)now, but you can choose others related to the same topic. 

4.I’m afraid it isn’t a __________(方便的) time; could we fix another day?

5. She wore so much _________(珠宝) that she seemed to be covered in gold.

6.He was o        with an English story so that he didn’t hear someone come in.

7.With the midterm examination a_________, the students are working harder and harder.

8.Old English c____________ of Celtic, and the languages of the Angles and the Saxons, which once conquered Britain, and the Vikings.

9.The college is not an o__________recognized Spanish language school.

10.The twins are so alike that we have much difficulty in d______________ one from the other.



第二部分 词汇运用(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)


disability     support     communicate     alternative    vary

mysterious    equality    breakthrough      indicate     definitely

56. Scientists have made a ____________in their treatment of the disease.

57. Minibuses with seats for 12 passengers offer an ____________ to expensive taxis and crowded public transport in some areas.

58. You’d better ____________ your diet rather than eat the same food all the time.

59. Applause was a sign of being part of the community, and of ____________ between actors and audience.

60. Although these are very important, we ____________ with more than just spoken and written words.

61. The red dragon which appears on the Welsh flag is a positive symbol, ____________ strength and a sense of national identity.

62. I will ____________ study medicine after I finish school.

63. Just then a white-haired old woman entered,  ____________ by a girl.

64. Senior citizens and people with ____________ will be able to go anywhere in the world using high-tech cameras attached to their head.

65. The story goes that a ____________ animal lives in the mountain.



单词拼写 (共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)


1. English is made up of the grammar and vocabulary brought to Britain by people from different countries and c____________.

2. The last few years have seen many d____________ in and out of China, from earthquake to drought, even to nuclear radiation (核辐射).  

3. Old English c____________ of Celtic, and the languages of the Angles and the Saxons, which once conquered Britain, and the Vikings.

4. … Now the flame has been lit. The 2008 Olympic Games have ____________(正式地) started.

5. The Normans, who d____________ England and take control of the country in 1066, made the most contributions to Middle English.

6. The twins are so alike that we have much difficulty in d______________ one from the other.

7. They have kept a close a_____________ with a college in the US in order to obtain the latest result of the experiment.

8. The child asked his Grandma, “How much is twelve m____________ by five?” She answered quickly, “Sixty”.

9. The book is too difficult! I’m afraid I won’t be able to read it. Do you have a copy that has been ____________ (简化)?

10. They took him to court for questioning the existence of the Greek gods and for _____________ (腐化、堕落) the young people of Athens.



