For those work in Beijing Central Business District, the parking fee for a day almost equals what they earn. A. 不填 B. that C. who D. whom 查看更多



Like many people in the UK, the team of BBC learning English were  1  and sad at the news of the earthquake in Sichuan Province. They would like to extend their condolences(吊唁) to those affected by this terrible natural disaster. Below was their special report on the earthquake and the  2  operations taking place.

Rescue efforts were underway in Sichuan Province following the terrible  3  , which measured 7.9 on the Richter Scale. According to Xinhua news agency, nearly 15,000  4  died in the disaster, with as many as 24,000 more  5  under ruins and another 14,000  6  .

Chinese troops(军队) were  7  to carry out the rescue operations, and emergency aid was air-dropped into areas that were cut off by the  8  .

Because of the bad weather, in some places  9  had to go into the disaster area on foot and search for trapped survivors by hand as roads were  10 . Some people of the provincial capital Chengdu chose to   11  in tents and government shelters for fear of aftershock causing     12  damage. One witness in Chengdu said that the people there were helping the relief work by donating food and water for those affected in the  13 .

Although full casualty figures (伤亡数字) were not yet   14 , it was clear that the earthquake was the  15  to strike China after the Tangshan earthquake of 1976.


























































































Froli Cat Dart

While cats require less attention compared to dogs, that doesn’t mean you can just leave them at home all day long. No sir, they too, need some level of attention and will have to keep themselves occupied mentally and physically too. Well, FroliCat Dart makes it possible. Just what is the FroliCat Dart all about? Well, for starters, this device delivers 360° rotation (旋转) that will project laser patterns on the floor, letting your feline (猫科动物) friend chase after it.

Portable USB Power Supply

With modern gadgets, running out of juice happens to some of us more often, simply because today’s devices seem to suck up more juice than before. That’s why the Portable USB Power Supply comes in handy, being a best emergency charger for cell phones and other devices. Capable of holding a charge for up to three months when in standby, it will ship with adapter tips that cater for a certain variety of cell phone brands.

Battery Powered Gloves

For those living in the northern hemisphere(半球),we are pretty sure that you have already stocked up on your winter supplies to make sure you remain nice and warm throughout the upcoming freezing months. Well, wearing a pair of the Battery Powered Hand Warming Gloves is necessary so as to keep your palms and fingers warm. These gloves come with battery-powered integral (不可缺的) heating elements which is capable of keeping your hands nice and warm for up to eight hours. It requires a quartet of AA batteries in each glove, and since both gloves are fully lined with a waterproof, breathable material, they might just come in handy during your next snowball fight. Too bad it comes only in one color—black.

1.How does FroliCat Dart work?

A.It can make cats run around your house.

B.It can project laser patterns to make cats chase.

C.It can make cats much sleepier than before.

D.It can provide food and drink for cats.

2.From the second paragraph, we know that________

A.Lack of power happens to some of us less often than before.

B.The adapter tips cater for all kinds of cell phone brands.

C.The Portable USB Power Supply can charge for some phones.

D.The Portable USB Power Supply can only last for three months.

3.Where do the Battery Powered Gloves sell well?

A. Iceland        B. India       C. Australia      D Singapore




The global financial crisis is likely to cause increased mental health problems and even suicides(自杀)as people struggle to deal with poverty and unemployment, the World Health Organization warned Thursday.

Hundreds of millions of people worldwide are already affected by mental problems such as depression and bipolar disorders (带狂躁的抑郁症) and the current market meltdown (崩溃) could worsen feelings of despair among people who can't stand such illnesses.

The United Nations agency said the impact could be especially marked for those living in low and middle income countries where access to treatment is often limited.

“We should not be surprised at the turbulence (动荡) and likely consequences of the current financial crisis. Now we are seeing a huge gap in taking care of people in great need,” WHO director general Margaret Chan told at a meeting of mental health experts.

“It should not come as a surprise that we continue to see more stresses, suicides and mental disorders,” Chan warned.

Benedetto Saraceno, director of WHO's mental health, said mental health disorders affected one in four people at some point in their lives.

Mental and neurological disorders are often chronic (慢性的) and disabling, he said. Nearly 1 million people commit suicide worldwide every year, a large proportion (比例) of them are young adults.

Asked about the financial crisis, Saraceno said, “Poverty can be the consequence of such events, the debts, despair and sense of loss that may reach middle and lower classes. Even the poor can be affected by this crisis.”

“There is a clear evidence that suicide is linked to financial disasters. I am not talking about the millionaire's jumping out of the window but about poor people,” he said. The global crisis could be expected to affect the “stability(稳定)of communities and families”, according to Saraceno.

67.According to the passage, the chief result of the worldwide financial crisis is that  ________ . 

A.more people will be poorer                    

B.more people will be out of jobs

C.more people will suffer from mental problems    

D.more people will commit suicide

68.The United Nations agency worried that________. 

A.more rich people would commit suicide

B.the financial crisis might especially influence developing or underdeveloped countries

C.the current market meltdown could worsen feelings of despair

D.hundreds of millions of people in the world were already affected by mental problems

69.It is implied that ________.  

