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34. I would like a new job which pays more, but ______ I enjoy the work I’m doing at the moment.

  A. in other words   B. on the other hand   C. for one thing  D. as a matter of fact


33. --- Only one of these books is worth _______.

  --- _______ is no wonder that you look so upset.

  A. to read; That   B. of reading; This   C. being read; There   D. reading; It


32. Service was included in the bill, so you _______ the waiter. It was a waste of money.

  A. will not tip   B. may not tip   C. needn't have tipped  D. mustn't have tipped


31. When you copy this paper, be careful not to ______ a single word.

  A. leave out    B. come out    C. set out    D. bring out


30. Why does she steal things ________ she could easily afford to buy them?

A. when      B. where      C. unless      D. which


29. My parents would have come to see you if it had been possible, but they ________ so busy.

A. were   B. had been   C. have been   D. would be


28. Mary is a(n) _______ customer, so the waiter knows her likes and dislikes.

A. usual    B. ordinary   C. common    D. regular


27. Recently I bought a ticket for Shanghai World Expo, _______ was very reasonable.

A. the price of it   B. whose price   C. the price of whose   D. the price


26. ---I’d like to call you at 10 o’clock next Friday morning if it is convenient.

  ---I’m afraid I _______ an important meeting.

A. will have attended   B. will be attending   C. will attend    D. would attend


25. What some teenagers don’t realize is ____ difficult life can be if they get addicted to drugs.

A. how     B. what      C. that      D. why

