I saw them enter into the room . 查看更多




  Jan 6, 2006-Randal McCloy JR., the sole survivor of the Sago Mine tragedy, has emerged from a coma(昏迷)but remains unconscious at Pittsburgh's Allegheny Hospital.He's in a critical but stable condition.

  McCloy has responded to his wife's voice, even squeezing her hand.But doctors fear he may have suffered brain damage from carbon monoxide(一氧化碳)poisoning even though his initial tests did not reveal the presence of the lethal gas.

  Since yesterday, he has been receiving hyperbaric oxygen treatments, which flood the body with 20 times the normal amount of oxygen.The hope is that it will flush the carbon monoxide from his brain and help his other damaged organs.

  But his doctors admit it's a long shot.A recent study found little evidence that the treatments helped the brain to heal.And doctors warn that any improvement will take days or weeks.

  His wife, Anna McCloy, and his mother, Tambra Flint, both said they saw him respond to their presence.They said M c Cloy would give them a knowing wink when he understood what they said and he also tried to nod his head to show his agreement.

  “I know he knows when I'm there because when I'm there he gets excited and he lifts his eyelids to try to look at me,” Anna said.

  “When we discuss things with him like going fishing and hunting, he gets excited too,” Flint said.

  Anna said she also saw a response when she brought their children into the room.

  There have been many theories as to how McCloy survived when the other 12 men did not.Some people say it's because McCloy, 26, was the youngest.Others-including his mother-speculate that other miners gave him their oxygen masks.

  “I have a feeling that they did,” Flint said.


What do you know about Randal McCloy Jr.'s health condition?

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He is completely conscious and can respond quickly now.


He hasn't come to himself completely and is still in danger.


His brain and other damaged organs will return to normal.


He will recover soon with the help of hyperbaric oxygen treatments.


The underlined word “flush” in the third paragraph probably means ________.

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take in


get rid of


breathe out


get along with


Which of the following statements is NOT true according to the passage?

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McCloy might have suffered brain damage according to doctors' tests.


The hyperbaric oxygen treatments are used to make oxygen enter the body.


McCloy's wife and mother both saw his response when they were with him.


McCloy was the only survivor of the 13 men trapped in the mine.


McCloy's mother thought ________.

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some miners saved her son's life, regardless of their own lives


McCloy was energetic enough to escape from the mine


McCloy had a stronger response when hearing something he disliked


McCloy might work too hard and needed a rest

