Please read the text two times . 查看更多



    I entered high school having read hundreds of books. But I was not a good reader. Merely bookish, I lacked a point of view when I read. Rather, I read in order to get a point of view. I searched books for good expressions and sayings,pieces of information,ideas,themes—anything to enrich my thought and make me feel educated. When one of my teachers suggested to his sleepy tenth-grade English class that a person could not have a “complicated(复杂的)idea” until he had read at least two thought books,I heard the words without recognizing either its irenic(嘲讽)or its very complicated truth. I merely determined to make a list of all the looks I had ever read. Strict with myself,I in chided only once a title I might have read several times.(How,after all. could one read a book more than once?) And I included only those books over a hundred pages in length. (Could anything shorter be a book ?)

    There was yet another high school list I made. One day I came across a newspaper article about an English professor at a nearby state college. The article had a list of the “hundred most important books of Western Civilization.” “More than anything else in my life,” the professor told the reporter with finality, “these books have made me all that I am.” That was the kind of words I couldn’t ignore(忽视).I kept the list for the several months it took me to read all of the titles. Most books, of course , I hardly understood. While reading Plato’s The Republic, for example, I needed to keep booking at the introduction of the book to remind myself what the text was about. However, with the special patience and superstition(迷信) of a schoolboy ,I looked at every word of the text. And by the time I reached the last word. pleased. I persuaded myself that I had read The Republic, and seriously crossed Plato off my list.

71.On hearing the teacher’s suggestion of reading, the writer thought___________.

A. one must read as many books as possible

B. a student should not have a complicated idea

C. it was impossible for one to read two thousand books

D. students ought to make a list of the books they had read

72. While at high school, the writer ______________.

A. had plans for reading                                           B. learned to educate himself

C. only read book over 100 pages                             D. read only one book several times

73.The underlined please “with finality ”probably means “__________”.

A. firmly                     B. clearly                           C. proudly               D. pleasantly

74.The writer’s purpose in mentioning The Republic is to _____________.

A. explain why it was included in the list            B. describe why he seriously crossed it off the list

C. show that he read the books blindly though they were hard to understand

D. prove that he understand most of it because he had looked at every word

75. The writer provides two book lists to _______________.

A. show how be developed his point of view      B. tell his reading experience at high school

C. introduce the two persons’ reading methods    D. explain that he read many books at high school





1.What does the woman mean?

A.She’s too busy to help the man today.

B.She’ll finish the report by noon.

C.She’ll have time later on in the day.

2.What has happened to the camera?

A.Someone fixed it.

B.Sharon repaired it.

C.It’s been thrown out.

3.How many of unclear centres’ positions are mentioned in the talk?




4.For how many hours is the museum open?




5.What’s the flat like?

A.Small but expensive.

B.Small but comfortable.

C.Large and comfortable.

听力原文:(Text 1)

M:Would you have some free time to look at this report for me?

W:I’m kind of busy now.How does late this afternoon sound?

(Text 2)

M:Sharon, do you want me to try to fix that broken camera of yours?

W:Thanks, but I’ve already had it taken care of.

For man is man and master of his fate.人就是人,是自己命运的主人。

(Text 3)

W:It’s said that three more nuclear power station centres will be built in China.

M:How do you know that?

W:I got it from the news:A top Chinese official said one power center will be built in eastern China, another is planned in the north-eastern part of the country.

(Text 4)

W:I’d like to go to the Science Museum.Do you know what time it’s open?

M:Yes, it’s open from 9 a. m. until 5 p. m.But it has an hour’s break.

(Text 5)

M:You live in a flat, don’t you?

W:Yes.It’s small but comfortable.It’s very near my office and isn’t expensive.




6.When did Paul’s trouble start?

A.The day before today.

B.The other day.

C.The day before yesterday.

7.What illness has Paul got?




8.How often must he take the medicine?

A.Three times a day before meals.

