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15.You'll ________ year you will be rearranged.

A.be attached to         B.be belonged to

C.owe to              D.contribute to

答案与解析:A 本题考查短语辨析。句意:在年底前你将隶属于这一部门。明年将重新安排你。be attached to 在此处表示“隶属于,依附于”,符合题意。belong to不能用于被动语态,排除B;owe...to...“把……归于……”,“归功于……”,contribute to...“有助于……”,均不符合题意。


14.Many of us Chinese people are ________  with the beauty of Hangzhou and Suzhou.

A.attractive            B.confident

C.familiar            D.sensitive

答案与解析:C be familiar with...“对……了解/熟悉的”。attractive“吸引人的”;confident“自信的”;sensitive“敏感的”。


13.You may certainly ________ his words,for he always speaks the truth.

A.pay attention to        B.ask for

C.suffer from         D.rely on

答案与解析:D 由for引导的原因状语从句可知D项正确,rely on“依靠;依赖”,此处相当于depend on。


12.-Why did the police  ________ the crowd?

-Because the president's car ________ in the street.

A.break down; broke down

B.break up; broke up

C.break down; broke up

D.break up; broke down

答案与解析:D break up“强行驱散”;break down“抛锚”,均为固定搭配。


11.-What a qualified husband he is!

-Definitely.Lots of people are touched by his ________ to   his wife who has weak eyesight.

A.devotion             B.deed

C.satisfaction          D.service

答案与解析:A devotion“献身;忠诚”,常与to搭配,符合题意。


10.She is________ the newspapers to be thrown away and putting away the rest.

A.sorting out           B.figuring out

C.making out          D.turning out

答案与解析:A sort out“给……分类”,指把物品分门别类地处理。figure out “弄清楚;弄明白”;make out“辨认出”;turn out “结果是”。


9.Everyone's attention was drawn to the eight­year­old girl who was ________ the piano perfectly.

A.acting             B.behaving

C.doing              D.performing

答案与解析:D 题意:大家的注意力都集中在那个钢琴弹得很好的八岁女孩的身上。perform“表演”。


8.On April 1st,the westerners will play ________ on each other but make sure that no one is hurt.

A.fun                 B.fool

C.jokes                D.games

答案与解析:C play jokes on sb. “愚弄某人”为固定短语。


7.-Just think,all that work for nothing.What a fool I was!


A.Ah,don't think any more about it really

B.Well,I'm glad that's over

C.I'd rather not say anything about that

D.Here's hoping you're able to do it well

答案与解析:A 对于对方的不幸的应答,要使用安慰性的话语。A项表示让对方不要多想,旨在安慰对方尽快忘记烦心事。

