She has beautiful hairs . 查看更多



     My 8-year-old daughter is experimenting with kindness and smiles. She has been making her own colourful
smile cards and   1   packs her pockets with them when we go out. She makes them very   2  . And she takes
great pride in her   3  , which she really loves.
     Last Sunday, I   4   her shopping with me. My daughter packed her pockets with 20 of her   5   smile cards.
She was   6   to see John, who is an elderly man. We see him from time to time and he is very happy and   7  .
So we can't help feeling good   8   to him. John wasn't at the store on Sunday, so my daughter   9   it would be
a good idea to distribute her smile cards to others in the shop.
     As much as I have taught her about stranger danger, I have also talked to her about strangers being potential
  10 . So, after asking my  11 , she proceeded to give her cards to various people.
     The biggest  12  I think she got from our shopping trip came when she had run out of cards. She was  13  
by a woman with two babies. Then the babies were crying and the woman was looking  14 . My daughter
smiled at her and the young mother smiled back. She came to me and said, "Mom, I just realized  15 . You don't
need cards to make someone  16 . All you need to do is make eye contact and smile into their  17  and they will
smile back."
      What a beautiful lesson my daughter  18  me of. It is so  19  for us to make eye contact with people every
day. To make a joke or to  20  a friendly words or two to a stranger or to say hello to a stranger …… and you
are never too young (or old) to experiment with kindness and smiles.
(     )1. A. barely      
(     )2. A. simply      
(     )3. A. reward      
(     )4. A. took        
(     )5. A. homemade    
(     )6. A. coming      
(     )7. A. shy        
(     )8. A. waving      
(     )9. A. suggested  
(     )10. A. relatives  
(     )11. A. expectation
(     )12. A. lesson    
(     )13. A. running    
(     )14. A. satisfied   
(     )15. A. everything 
(     )16. A. joke      
(     )17. A. eyes      
(     )18. A. reminded  
(     )19. A. popular    
(     )20. A. speak      
B. never          
B. equally        
B. work          
B. brought        
B. complex      
B. learning       
B. friendly    
B. shouting       
B. discovered      
B. friends       
B. goal         
B. prize         
B. jumping       
B. tired         
B. nothing       
B. smile         
B. clothes       
B. thought       
B. different     
B. lend      
C. sometimes     
C. carefully     
C. remark         
C. carried        
C. rough       
C. hoping          
C. rich         
C. turning        
C. promised      
C. enemies      
C. permission       
C. wonder        
C. walking      
C. shocked      
C. anything      
C. respond      
C. ears          
C. asked        
C. funny        
C. offer     
D. often            
D. directly       
D. appearance     
D. made              
D. famous         
D. pretending        
D. strict         
D. talking           
D. decided         
D. competitors                
D. instruction     
D. trouble         
D. sitting         
D. worried         
D. something       
D. hide            
D. fingers         
D. convinced       
D. easy            
D. write        


    Bea, a five-year-old girl, was born with a severe illness which means she has to be kept away from other children her age, because her body is so weak that she would be unable to fight off a common cold.

Bea was diagnosed (诊断) with this disease when she was five months old. Since then, the hospital has become her second home, medicines for food, and all kinds of treatments her friends. Bea received a very special treatment when she was four years old, which would allow her to be like a normal child if successful. After that, she spent two weeks in ICU before living for four months on a separate ward(病房). Bea was allowed home in February but still needed a special tube in her nose to send in medicine every two days.

Her parents clean the house from top to bottom every two days and hoover (用吸尘器清扫) each morning to make sure Bea is free from any possible bacteria. Anna, Bea’s mother, said, “She is weak but so strong. We’ve never seen any child stronger than her. It seems as if nothing in the world could beat her. We really hope to send her to school next year.” She used to drive on the local playground, but Bea was only allowed to watch sitting in the car. “It was heartbreaking to see Bea staring at the running and laughing children there. She never stopped fighting the disease. I know she’s dying for such a normal life.”

    Hearing of Bea’s story, the Make-A-Wish Foundation has paid for a play park to be built in her back garden. “Bea is very brave and she has encouraged many children like her,” said the chairman of the foundation.

56. If Bea stayed with other children freely, ___________.

   A. other children would have a higher chance to catch her disease

   B. she would catch a common cold which would kill her quickly

   C. her life would be in great danger as she could fall ill easily

   D. she would be lost in playing and forget to receive treatment

57. From the passage we can infer that ___________.

   A. Bea will need a tube in her nose all the time

   B. Bea has to stay in hospital until she is an adult

   C. Bea’s parents will send her to school next year

   D. Bea’s mother feels proud when talking about her

58. The Make-A-Wish Foundation had a play park built for Bea to ___________.

   A. honor her bravery in fighting against her disease

   B. call for attention to this immune system deficiency

   C. encourage more children like Bea to be optimistic

   D. launch a campaign against this serious disease

59. What makes Bea so brave to fight against this serious disease?

   A. Her parents’ encouragement and care.

   B. Her dreaming of owning a play park.

   C. Her wish to become a normal child.

   D. Her doctor’s skills and experience.


    Bea, a five-year-old girl, was born with a severe illness which means she has to be kept away from other children her age, because her body is so weak that she would be unable to fight off a common cold.

Bea was diagnosed (诊断) with this disease when she was five months old. Since then, the hospital has become her second home, medicines for food, and all kinds of treatments her friends. Bea received a very special treatment when she was four years old, which would allow her to be like a normal child if successful. After that, she spent two weeks in ICU before living for four months on a separate ward(病房). Bea was allowed home in February but still needed a special tube in her nose to send in medicine every two days.