B.Three times a day after meals.

C.Three times a day with meals.

听力原文:(Text 6)

W:Come in and sit down, Paul.Now, what’s the trouble?

M:I’ve got a terrible pain in my stomach, doctor.

W:I see.When did it start?

M:It started yesterday.I didn’t eat any supper.

W:Have you got a temperature?

M:I think so.I feel very hot.

W:Let’s see.Yes.You’ve got quite a high temperature.

M:I’ve got an awful headache, too, and my throat hurts.Very often I blow my nose.

W:Hmmm.I think you’ve got the flu.

M:Is it serious?

W:No, not at all, but you must stay in bed for three days and take this medicine.

M:How often must I take it?

W:Three times a day after meals.

M:Thank you, doctor.Goodbye.


9.When will the man leave?




10.Who told the man the news?

A.His sister.

B.His father.

C.His mother.

11.How long will the man stay at home at most?

A.Two days.

B.Three days.

C.Four days.

听力原文:(Text 7)

W:I hear you’re going home, aren’t you?

M:I wanted to go on Monday, but I couldn’t get a ticket for Monday.I bought a ticket for Tuesday.

W:Why are you in such a hurry?

M:My mother is ill.She has been sent to the hospital.

W:How did you get the news?Did your mother send you a letter?

M:My sister telephoned me this morning.She asked my father and me to go back.

W:Then how long are you going to stay at home, two or three days?

M:At most four days.I’ll be back for the meeting.


12.How many days has the man got for his vacation?

A.25 days.

B.10 days.

C.15 days.

13.Why does the man go to Hawaii for his vacation with his family?

A.Because they want to climb the mountains.

B.Because they want to go fishing and swimming.

C.Because they want to relax themselves.

14.Where is the woman going this summer?

A.Going to Egypt.

B.Going to Europe.

C.Going to the United States.

听力原文:(Text 8)

W:When are you going to take your vacation?

M:I’ve not a ten-day vacation starting July 25.

W:Where are you going?


W:That sounds like a good place.Is your family going?

M:Yes.We plan to climb the mountains, go fishing, swimming, and wind surfing but most of all relaxing.My wife is taking a whole bunch of books to read.

W:Your children must be all excited about it.

M:Yes, they are.They’re already crossing out the days on the calendar.Are you going to Europe again this summer?

W:No, not this time.We’re going to visit some old friends in Egypt.

M:Are you going by ship or taking a flight?

W:Going by air.


15.What’s the probable relationship between the man and the woman?

A.Teacher and student.

B.Doctor and patient.


16.What’s the weather like today?




17.According to the dialogue, what do you think happens to John?

A.John has caught a bad cold.

B.John is not wearing enough clothes.

C.John wears a lot of clothes.

听力原文:(Text 9)

W:Hello, John.How are you feeling now?


W:Shall I open the window?It’s a lovely day.

M:No, thank you, Ausan.I’m cold.

W:Shall I put the fire on?

M:Yes, please.Will you turn it up high?

W:Are you sure?It’s very warm here.

M:I feel very cold.Will you get me another blanket, please?

W:Here you are.Shall I put it on the bed?

M:No.Put it round my shoulders, please.


M:What’s the matter, Susan?

W:Will you pass me some tissue paper, please?


18.What is the main topic of the talk?

A.The advantages of refrigeration.

B.Cooking food in the summer.

C.Food in the summer.

19.Which of the following foods would be least likely to go bad in warm weather?



C.Ice cream.

20.According to the talk what should you do with food that doesn’t seem to be normal?

A.Eat it immediately.

B.Try a little.

C.Throw it away.

听力原文:(Text 10)?

