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6.-My flight ________.I'd better be on my way.Goodbye.

-Bye.Happy landing!

A.was announced       B.is being announced

C.has announced        D.is announced

答案与解析:B flight与动词announce 构成逻辑上的动宾关系,排除C项;由对话语境看用现在进行时表示此刻正在进行的动作,与题意相符。


5.It was not until fish ________ that the villagers realized the importance of protecting the river.

A.died away           B.died off

C.died from           D.died out

答案与解析:D die out“灭绝”符合题意。die away 相当于die down,意为“渐渐消失;停下来”,其主语通常是风、声音等;die off“相继死去”;die from “死于”事故等外因,与题意不符。


4.There's a whole crowd of people over there.Go and see what ________ and if it is good,we will buy it too.

A.is selling           B.has been selling

C.is being sold         D.has been sold

答案与解析:C 用现在进行时表示目前正在进行的动作;what与sell构成逻辑上的动宾关系,故用现在进行时的被动语态。


3.The headmaster has retired but no one knows who will ________ him in the post.

A.follow              B.succeed

C.remove            D.achieve

答案与解析:B succeed“继承;接任”,符合题意。follow“跟随;紧跟”;remove“免职;罢免”;achieve“取得”。


2.Soon after the terrible earthquake,________ was sent to the people who lost their homes from all over the world.

A.expense            B.relief

C.attention            D.sympathy

答案与解析:B relief意为“减轻痛苦的事情”,本题指“救援物品”,符合题意。


1.On seeing her funny­looking hairstyle, her classmates could not ________ their laughs.

A.hold        B.contain

C.overcome           D.prevent

答案与解析:B contain 可意为“容忍”,could not contain their laughs 相当于couldn't help laughing。