A.far more work should be done to help those who are mentally ill will be surprising to see more people commit suicide

C.a mental disorder is a chronic disease

D.many more adults commit suicide worldwide than people of other ages

70.The best title for the passage is _________.  

A.Consequences of Global Financial Crisis.

B.Mental Disorders Resulting From Global Financial Crisis.

C.Suicides as a Result of Market Meltdown.

D.Chronic Mental Disorders.



The global financial crisis is likely to cause increased mental health problems as people struggle to deal with poverty and unemployment, the World Health Organization warned Thursday.

Hundreds of millions of people worldwide are already affected by mental problems such as depression and bipolar disorders (带躁狂的抑郁症) and the current market meltdown (崩溃) could worsen feelings of despair among people who can't stand such illnesses.

The United Nations agency said the impact could be especially marked for those living in low and middle income countries where access to treatment is often limited.

"We should not be surprised at the turbulence (动荡) and likely consequences of the current financial crisis.Now we are seeing a huge gap in taking care of people in great need," WHO director general Margaret Chan told at a meeting of mental health experts.

"It should not come as a surprise that we continue to see more stresses, suicides and mental disorders," Chan warned.

Benedetto Saraceno, director of WHO's mental health, said mental health disorders affected one in four people at some point in their lives.

Mental and neurological disorders are often chronic (慢性) and disabling, he said.Nearly 1 million people commit suicide worldwide every year, a large part of them are young adults.

Asked about the financial crisis, Saraceno said, "Poverty can be the consequence of such events, the debts, despair and sense of loss that may reach middle and lower classes.Even the poor can be affected by this crisis."

"There is clear evidence that suicide is linked to financial disasters.I am not talking about the millionaire's jumping out of the window but about poor people," he said.The global crisis could be expected to affect the "stability of communities and families", according to Saraceno.

60.According to the passage, the chief result of the worldwide financial crisis is that        .

A.more people will be poorer

B.more people will be out of jobs

C.more people will suffer from mental problems

D.more people will commit suicide

61.The United Nations agency worried that              .

A.more rich people would commit suicide

B.the financial crisis might especially influence developing or underdeveloped countries

C.the current market meltdown could worsen feelings of despair

D.hundreds of millions of people in the world were already affected by mental problems

62.It can be inferred that              . 

A.far more work should be done to help those who are mentally ill will be surprising to see more people commit suicide

C.a mental disorder is a chronic disease

D.many more young adults commit suicide worldwide than people of other ages

63.The best title for the passage is              . 

A.Global Financial Crisis.

B.Mental Disorders Resulting From Global Financial Crisis.

C.Suicides as a Result of Market Meltdown.

D.Chronic Mental Disorders.



The global financial crisis is likely to cause increased mental health problems as people struggle to deal with poverty and unemployment, the World Health Organization warned Thursday.
Hundreds of millions of people worldwide are already affected by mental problems such as depression and bipolar disorders (带躁狂的抑郁症) and the current market meltdown (崩溃) could worsen feelings of despair among people who can't stand such illnesses.
The United Nations agency said the impact could be especially marked for those living in low and middle income countries where access to treatment is often limited.
"We should not be surprised at the turbulence (动荡) and likely consequences of the current financial crisis.Now we are seeing a huge gap in taking care of people in great need," WHO director general Margaret Chan told at a meeting of mental health experts.
"It should not come as a surprise that we continue to see more stresses, suicides and mental disorders," Chan warned.
Benedetto Saraceno, director of WHO's mental health, said mental health disorders affected one in four people at some point in their lives.
Mental and neurological disorders are often chronic (慢性) and disabling, he said.Nearly 1 million people commit suicide worldwide every year, a large part of them are young adults.
Asked about the financial crisis, Saraceno said, "Poverty can be the consequence of such events, the debts, despair and sense of loss that may reach middle and lower classes.Even the poor can be affected by this crisis."
"There is clear evidence that suicide is linked to financial disasters.I am not talking about the millionaire's jumping out of the window but about poor people," he said.The global crisis could be expected to affect the "stability of communities and families", according to Saraceno.
60.According to the passage, the chief result of the worldwide financial crisis is that        .
A.more people will be poorer
B.more people will be out of jobs
C.more people will suffer from mental problems
D.more people will commit suicide
61.The United Nations agency worried that              .
A.more rich people would commit suicide
B.the financial crisis might especially influence developing or underdeveloped countries
C.the current market meltdown could worsen feelings of despair
D.hundreds of millions of people in the world were already affected by mental problems
62.It can be inferred that              . 
A.far more work should be done to help those who are mentally ill will be surprising to see more people commit suicide
C.a mental disorder is a chronic disease
D.many more young adults commit suicide worldwide than people of other ages
63.The best title for the passage is              . 
A.Global Financial Crisis.
B.Mental Disorders Resulting From Global Financial Crisis.
C.Suicides as a Result of Market Meltdown.
D.Chronic Mental Disorders.

