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35. Our city has developed into a big city, which is ______ it used to be.

A. four times larger than that             B. four times the size of what

C. four times the size larger than what      D. as four times the size as that


34. It is known to all that a proper amount of exercise ______ to good health.

A. benefits        B. contributes        C. values            D. improves


33. The little boy still needed the ______ 20 dollars to do with the things ______.

A. remaining; remained to be settled        B. remaining; remaining to be settled

C. remained; remained to settle          D. remained; remaining to settled


32. It was quite a long time ______ he really realized the serious situation.

A. since         B. when            C. after            D. before


31. Everybody in the village likes Jack because he is good at telling and ______ jokes.

A. turning up      B. putting up        C. making up        D. showing up


30. “This is ______ most useful reference book,” a teacher from ______ European country told us in class.

A. the; a          B. a; 不填           C. 不填; 不填       D. a; a


29. Father made a promise _______I passed the examination he would buy me an MP4 player.

A. that           B. which            C. whether           D. that if


28. I’m afraid this is the best way _______we can think of_______ you.

A. that; helping    B. that; to help       C. which; helping     D. which; to help


27. In front of our house _______ we used to swim.

A. a river lies that                     B. does a river lie where      

C. lies a river which                   D. lies a river where


26. We were finally able to make the customers _______ of the quality of the refrigerator.

A. to convince    B. convincing       C. convince        D. convinced

