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34. Was it five o’clock  ________ the fire broke out?

A.that     B.when      C. in which     D. by which


33. There are a few mistakes , but  _________ it’s a good result. .

A. all in all     B.   in all   C. after all       D. at all


32. Only the VIP members of the web can have the  ____ to use all its resources for free. .

A. access      B. ability      C.  privilege    D. advantage


31. In the discussion held by our class yesterday, those who were  _________ surfing on the Internet claimed that it had a lot of advantages.

A. in favour of      B. in memory of  

C. in charge of      D. in honour  of


30.  It’ s impossible to aviod _______ by advertisements in modern society.

A.   to be influenced       B. being influenced

C.   to influence        D. having influenced


29. They reqiured that the Science Museum  ____ open on weekends. .

A.   kept    B. was kept      C. be kept    D. must be kept


28. You’d better to  _______ because I’m busy writing a letter to my parents

A. leave me alone       B. leave me behind     

C. set me aside     D. set me off


27. He was born and brought up here. As a man of 80, he has  __________ all the changes in this city .

A.   watched    B. observed      C. noticed     D. witnessed


26. It’s the greatest happiness on earth  _________ .

A.   loving and to be loved   B. to love and being loved

C.   love and be loved     D. to love and to be loved


25. As we all know, this play has been skillfully      from the original novel .

 A. adopted         B.  adapted        C. accepted      D. adjusted