During the summer you should be even more careful than usual of the foods you prepare.Foods go bad faster in hot weather than in cold weather.When you are shopping buy frozen and refrigerated foods.Don’t make long stops on the way home, because frozen foods could become soft or warm.Using insulated bags helps keep food could until you can get home, milk and milk products should be refrigerated immediately.When camping or picnicing, or at any time when refrigeration can’t be made use of, use special dry foods.Don’t leave foods in a hot car or beach bag.Picnic favorites like meat, chicken, and egg salad should be kept in a cooler.Above all, if the food doesn’t seem to be normal in odor or appearance, throw it away immediately.Don’t taste it.


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68. The purpose of the advertisement is ________.
A. to help parents with their daily life    
B. to attract more subscribers
C. to collect money for children         
D. to sell children toys and games
69. Which of the following is true?
A. Only $12 is paid for 24 issues of the magazine.
B. Readers can get a free offer any time of the year.
C. Readers from all over the world can enjoy the free offer.
D. Readers can communicate with child experts on the Internet.
70. A reader subscribed PARENTS three months ago, but now he finds the magazine dissatisfying. What can he do?
A. He can cancel and get all his money back.
B. He can cancel without getting money back.
C. He can cancel after answering some questions.
D. He can cancel at a certain time to get money back.
71. Where can we most probably read the text?
A. In a newspaper.                    B. In a website.
C. In a science book.                  D. In a magazine.



Get a FREE YEAR ! Subscribe(订阅)and NOW get a FREE YEAR of Parents® magazine! That’s two full years (24 issues) for the regular one-year rate——just $12. But HURRY, this offer won’t last!(U. S. orders only, please. )

Every issue of PARENTS is filled with practical advice from leading doctors and child experts … toys and games that develop reader-tested products and more!

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68. The purpose of the advertisement is ________.

A. to help parents with their daily life    

B. to attract more subscribers

C. to collect money for children         

D. to sell children toys and games

69. Which of the following is true?

    A. Only $12 is paid for 24 issues of the magazine.

    B. Readers can get a free offer any time of the year.

    C. Readers from all over the world can enjoy the free offer.

    D. Readers can communicate with child experts on the Internet.

70. A reader subscribed PARENTS three months ago, but now he finds the magazine dissatisfying. What can he do?

    A. He can cancel and get all his money back.

    B. He can cancel without getting money back.

    C. He can cancel after answering some questions.

    D. He can cancel at a certain time to get money back.

71. Where can we most probably read the text?

    A. In a newspaper.                    B. In a website.

   C. In a science book.                  D. In a magazine.



Get a FREE YEAR ! Subscribe(订阅)and NOW get a FREE YEAR of Parents?? magazine! That’s two full years (24 issues) for the regular one-year rate——just $12. But HURRY, this offer won’t last!(U. S. orders only, please. )

Every issue of PARENTS is filled with practical advice from leading doctors and child experts … toys and games that develop reader-tested products and more!

100% Money-Back Guarantee: You must be pleased, or you may cancel any time during the life of your subscription and get all your money back——no questions asked. Parents?? Magazine is published 12 times per year. Savings are based on $12.00 annual subscription rate. State taxes may apply to your order.

E-mail address required to access your account and member benefits online. We will not share your e-mail address with anyone. Click here: www. parents, com/privacy to view our privacy policy.

68. The purpose of the advertisement is ________.

A. to help parents with their daily life    

B. to attract more subscribers

C. to collect money for children         

D. to sell children toys and games

69. Which of the following is true?

    A. Only $12 is paid for 24 issues of the magazine.

    B. Readers can get a free offer any time of the year.

    C. Readers from all over the world can enjoy the free offer.

    D. Readers can communicate with child experts on the Internet.

70. A reader subscribed PARENTS three months ago, but now he finds the magazine dissatisfying. What can he do?

    A. He can cancel and get all his money back.

    B. He can cancel without getting money back.

    C. He can cancel after answering some questions.

    D. He can cancel at a certain time to get money back.

71. Where can we most probably read the text?

    A. In a newspaper.                    B. In a website.

   C. In a science book.                  D. In a magazine.

