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19. She returned to her car,only _____the door open and her wallet ________.

A.finding;missed    B.to find;missed    C. to find;missing  D. find;miss


18.  The church tower ____clearly against the blue sky.

A.stands for      B. stands over      C.stands up     D.stands out


17. I have told you already that you ______have my answer tomorrow morning.

A.will         B.shall         C. should      D. would


16.The professor wondered why he _____such a letter _____him to give a lecture to those in prison.

A.accepted;to invite              B. received;inviting

C.accepted;inviting              D. received;to invite


15.After months of voyage,Columbus arrived in _____later proved a new continent.

A. where       B.what         C. which       D. that


14.The movie is _____________for adults only.Children are not allowed .

A. meaningful       B.intended       C. contented          D. pretended


13._________to drive a car ____such a high speed.

A. There’s a danger;at   B.It’s a danger;at   C. It’s dangerous;for  D.There’s a danger;for


12.The person delivering the speech has to _____in the middle of the speech because of the angry shouts from the people.

A. break into            B. break away    C. break off         D. break out


11.The meeting __________tomorrow will __________the delvelopment of Chinese soccor in the coming years.

A. will be held;base on   B. to be held;centre on C. held,base on    D. held;centre on


10.– Sorry to have interrupted you. Please go on. 

– Where was I?

-- You _____ you didn’t like your father’s job.

A. had said             B. had been saying       C.were saying           D. said

