Love, unity, and mutual assistance are make us feel warm in face of natural disasters. A. as B. that C. what D. those 查看更多



A hug is a wonderful thing and it is a great gift to share with people. For some people, a hug is considered to be a great way to say “I care.” A hug communicates support, affection(喜爱), unity and belonging. A hug shows a strong feeling of sympathy. A hug brings happiness. A hug also touches the soul.
Hugs are healthy. Hugs can ease pain, reduce stress, cure depression and refresh the heart, yet they have no side effects…No wonder, it is a true miracle medicine.
A hug can say “I love you”…A hug can say “I hate to see you go”. A hug can say “ It’s good to have you back”. A hug can say “It’s great to see you’. A hug can say “I feel your pain”. A hug can also say “Let me share your burden”.
No matter whether you’re the giver or the receiver, hugs touch the inner being. From friends, to families, to loved ones, to those in need, a hug warms the heart.
A hug is truly amazing. It brings generosity(慷慨) to the giver and happiness to the receiver. It brings blessings to those who give and joy to those who receive.
Hugs are one of the reasons why God gave us arms. So, stretch out your arms to someone today. Reach out to those you love. It will warm the heart of the giver and give light to the soul of the receiver.
Reach out to your neighbor. It will show that you care. Reach out to one in need. It will show that you are responsible. Reach out to the world. It will show God that you care for his creation.
【小题1】What is the best title of the passage?

A.The advantages of hugs.B.How should we hug
C.The tips on giving others hugsD.The facts of hugs
【小题2】Hugs can benefit people in the following ways EXCEPT________.
A.improving the healthB.cheering people up
C.making receivers happyD.creating great wealth
【小题3】According to the third paragraph, we can learn hugs can__________.
A.send some messagesB.make people come back
C.stop people going somewhereD.break people’s hearts
【小题4】To show you care, you should reach out to_________.
A.those who need joyB.your neighborC.those you missD.God
【小题5】What can we learn from the passage?
A.Sometimes hugs have side effects.
B.If people are sad, we'd better not hug them.
C.We must hug each of our neighbors every day.
D.People often feel joyful when they receive hugs.


A hug is a wonderful thing and it is a great gift to share with people. For some people, a hug is considered to be a great way to say “I care.” A hug communicates support, affection(喜爱), unity and belonging. A hug shows a strong feeling of sympathy. A hug brings happiness. A hug also touches the soul.

Hugs are healthy. Hugs can ease pain, reduce stress, cure depression and refresh the heart, yet they have no side effects…No wonder, it is a true miracle medicine.

A hug can say “I love you”…A hug can say “I hate to see you go”. A hug can say “ It’s good to have you back”. A hug can say “It’s great to see you’. A hug can say “I feel your pain”. A hug can also say “Let me share your burden”.

No matter whether you’re the giver or the receiver, hugs touch the inner being. From friends, to families, to loved ones, to those in need, a hug warms the heart.

A hug is truly amazing. It brings generosity(慷慨) to the giver and happiness to the receiver. It brings blessings to those who give and joy to those who receive.

Hugs are one of the reasons why God gave us arms. So, stretch out your arms to someone today. Reach out to those you love. It will warm the heart of the giver and give light to the soul of the receiver.

Reach out to your neighbor. It will show that you care. Reach out to one in need. It will show that you are responsible. Reach out to the world. It will show God that you care for his creation.

1.What is the best title of the passage?

A.The advantages of hugs.                  B.How should we hug

C.The tips on giving others hugs              D.The facts of hugs

2.Hugs can benefit people in the following ways EXCEPT________.

A.improving the health                     B.cheering people up

C.making receivers happy                  D.creating great wealth

3.According to the third paragraph, we can learn hugs can__________.

A.send some messages                     B.make people come back

C.stop people going somewhere             D.break people’s hearts

4.To show you care, you should reach out to_________.

A.those who need joy  B.your neighbor      C.those you miss      D.God

5.What can we learn from the passage?

A.Sometimes hugs have side effects.

B.If people are sad, we'd better not hug them.

C.We must hug each of our neighbors every day.

D.People often feel joyful when they receive hugs.



A hug is a wonderful thing and it is a great gift to share with people. For some people, a hug is considered to be a great way to say “I care.” A hug communicates support, affection(喜爱), unity and belonging. A hug shows a strong feeling of sympathy. A hug brings happiness. A hug also touches the soul.

Hugs are healthy. Hugs can ease pain, reduce stress, cure depression and refresh the heart, yet they have no side effects…No wonder, it is a true miracle medicine.

A hug can say “I love you”…A hug can say “I hate to see you go”. A hug can say “ It’s good to have you back”. A hug can say “It’s great to see you’. A hug can say “I feel your pain”. A hug can also say “Let me share your burden”.

No matter whether you’re the giver or the receiver, hugs touch the inner being. From friends, to families, to loved ones, to those in need, a hug warms the heart.

A hug is truly amazing. It brings generosity(慷慨) to the giver and happiness to the receiver. It brings blessings to those who give and joy to those who receive.

Hugs are one of the reasons why God gave us arms. So, stretch out your arms to someone today. Reach out to those you love. It will warm the heart of the giver and give light to the soul of the receiver.

Reach out to your neighbor. It will show that you care. Reach out to one in need. It will show that you are responsible. Reach out to the world. It will show God that you care for his creation.

51.What is the best title of the passage?

