94.Both her father and mother their living mainly from teaching. 查看更多



Abuse can be defined as “to treat wrongfully or harmfully”. There are different categories of abuse that have been recognized and within our case study there appear to be two distinct forms of abuse, family abuse and child abuse. These can be subdivided into terms of physical abuse and psychological abuse. Physical abuse is the intentional physical injury or harm or deliberately not preventing harm occurring. The minimum physical signs seen in our study of James are bruises but they might feel more painful to his heart than the more serious invisible injuries. Emotional abuse is the continual failure to meet basic emotional needs. Emotional development is prevented and well-being harmed. The emotional signs in our case study can be seen in James by his actions of being withdrawn and non-communicative. The behavioural sign to abuse taking place to James is his aggressive behaviour.

The short term effect of physical abuse on James is physical pain. In the long term, injuries that often happen can result in secondary illness and complications, permanent scars or even disabilities. His emotional effects in the short term are a fear of people, withdrawal, and poor relationship with others. The long term emotional effects could be low self-respect, depression, inability to form relationships.

Abuse can arise for many reasons and there are a number of theoretical views which may be useful in clarifying why the abuse has taken place. The female view believes that sex and family roles give approval to a culture of abuse. Considering the historical and fixed ideas, men have power and control. In James’ case he lives in a re-constructed family with the father being rude and a heavy drinker. From a psychological angle, alcohol misuse can bring mental health problems which may increase aggression in the person and so James is more at risk from abuse by his stepfather. The relationship between the mother and James involves a dependency of James on his mother. With other problems in James’ mother’s life, this leads to increasing stress and the inability of his mother to cope with and manage a family with four children borne by two mothers. The attachment theory states that significant separations of a child from the carer in the early years can have an effect on their emotional development and can lead to psychological and social difficulties in later life. The loss of both his father and his half sister’s father with whom he lives may have contributed to his behaviour.

Abusive behaviour can sometimes be the result of mental health problems, brain damage or being abused themselves. By becoming the abuser they believe they are taking control; some even believe that they are not doing anything wrong and cannot stop themselves. When working with individuals who have abused, it is important to be aware that they may go on to abuse again and there is a need to protect the community from the abuser.

1.Which of the following is closest in meaning to the underlined word “bruises” in Paragraph 1?

A.Slight injury

B.Deep Cut

C.Body disability

D.Inner wound

2.According to the writer’s case study, which of the following cases can be defined as abuse?

A.A father scolds his son because he doesn’t pass the exam in school.

B.A car knocks down a woman but the driver doesn’t take her to hospital.

C.A father never talks to his daughter and shows no interest in what she does.

D.A husband is angry with his wife when she stays out late into the night.

3.From the passage we can infer that ______________.

A.James’ step father doesn’t show any concern for his mother

B.James’ mother gave birth to a girl in the re-constructed family

C.James’ stepfather is rude to all the children in the family

D.James’ mother loves her husband more than her own son

4.Which of the following can best serve as the title of the passage? zxxk

A.Categories of Abuse

B.How to Prevent Abuse

C.Abuse and Its Causes

D.Effects Caused by Abuse



Charlie Chaplin was born on April 16, 1889 in London. Both his father and mother were entertainers and although not of big names, they were doing very well. While the family was by no means rich, the music hall provided the Chaplins with a comfortable living. Unfortunately happy life didn’t last long. Father’s alcoholism was slowly, but surely destroying his marriage. Finally it ended in divorce. His mother managed to keep Charlie and his brother Syney clean and warm, clothed and fed. She would sit at the window watching the passers-by and guess at their characters from the way they looked and behaved, making up tales to delight Charlie and Syney. Charlie took in her skills and went on using them all his life.

Charlie had always believed, even in the worst times, that he had something special locked away inside him. He took his courage and went to one of the top theater agents. With no experience at all, he was offered a plum part (意外得到的好角色) in a new production of “Sherlock Holmes”, which opened on July 27, 1903 at the famous “Pavilion Theatre”. Charlie seemed to change overnight. It was as if he had found the thing he was meant to do. By 1910, Charlie had become “one of the best pantomime (哑剧) artists ever seen ”.

Cinema was born in the same year as Charlie thought people still believed it was a passing fashion, and would never replace live shows. But after using several weeks to watch and to learn, he was determined to master this new medium. It offered him the chance of money and success—and it would set him free from the unpredictability of live audience.

Charlie’s first film, released in February 1914, was called “Making a living”. After that he made another ten. The public loved him and producers were demanding more and more Chaplin films. In an incredibly short time, Charlie had become a very important man in motion picture.

