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26. In Tokyo, thousands of people were unable to get back home    the 8.9 magnitude earthquake. 

  A. because      B. because of      C. as a result    D. thanks for


25. But it was her main career in education that   most of her time.

  A. made up     B. took up       C. showed up    D. brought up


24. -Can I pay the bill by check?

   -Sorry , Sir.But it is the management rule of our hotel that payment    be made in cash.

   A.shall   B.need   C.will   D.Can


23. Production rose  _____ 10% in April,  ____ the same month of last year.

A. in, compared to  B. by, compared with  C. in, compared with  D. by, comparing to


22. Never in my wildest dreams _______  these people are living in such poor conditions.

  A. I could imagine  B. could I imagine  C. I couldn’t imagine  D. couldn’t I imagine


第一节  单项填空(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)


21. Locke will be the first Chinese American   as the U.S. Ambassador to China.

  A. to serve      B. serving       C. served         D.serves


4.  只有这个时候,我们才决定用暴力反抗暴力。

Only then _________ we _____________ to answer violence with violence.