  A.The advantages of hugs.       B.How should we hug

  C.The tips on giving others hugs    D.The facts of hugs

52. Hugs can benefit people in the following ways EXCEPT________.

  A.improving the health     B.cheering people up

  C.making receivers happy    D.creating great wealth

53. According to the third paragraph, we can learn hugs can__________.

  A.send some messages      B.make people come back

  C.stop people going somewhere   D.break people’s hearts

54.To show you care, you should reach out to_________.

  A.those who need joy  B.your neighbor  C.those you miss   D.God

55.What can we learn from the passage?

  A. Sometimes hugs have side effects.  

B.If people are sad, we'd better not hug them.

  C.We must hug each of our neighbors every day.

  D.People often feel joyful when they receive hugs.


A hug is a wonderful thing and it is a great gift to share with people. For some people, a hug is considered to be a great way to say “I care.” A hug communicates support, affection(喜爱), unity and belonging. A hug shows a strong feeling of sympathy. A hug brings happiness. A hug also touches the soul.
Hugs are healthy. Hugs can ease pain, reduce stress, cure depression and refresh the heart, yet they have no side effects…No wonder, it is a true miracle medicine.
A hug can say “I love you”…A hug can say “I hate to see you go”. A hug can say “ It’s good to have you back”. A hug can say “It’s great to see you’. A hug can say “I feel your pain”. A hug can also say “Let me share your burden”.
No matter whether you’re the giver or the receiver, hugs touch the inner being. From friends, to families, to loved ones, to those in need, a hug warms the heart.
A hug is truly amazing. It brings generosity(慷慨) to the giver and happiness to the receiver. It brings blessings to those who give and joy to those who receive.
Hugs are one of the reasons why God gave us arms. So, stretch out your arms to someone today. Reach out to those you love. It will warm the heart of the giver and give light to the soul of the receiver.
Reach out to your neighbor. It will show that you care. Reach out to one in need. It will show that you are responsible. Reach out to the world. It will show God that you care for his creation

  1. 1.

    What is the best title of the passage?

    1. A.
      The advantages of hugs
    2. B.
      How should we hug
    3. C.
      The tips on giving others hugs
    4. D.
      The facts of hugs
  2. 2.

    Hugs can benefit people in the following ways EXCEPT________

    1. A.
      improving the health
    2. B.
      cheering people up
    3. C.
      making receivers happy
    4. D.
      creating great wealth
  3. 3.

    According to the third paragraph, we can learn hugs can__________

    1. A.
      send some messages
    2. B.
      make people come back
    3. C.
      stop people going somewhere
    4. D.
      break people’s hearts
  4. 4.

    To show you care, you should reach out to_________

    1. A.
      those who need joy
    2. B.
      your neighbor
    3. C.
      those you miss
    4. D.
  5. 5.

    What can we learn from the passage?

    1. A.
      Sometimes hugs have side effects
    2. B.
      If people are sad, we'd better not hug them
    3. C.
      We must hug each of our neighbors every day
    4. D.
      People often feel joyful when they receive hugs


You are given many opportunities in life to choose to be a victim or a creator. When you choose to be a victim, the world is a cold and difficult place. “They” did things to you which caused all of your pain and suffering. “They” are wrong and bad, and life is terrible as long as “they” are around. Or you may blame yourself for all your problems, thus internalizing(内化) your victimization. The truth is, your life is likely to stay that way as long as you feel a need to blame yourself or others.

         Those who choose to be creators look at life quite differently. They know there are individuals who might like to control their lives, but they don’t let this get in the way. They know they have their weaknesses, yet they don’t blame themselves when they fail. Whatever happens, they have choice in the matter. They believe their dance with each sacred(神圣的) moment of life is a gift and that storms are a natural part of life which can bring the rain needed for emotional and spiritual growth.

         Victims and creators live in the same physical world and deal with many of the same physical realities, yet their experience of life is worlds apart. Victims relish (沉溺) in anger, guilt, and other emotions that cause others—and even themselves—to feel like victims, too. Creators consciously choose love, inspiration, and other qualities which inspire not only themselves, but all around them. Both victims and creators always have choice to determine the direction of their lives.

         In reality, all of us play the victim or the creator at various points in our lives. One person, on losing a job or a special relationship, may feel as if it is the end of the world and sink into terrible suffering for months, years, or even a lifetime. Another with the same experience may choose to first experience the grief, then accept the loss and soon move on to be a powerful creative force in his life.    In every moment and every circumstance, you can choose to have a fuller, richer life by setting a clear intention to transform the victim within, and by inviting into your life the powerful creator that you are.

1.What does the word “they” in Paragraph 1 probably refer to?

A. People and things around you.

B. Opportunities and problems.

C. Creators and their choices.

D. Victims and their sufferings.

2.According to Paragraph 2, creators __________.

A. seem willing to experience failures in life

B. possess the ability to predict future life

C. handle ups and downs of life wisely

D. have potential to create something new

3.What can we learn from Paragraph 3?

A. Creators and victims face quite different things in life.

B. Creators and victims are masters of their lives.

C. Victims can influence more people than creators.

D. Compared with victims, creators are more emotional.

4.The examples mentioned in Paragraph 4 show that __________.

A. strong attachment to (沉浸在)sufferings in life pulls people into victims

B. people need family support to deal with challengers in life

C. it takes creators quite a long time to get rid of their pains

D. one’s experiences determine his attitude toward life

5.What is the author’s purpose in writing this passage?

A. To define victims and creators.

B. To evaluate victims against creators.

C. To explain the relationship between victims and creators.

D. To suggest the transformation from victims to creators.