1.Which of the following is NOT true about Charlie Chaplin?

A. Mother had much influence on Charlie Chaplin’s career.

B. “Sherlock Holmes” made Charlie rise to fame overnight.

C. Charlie had been famous when the cinema became a fashion.

D. Charlie’s work in both the theater and the cinema was welcomed.

2.What can you infer from the passage?

A. Charlie Chaplin’s belief in his potential led to his success.

B. Charlie Chaplin got his first role in a film at 14.

C. Cinema was a form of art showing live performance.

D. Motion picture was a passing fashion lasting a short time.

3.The underlined word “unpredictability” in Paragraph 3 means____________.

A. low spirits                                              B. opposing attitude

C. successful performance                            D. changing state

4.What is the passage mainly about?

A. Charlie Chaplin made the cinema industry popular.

B. Charlie Chaplin’s early success in his career.

C. Charlie Chaplin was a best pantomime artist.

D. Charlie Chaplin’s determination to do what he liked.



A young school teacher had a dream that an angel appeared to him and said, “You will be given a child who will grow up to become a world   36 . How will you prepare her so that she will realize her intelligence, grow in confidence, develop both her confidence and sensitivity, be open-minded, yet   37  in character? In short, what kind of education will you   38  so that she can become one of the world's truly great leaders?”
The young teacher    39  in a cold sweat. It had never occurred to him before ---any one of his present or future students could be the person   40 in his dream. Was he preparing them to rise to any position which they may   41 ? He thought, “How might my   42  change if I knew that one of my students were this person?” He   43 began to formulate (规划;想出)a plan in his mind.
This student would   44  experience as well as instruction. She would need to know how to solve problems of various kinds. She would need to know the value of lifelong learning in order to keep a curious and   45  mind.
His teaching  46 . Every young person who walked through his   47 became, for him, a future world leader. He saw each one, not   48  they were, but as they could be. He   49  the best from his students, yet tempered(使缓和)it with pity. He taught each one as if the future of the       50  depended on his instruction.
After many years, a woman he knew   51  to a position of world fame. He realized that she must   52  have been the girl described in his dream. Only she was not one of his   53 , but rather his daughter. For of all the   54  teachers in her life, her father was the best.
Where and how you will   55  this child is a mystery. But believe that one child's future may depend upon the influence only you can provide, and something remarkable will happen.
36. A. leader                  B. destroyer                   C. rescuer                D.protector
37. A. bad                     B. weak                        C. special                 D. strong
38. A. afford                  B. provide                     C. receive                D. have 
39. A. awaken                 B. feared                       C. awoke                 D. stood
40. A. described       B. appeared                    C. imagined               D. lived 
41. A. buy                     B. send                        C. make                  D. desire
42. A. performance           B. teaching                     C. acting                  D. learning 
43. A. gradually              B. gladly                       C. suddenly               D. finally  
44. A. like                    B. have                        C. need             D. mean
45. A. actual                   B. dependent               C. absent            D. active 
46. A. worked                 B. changed                    C. developed              D. finished
47. A. classroom               B. office                       C. house                  D. mind
48. A. like                    B. unlike               C. likely                 D. as
49. A. begged                  B. expected                    C. forced                 D. learned 
50. A. world                   B. school                      C. class                   D. family 
51. A. appeared                B. stood                       C. rose                    D. raised 
52. A. completely              B. nearly                      C. hardly                  D. surely
53. A. children                 B. students                    C. friends                 D.followers
54. A. male                    B. wise                 C. various                 D. language
55. A. raise                    C. help                        C. love                    D. meet


Charlie Chaplin was born on April 16, 1889 in London. Both his father and mother were entertainers and although not of big names, they were doing very well. While the family was by no means rich, the music hall provided the Chaplins with a comfortable living. Unfortunately happy life didn’t last long. Father’s alcoholism was slowly, but surely destroying his marriage. Finally it ended in divorce. His mother managed to keep Charlie and his brother Syney clean and warm, clothed and fed. She would sit at the window watching the passers-by and guess at their characters from the way they looked and behaved, making up tales to delight Charlie and Syney. Charlie took in her skills and went on using them all his life.
Charlie had always believed, even in the worst times, that he had something special locked away inside him. He took his courage and went to one of the top theater agents. With no experience at all, he was offered a plum part (意外得到的好角色) in a new production of “Sherlock Holmes”, which opened on July 27, 1903 at the famous “Pavilion Theatre”. Charlie seemed to change overnight. It was as if he had found the thing he was meant to do. By 1910, Charlie had become “one of the best pantomime (哑剧) artists ever seen ”.
Cinema was born in the same year as Charlie thought people still believed it was a passing fashion, and would never replace live shows. But after using several weeks to watch and to learn, he was determined to master this new medium. It offered him the chance of money and success—and it would set him free from the unpredictability of live audience.
Charlie’s first film, released in February 1914, was called “Making a living”. After that he made another ten. The public loved him and producers were demanding more and more Chaplin films. In an incredibly short time, Charlie had become a very important man in motion picture.
【小题1】Which of the following is NOT true about Charlie Chaplin?

