---- Her grandmother passed away. ---- Oh, A. Just imagine! B. I’m sorry to hear that. C. What the terrified news! D. Is it true? 查看更多



Reading Comprehension











  Here is a question that every person(even you)should think about what you will leave behind when you die."I'm too young to think about that, " you may say.Wrong! Perhaps your mind goes to the   1   assets that you hope to acquire in the future-erhaps a house, a car, or a bank account.Sure, those things may be further down the road, but if you have an email address, own a collection of digital music and movies, use a social networking site, have an online photo album, or write a blog, then you are the proud owner of what is now being called   2   "assets".We all naturally assume that our possession will go to our loved ones when we die, At some point, you'll probably even write a will which states who should inherit what.People are now starting to realize that simply listing our material possessions may not be enough.Researchers at the University of London recently   3   that more and more Britons are now deciding who should get their digital photos, music, videos and so on-the "digital inheritance."

  What about passwords to online accounts? Wouldn't this naturally be   4   to your next of kin? Absolutely not! Privacy laws around the world   5   to protect the privacy of the deceased over the desire of the family to retrieve their loved one's personal information.A Ms.Wang of Shenyang, China recently discovered this when she tried to   6   her dead husband's QQ account.Tencent, the operator of QQ,   7   her request based on their terms of use, which states "the right to use an account belongs solely to the   8   applicant, and this right shall not be   9  , loaned, rented, transferred or sold." Since Ms.Wang's husband had not given her his password before his death, she had no foot to stand on.



  1.A close friendship     (逐渐地)grew up between them.

  2.Do you have any difficulty in    (交流)with your new friends?

  3.Back from the cinema,the couple were   (震惊)on seeing their house broken in.

  4.At present,what I am worrying about is his    (态度)towards his study.

  5.The pipeline was constructed to   (运输)oil across Alaska to ports on the coast.

  6.I haven’t p   him to give up smoking.

7.I’m not a stranger here. The city is quite f   to me.

  8.My teachers are very kind to us. They often give us some a  on learning methods.

  9.Though I hadn’t seen Jones for five years or so,I r  her voice as soon as I picked up my phone.

  10.After g    from high school,he went to Beijing to work in a restaurant.



  1.A close friendship     (逐渐地)grew up between them.

  2.Do you have any difficulty in    (交流)with your new friends?

  3.Back from the cinema,the couple were   (震惊)on seeing their house broken in.

  4.At present,what I am worrying about is his    (态度)towards his study.

  5.The pipeline was constructed to   (运输)oil across Alaska to ports on the coast.

  6.I haven’t p   him to give up smoking.

7.I’m not a stranger here. The city is quite f   to me.

  8.My teachers are very kind to us. They often give us some a  on learning methods.

  9.Though I hadn’t seen Jones for five years or so,I r  her voice as soon as I picked up my phone.

  10.After g    from high school,he went to Beijing to work in a restaurant.



J:What time did you come home last night, Jane?

K:  1  

J:At midnight? I didn’t hear you.

K:Well,   2   I didn’t want to wake you up.

J:You didn’t go to the wild party, did you?

K:Wild party?   3   I went to a folk concert with Alice and Merry.

J:  4   The concert didn’t end until midnight, did it?

K:No, but after the concert we went to Alice’s place.  5   Her father is fighting local elections next week, you know.

A.I came in quietly.

B.The party was really wonderful.

C.I happened to lose my watch.

D.About half past twelve.

E.We talked about politics.

F.Why did you come back so late?

G.I hate those wild parties.


In the book The best little girl in the world, Kessa has a serious eating disorder called anorexia.  __71__  This is an emotional story of a determined girl and her fight to survive.

  At the beginning, Kessa is a normal 15?year?old girl. She has many talents, especially dancing. One day her dancing teacher tells her to continue eating right, but maybe lose weight. Once Kessa hears this, she takes things too far. __72__   Her new eating habits continue, and she begins losing weight. One day after another, she loses the pounds, and her body becomes slimmer and slimmer. She loses weight to a point where she is unhealthy.

  As her poor eating habits continue, her parents start to help her.  __73__  She is determined to have no fat on her body.

  Kessa's doctor and parents finally decide to keep her in hospital. She is now so skinny that she can hardly walk. There, she goes through a nightmare.  __74__

  Throughout the rest of the book, Kessa goes through many troubles in order to cure her eating disorder. It shows the troubles that people might go through just to be slim, and all the terrible things they must experience to be cured. __75__ 

A.Despite good care, all Kessa thinks about is how much weight she might gain.

B.Many people have this eating disorder, and this book shows its harmful effects.

C.It is an emotionally powerful book about a girl's fight to survive, and I think every teenager should read it.

D.They feel that Kessa is too thin and her health is in poor conditions.

E.I like the story, but if you are in good health and not on diet, there's no need for you to read it.

F.They try everything, but Kessa's dieting continues.

G.Instead of cutting down on snacks and fast food, she decides not to eat at all. She does not eat breakfast, lunch, or dinner.


