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22. Jimmy has brains. In fact, I doubt whether anyone in the class has _________ IQ.

  A. a high      B. a higher      C. the higher    D. the highest


第一节 单项选择(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)

21. -It’s many years since I last saw you, Mary.


   -I wouldn’t have, either, if someone had not called you.

  A. You haven’t changed so much, Jane

  B. I recognized you at first sight, Jane

  C. I had thought I would meet you here, Jane

  D. I didn’t recognize you at first, Jane


第二节  (共15小题;每小题1. 5分,满分22. 5分)



6. How many rooms does the man want?

  A. Two.      B. Three.       C. Four.

7. Whose room is with a shower?

  A. The man's.     B. The man’s daughter’s.   C. No one’s.

8. When will they leave the hotel?

  A. Oct.4.       B. Oct. 24.       C. Oct. 14.

9. How much money will the man pay in all?

  A. $230.          B. $690.          C. $460.


10. What is the woman doing?

  A. Taking a photo.

  B. Showing the mall how to use the camera.

  C. Fixing the button of the camera.

11. What is to be done first to use the camera?

  A. Turn on the power.     B. Take off the lens cap.  C. Press the button.

12. What shall we do if we want to record something?

  A. Take the finger off the button.

  B. Take out the cassette.

  C. Press the red button.


13. How long were they late?

  A. An hour.       B. Half an hour.    C. One and a half hours.

14. What does the woman suggest the man should do?

  A. Check the coffee shop.   B. Wait there.       C. Call his friend.

15. How did the man feel when he couldn’t see his friend at the station?

  A. Very angry.     B. Very happy.    C. Disappointed and anxious.


16. What do the woman’s children like to do?

  A. Clean the room.    B. Collect things.    C. Play sports.

17. How does the woman feel about the housework?

  A. She enjoys it.     B. She dislikes it.   C. She doesn’t do it.


18. Which of the following is true about convenience foods in America?

  A. Americans spend 70 million dollars on diet business.

  B. Not many new diets are popular every year.

  C. American supermarkets sell a variety of diet foods.

19. If a person can’t lose weight himself, what should he do?

  A. Only eat ice cream for lunch and dinner.

  B. Join the diet group.

  C. Get help and encouragement.

20. What is the passage mainly about?

  A. Diet pills.       B. Ice cream diet.    C. Americans’ diet craze.


第一节  (共5小题:每小题1. 5分,满分7. 5分)


1. What does the man mean?

  A. Maggie will dance with him.

  B. Maggie will have a meeting with him.

  C. Maggie won't be free until tomorrow.

2. How does the woman spend her weekends in autumn?

  A. Go swimming.   B. Go walking.    C. Go working.

3. What address can the man write to if he writes to the woman?

  A. New York University.   B. Her brother's house.   C. Her dorm.

4. What do you understand from the conversation?

  A. The man was sick.

  B. The man went to the meeting yesterday.

  C. The man was tired yesterday.

5. What season is it?

  A. Winter.    B. Summer.     C. Spring.





  Behind my apartment,there used to be a dirty and messy(杂乱的)corner.








Time is valuable but limit.There’s a famous saying,          76._______

“Time is money”,this shows the importance of time.When      77._______

time has gone,it will never return back.              78._______

It is a pity when many people make poor use of time.They       79._______

spend precious time oversleeping,drinking and travelling.       80._______

They don’t realize wasting time is equal to wasting parts of their life.  81._______

They always regret having made a little achievement so far.      82._______

Therefore,we should form the habit of value time.Do not       83._______

put off what can be done today until tomorrow.Laziness       84._______

will not only bring us failure,but also lead us on the road        85._______

of poverty and even death.

