There is no air and water on the moon . 查看更多



    On the night of February 9, 1986, astronomers from 51 countries looked through their telescopes. They were watching for an old visitor from very far away. And sure enough, there it was, right on time! A bright light moved across the blackness. It was Haley’s comet(哈雷彗星).

    Haley’s comet is named for the English astronomer, Edmond Haley, who saw it in 1682Haley knew that people had seen bright lights in the sky in 1531 and again in 1607He did a little mathematics and said the visitor would come back again in 1785He was right. Haley said that in the future, men would travel to the comet and ride it around space!

    As the comet came near the earth in 1986, the European Space Agency flied a rocket called Grotto. Grotto came within 605 kilometers (376 miles) of the atmosphere of the comet. It is about 15 kilometers long and 8 kilometers wide (9.3 miles by 5 miles). Its atmosphere contains the element nitrogen (氮气) but no air. The centre of the comet is made of dust and solid water. It’s a very cold, lonely place. Would you like to ride the comet, or do you prefer riding the earth?

1From the article we know that Haley’s comet return every ________ years?





2We can infer that the comet will come back next in________?





3The centre of comet is made of ________.

Adust and nitrogen

Bice and dust

Cwater and ice

Ddust, ice and air

4From the article we know that the comet is ________.

Aa new comer

Ban old visitor

Ca planet of the earth

Da planet of the moon



    On the night of February 9, 1986, astronomers from 51 countries looked through their telescopes. They were watching for an old visitor from very far away. And sure enough, there it was, right on time! A bright light moved across the blackness. It was Haley’s comet(哈雷彗星).

    Haley’s comet is named for the English astronomer, Edmond Haley, who saw it in 1682Haley knew that people had seen bright lights in the sky in 1531 and again in 1607He did a little mathematics and said the visitor would come back again in 1785He was right. Haley said that in the future, men would travel to the comet and ride it around space!

    As the comet came near the earth in 1986, the European Space Agency flied a rocket called Grotto. Grotto came within 605 kilometers (376 miles) of the atmosphere of the comet. It is about 15 kilometers long and 8 kilometers wide (9.3 miles by 5 miles). Its atmosphere contains the element nitrogen (氮气) but no air. The centre of the comet is made of dust and solid water. It’s a very cold, lonely place. Would you like to ride the comet, or do you prefer riding the earth?

1From the article we know that Haley’s comet return every ________ years?





2We can infer that the comet will come back next in________?





3The centre of comet is made of ________.

Adust and nitrogen

Bice and dust

Cwater and ice

Ddust, ice and air

4From the article we know that the comet is ________.

Aa new comer

Ban old visitor

Ca planet of the earth

Da planet of the moon




  The sounds we hear on the earth are carried by the air. Since there is no air on the moon, people who go to the moon must talk to each other by radio. Dust in earth' s air, though very little, scatters the sunlight. This makes the earth's daytime sky blue and the shadow are not completely dark. But on the moon the sky is always black. You would be able to see stars in the daytime. Sunny places on the moon would be very bright. But the shadows would be almost black. The moon has no air or wind to carry the sun' s heat. So it can get hot enough to boil water places where the sun is shining straight down .

1.People can' t talk to each other on the moon because there ________ .

[  ]

A.are not living things on it

B.can' t speak loudly without air no air which carries sounds

D.isn't any dust on the moon

2.The sunny part of the moon is ________ .

[  ] bright as that of the earth

B.brighter than that of the earth

C.not so bright as the earth

D.darker than that of the earth

3.Why does the earth' s sky look blue? Because ________ .

[  ]

A.of the fact that the air is blue gas

B.there is air around the earth

C.there is no dust on the earth

D.of the fact that the sunlight blue

4.Which of the following is correct?

[  ]

A.The sunny places of the moon can get hot enough to boil water.

B.The shadows on the moon would be completely black .

C.On the moon the sky looks rather blue .

D.Every star can be seen by people on the moon .

5.Since the moon has no air or wind to carry the sun' s heat, ________ .

[  ] can get very hot in its shadows can get very cold in its shadows can get very cold both in the shadows and the rest part

D.the moon can get hotter and hotter



  The sounds we hear on the earth are carried by the air. Since there is no air on the moon, people who go to the moon must talk to each other by radio. Dust in earth' s air, though very little, scatters the sunlight. This makes the earth's daytime sky blue and the shadow are not completely dark. But on the moon the sky is always black. You would be able to see stars in the daytime. Sunny places on the moon would be very bright. But the shadows would be almost black. The moon has no air or wind to carry the sun' s heat. So it can get hot enough to boil water places where the sun is shining straight down .

1.People can' t talk to each other on the moon because there ________ .

[  ]

A.are not living things on it

B.can' t speak loudly without air no air which carries sounds

D.isn't any dust on the moon

2.The sunny part of the moon is ________ .

[  ] bright as that of the earth

B.brighter than that of the earth

C.not so bright as the earth

D.darker than that of the earth

3.Why does the earth' s sky look blue? Because ________ .

[  ]

A.of the fact that the air is blue gas

B.there is air around the earth

C.there is no dust on the earth

D.of the fact that the sunlight blue

4.Which of the following is correct?

[  ]

A.The sunny places of the moon can get hot enough to boil water.

B.The shadows on the moon would be completely black .

C.On the moon the sky looks rather blue .

D.Every star can be seen by people on the moon .

5.Since the moon has no air or wind to carry the sun' s heat, ________ .

[  ] can get very hot in its shadows can get very cold in its shadows can get very cold both in the shadows and the rest part

D.the moon can get hotter and hotter


Science has told us too much about the moon that it is fairly easy to imagine what it would be like to get there. It is certainly not a friendly place. Since there is no air or water, there can be no life of any kind. There is not much variety of scenery either. For mile after mile there are only flat plains of dust with mountains around them. Above, the sun and stars shine in the black sky. If you step out of the mountain shadow, it means moving from the severe cold into intense (强烈的) heat. These extreme temperatures continually break rocks away from the surface of the mountains. The moon is also a very silent world, for sound waves can only travel through air. But beyond the broken horizon, you see a friendly sight. Our earth is shining more brightly than the stars. From this distance, it looks like an immense (巨大的) blue, green and brown ball.
【小题1】The moon is an unfriendly place because                   .

A.there is no air, no water, no life, no sceneryB.the sun and stars shine in the sky
C.temperature breaks rock awayD.all of the above
【小题2】Without           , the moon is a silent world.
【小题3】According to the passage we know that             .
A.the earth looks like a colored ball
B.we can enjoy the scenery on the moon
C.every inch of the moon is very hot
D.the extreme temperature breaks rocks away from the surface of mountains
【小题4】We can conclude(断定) that “continually” means          .
A.sometimesB.alwaysC.without breakD.frequently
【小题5】The best title for the passage is                        .
A.An Unfriendly and Friendly PlaceB.The Geography of the Moon
C.Moon, a Silent WorldD.The Moon

