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5.The good news       all the people in the hall.

A.excited    B.comforted    C.cheered up     D.both A and C


4.He was busy then , so he       the task to the secretary.

A.turned to    B.turned over     C.turned up     D.turned out


3.When the thief found the polece had already       him , he ran away quickly.

A.realized      B.known      C.stared      D.spotted


2.The suggestion that the sports meeting       deserves       .

A.to be delaed ; to be discussed       B.will be delayed ; to be discussed

C.be delayed ; to be disucssed       D.be delayed ; be discussed


第一节   单项选择(共20小题;每小题1分,满分20分)

1.       recent research report published by the UN indicates that it is quite possible that

the earth’s temperature is rising well above       previous estimate.

A.A ; the       B.A ; /       C.The ; a       D.A ; a


85. She wore so much _________(珠宝) that she seemed to be covered in gold.


84. Though he was wild about his discovery, few people realized the _____(意义)of it at that time.


83. I’m sorry the book you want is not ________(可获得的)now, but you can choose others related to the same topic.