Her parents clean the house from top to bottom every two days and hoover (用吸尘器清扫) each morning to make sure Bea is free from any possible bacteria. Anna, Bea’s mother, said, “She is weak but so strong. We’ve never seen any child stronger than her. It seems as if nothing in the world could beat her. We really hope to send her to school next year.” She used to drive on the local playground, but Bea was only allowed to watch sitting in the car. “It was heartbreaking to see Bea staring at the running and laughing children there. She never stopped fighting the disease. I know she’s dying for such a normal life.”

    Hearing of Bea’s story, the Make-A-Wish Foundation has paid for a play park to be built in her back garden. “Bea is very brave and she has encouraged many children like her,” said the chairman of the foundation.

56. If Bea stayed with other children freely, ___________.

   A. other children would have a higher chance to catch her disease

   B. she would catch a common cold which would kill her quickly

   C. her life would be in great danger as she could fall ill easily

   D. she would be lost in playing and forget to receive treatment

57. From the passage we can infer that ___________.

   A. Bea will need a tube in her nose all the time

   B. Bea has to stay in hospital until she is an adult

   C. Bea’s parents will send her to school next year

   D. Bea’s mother feels proud when talking about her

58. The Make-A-Wish Foundation had a play park built for Bea to ___________.

   A. honor her bravery in fighting against her disease

   B. call for attention to this immune system deficiency

   C. encourage more children like Bea to be optimistic

   D. launch a campaign against this serious disease

59. What makes Bea so brave to fight against this serious disease?

   A. Her parents’ encouragement and care.

   B. Her dreaming of owning a play park.

   C. Her wish to become a normal child.

   D. Her doctor’s skills and experience.


(a) Nobody before Jane fully understood chimp_____1_____. She spent years _____2______ and recording their daily activities. Since her ______3_______ she had wanted to work with animals in their own environment.
(b) For forty years Jane Good all has been ______4_____ about making the rest of the world understand and ____5______ the life of these animals. She has ____6_____ that wild animals should be left in the wild and not used for ______7_______ or advertisements.
(c) Indeed, his ____8____ face and arms and his slim, strong body are just like those of millions of Chinese farmers, for___9____he has____10____for the past five ____11______ .
(d) Dr Yuan is quite _____12_____ with his life. However, he doesn’t ____13____ about being famous. He feels it gives him less ____14______ to do his research. He would much ___15_____ keep time for his hobbies


Hannah Oyler
21 Balsom St   Ventura, CA 94120   (613) 555 – 7236
Objective   To obtain a position as a photographer for a major metropolitan newspaper.
Notable Achievements   Time Magazine, Top Photos of the Year 1999 for California Wildfire Banaker Excellence in Photography Fellowship, 1995.
Ventura County Times   Staff photographer, 1996 --- Present , Regular coverage included: Sports, Lifestyle, & Metro. Successfully met tight deadlines.
Los Angeles Times Summer Intern, 1995 & 1996   Assisted lead sports photographer. Gained valuable knowledge of function and limitations of various types of cameras, lenses, and films.
Education  University of Southern California  B.A., Photography, 1996
Thomas Stanley
817 Park Ave Seattle, WA 98023  (614) 555 – 0283
Objective  Legal Aid Practitioner.
Experience  Johnson Industries International Legal Counsel, 1998 to Present
Acted as the in-house lawyer for the company, and was responsible for providing legal support for all company operations. Instrumental in establishing written company policies and training materials with respect to international trading laws and regulations, and general commercial practices. Provided prompt, efficient and practical legal advice to support to a busy, demanding clientele of traders.
Education  Stanford University, Palo Alto, CA
Kathy Lorentz
608 Lincoln Ave Mobile, AL 36513 (623) 555 – 8237
Objective  To obtain a managerial position that will allow me to utilize my knowledge and experience to increase profit margins, productivity and quality.
Summary Accomplished Project Manager with more than ten years experience. Proven ability to design and implement effective strategies, develop new products, and manage resources to produce profit. Proven ability to streamline processes and increase productivity.
Experience  In Tech Corporation, Mobile, AL  Project Manager, 1995 to Present
Worked with customers / potentials on development of product designs, tooling concepts, manufacturing methods, and costing for custom molded component applications. Directly supervised technical team of 3-5 project engineers responsible for new mold and molding systems implementation.
Education  Jackson University, Tampa, FL ;M.B.A., Business Administration, 1992
Gary Wilson
809 West Cayuga St Philadelphia, PA 19037 (813) 555 – 6026
Objective  Position as a Nurse of Health Care Provider.
Employment History   St. Mark's Hospital, Philadelphia, PA;Surgical Nurse, 1994 to Present ;
Served as a staff surgical nurse. Provided health care checks for a diverse population. Performed blood pressure tests for community health outreach programs, provided a wide range of services including women's health clinic services and care for elderly patients.
Licenses  R.N. - American Medical Association .
Education  B.S., Nursing, 1994; University of Scranton, Scranton, PA
Professional Affiliations Monroe County Medical Society; Pennsylvania Nursing Association
【小题1】From the first resume, we can know that Hannah Oyler _______. an excellent journalist of New York Times
B.knows much about different photographic equipment
C.graduated from Stanford University
D.wants to get a job as a photographer no matter where he will work.
【小题2】According to Thomas Stanley’s experience, he is most likely to be hired by_____.
A.a hospital B.a supermarketC.a companyD.a school
【小题3】The underlined word “implement ” most probably means______. C.valueD.transform
【小题4】Which of the following statements about Gary Wilson is NOT TRUE?
A.She is an experienced surgical nurse.
B.She carried out blood pressure for many people.
C.She has the experience of operating on patients.
D.She is a member of some professional groups.
【小题5】Besides the personal information of the four people, what we can also get from the passage is______. to achieve success in our career to express your desire for a job to make yourself different from others to write a standard resume