A.Mother had much influence on Charlie Chaplin’s career.
B.“Sherlock Holmes” made Charlie rise to fame overnight.
C.Charlie had been famous when the cinema became a fashion.
D.Charlie’s work in both the theater and the cinema was welcomed.
【小题2】What can you infer from the passage?
A.Charlie Chaplin’s belief in his potential led to his success.
B.Charlie Chaplin got his first role in a film at 14.
C.Cinema was a form of art showing live performance.
D.Motion picture was a passing fashion lasting a short time.
【小题3】The underlined word “unpredictability” in Paragraph 3 means____________.
A.low spiritsB.opposing attitude
C.successful performanceD.changing state
【小题4】What is the passage mainly about?
A.Charlie Chaplin made the cinema industry popular.
B.Charlie Chaplin’s early success in his career.
C.Charlie Chaplin was a best pantomime artist.
D.Charlie Chaplin’s determination to do what he liked.


A deadly strain of avian flu may have passed between people for the first time, experts believe.The avian influenza A (H7N9) virus is thought to have been transmitted between father and daughter in eastern China, according to research published online by the British Medical Journal (BMJ).

    The findings provide the strongest evidence yet of H7N9 transmission between humans since its discover in February, but its ability to transmit itself was deemed "limited and non-sustainable" by the Chinese researchers behind the study.At the end of June 133 cases had been reported, including 43 deaths. Most infections have been among people visiting markets, selling live birds or among those who had contact with live poultry(家禽) in the seven to 10 days before becoming ill.

The latest study examined the case of a 60-year-old father who regularly visited a live poultry market and became ill five to six days after his last visit in March. He was admitted to hospital with fever, cough and shortness of breath. Despite intensive care treatment he died of multiple organ failure on 4 May. His 32-year-old daughter, who was previously healthy, looked after him at his bedside before he was admitted to intensive care. She had no known exposure to live poultry before falling ill with a very high temperature, cough and fever. The daughter developed symptoms six days after her last contact with her father and was admitted to hospital where she died of multiple organ failure on 24 April.

Follow-up investigations(调查) uncovered almost genetically identical virus strains from each patient, suggesting transmission from father to daughter. Another 43 people were also tested who had had close contact with the father, daughter or both.

Dr Peter Horby, senior clinical research fellow at the Oxford University Clinical Research Unit in Hanoi, Vietnam, said of the study: "The most likely source of infection for the daughter was her father, during the period that she cared for him while he was ill. "He said “limited person to person transmission had been reported for other strains like H5N1 , H7N7, and the pig origin flu virus H3N2. Those strains had been around for more than a decade but have not progressed any further down the path towards a world-wide virus.” “Limited human-to-human transmission of H7N9 virus is therefore not surprising, but strengthening to monitor it was still needed,” Dr Horby added.

1.What’s the main idea of the passage ?

A. The findings about H7N9 transmission only between father and daughter .

B. H7N9 transmission may be spreading between people .

C. 133 cases of H7N9 transmission have been reported .

D. Both the father and daughter died of multiple organ failure.

2.The reason why the daughter died of multiple organ failure was that _____.

A. she fell ill with a very high temperature, cough and fever.

B. she was exposed to live poultry before falling ill.

C. she had close contact with the father while caring for her sick father .

D. she sold live birds in five to six days before falling ill .

3.Which of the following is Wrong about H7N9 transmission?

A. It was limited and non-sustainable

B. It was person to person transmission

C. It wasn’t progressed any further down the path towards a world-wide virus.

D. It happened between father and daughter .

4.The underlined word s “was deemed” in paragraph 2 probably means _______

A. was decreased     B. was regarded as

C. was thought of      D. was developed

5.What type of writing is the article likely to be ?

A. A news report. B. Popular science.

C.A medical report  D.A medical findings


