1.Parents are always c much about their children. 查看更多



I have been employed by a charity organization for less than a year now and I have the privilege of finding foster homes for abandoned children. It has always been my dream to work with adopted children because I myself was an adopted child.
I was born in California in September of 1976 and was adopted in Ohio in March of 1977. I have no memory of being told that I was adopted, however, I have always known. I have been told that I was wanted and I was special.
Even though my parents provided me with lots of love, I was always annoyed by the questions about my origin and my feeling of being unwanted. I constantly scanned every crowd I was in for another human that looked like me or laughed like me.
I began searching for my birthparents in 1999 and I imagined every possible scene of my birth family.
I went to a local agency for support and five days later I met my birth mother. The story unfolded. She flew me to Los Angeles the next day and I spent the weekend connecting with another person who looked just like me. We have had a worthwhile relationship over the past years although she could not give me any information about my birth father.
In June of last year a member of my birth father’s family contacted me. Now, he and I are just beginning to get to know what it is like to be a birth child, Without the support of my parents who raised me I would have never experienced the feeling of being truly wanted accepted. For that, I am forever grateful.
64.What’s the author’s attitude towards working with adopted children?
A.He feels it is worth a try.
B.He is eager to work with them.
C.He is strongly against it .
D.He thinks it is painful.
65.How does the author feel about his birth family?
A.He feels that he can’t forgive his birth parents.
B.He understands his birth parents.
C.He misses his birth parents very much.
D.He is afraid of being hurt by them again.
66.Why does the author writes this passage?
A.To complain about being abandoned by his birth parents.
B.To show how deep his desire to work with adopted children is.
C.To encourage other people to find their birth parents.
D.To show his love to his birth parents and his foster parents.


Children’s Storybooks and Tales: This site is dedicated to Children’s Story Books and how to tell Children’s Stories. If you enjoy a child’s story or have kids of your own then please browse (浏览) this site to find some great stories and how to read them.
The Cat in the Hat---Dr. Seuss
In the first book featuring the character (The Cat in the Hat, 1957), the Cat brings chaos (混乱) to a household of two young children on one rainy day while their mother is out. Bringing with him two creatures appropriately named Thing One and Thing Two, the Cat performs all sorts of tricks to amuse the children, with mixed results. The Cat’s tricks are vainly opposed by the family pet, who is a conscious goldfish. The children (Sally and her older brother) finally prove good ones, capturing the Things and bringing the Cat under control. He cleans up the house on his way out, disappearing seconds before the mother comes back.
The Famous Fire---Enid Blyton
The Famous Fire is Enid Blyton’s most popular and celebrated series of children’s books. The sequence (顺序) began life in 1942, when the first book, Fire on a Treasure Island was published and it has won great praise from both fans and critics. The series has gone on to become amongst the best-loved stories ever to have been written for children.
Tom and Pippo in the Garden---Helen Oxenbury
In 1988 Helen Oxenbury created a series of books featuring Tom, a naughty young boy, and his beloved stuffed monkey, Pippo. Ms. Oxenbury remarked that Tom was very much like her son “when he was a little boy”. Like Tom, her son would often blame his misdeeds on his trusted buddy, the friendly family dog.
The BFG---Roald Dahl
The story is about an orphan girl named Sophie. One night when Sophie cannot sleep during the “witching hour” and sees a giant blowing something into bedroom windows down the street. The giant sees her, and although she tries to hide in the bed, he reaches through the window and carries her away to his home.
【小题1】It can be inferred from the The Cat in the Hat that ________.

A.the goldfish likes to keep company with the cat
B.all tricks performed by the cat are not amusing
C.Sally has to clean up the house before her mother comes back
D.the cat finally takes control of the Things
【小题2】From the book Tom and Pippo in the Garden, we know ________.
A.Pippo is a naughty dog causing trouble in the family
B.Tom likes to keep a pet dog at home
C.Ms. Oxenbury complained about her son’s dishonesty
D.Pippo always gets the blame for everything that goes wrong
【小题3】According to the book The BFG, “the witching hour” may refer to a time ________.
A.when magic things can happenB.when a girl can’t fall asleep
C.when a person dreams a nightmareD.when a child can be taken away
【小题4】For whom is the passage most likely intended?



I have been employed by a charity organization for less than a year now and I have the privilege of finding foster homes for abandoned children. It has always been my dream to work with adopted children because I myself was an adopted child.

I was born in California in September of 1976 and was adopted in Ohio in March of 1977. I have no memory of being told that I was adopted, however, I have always known. I have been told that I was wanted and I was special.

Even though my parents provided me with lots of love, I was always annoyed by the questions about my origin and my feeling of being unwanted. I constantly scanned every crowd I was in for another human that looked like me or laughed like me.

I began searching for my birthparents in 1999 and I imagined every possible scene of my birth family.

I went to a local agency for support and five days later I met my birth mother. The story unfolded. She flew me to Los Angeles the next day and I spent the weekend connecting with another person who looked just like me. We have had a worthwhile relationship over the past years although she could not give me any information about my birth father.

In June of last year a member of my birth father’s family contacted me. Now, he and I are just beginning to get to know what it is like to be a birth child, Without the support of my parents who raised me I would have never experienced the feeling of being truly wanted accepted. For that, I am forever grateful.

64.What’s the author’s attitude towards working with adopted children?

A.He feels it is worth a try.

B.He is eager to work with them.

C.He is strongly against it .

D.He thinks it is painful.

65.How does the author feel about his birth family?

A.He feels that he can’t forgive his birth parents.

B.He understands his birth parents.

C.He misses his birth parents very much.

D.He is afraid of being hurt by them again.

66.Why does the author writes this passage?

A.To complain about being abandoned by his birth parents.

B.To show how deep his desire to work with adopted children is.

C.To encourage other people to find their birth parents.

D.To show his love to his birth parents and his foster parents.




       I have been employed by a charity organization for less than a year now and I have the privilege of finding foster homes for abandoned children. It has always been my dream to work with adopted children because I myself was an adopted child.

I was born in California in September of 1976 and was adopted in Ohio in March of 1977. I have no memory of being told that I was adopted, however, I have always known. I have been told that I was wanted and I was special.

Even though my parents provided me with lots of love, I was always annoyed by the questions about my origin and my feeling of being unwanted. I constantly scanned every crowd I was in for another human that looked like me or laughed like me.

I began searching for my birthparents in 1999 and I imagined every possible scene of my birth family.

I went to a local agency for support and five days later I met my birth mother. The story unfolded. She flew me to Los Angeles the next day and I spent the weekend connecting with another person who looked just like me. We have had a worthwhile relationship over the past years although she could not give me any information about my birth father.

In June of last year a member of my birth father’s family contacted me. Now, he and I are just beginning to get to know what it is like to be a birth child, Without the support of my parents who raised me I would have never experienced the feeling of being truly wanted accepted. For that, I am forever grateful.

64.What’s the author’s attitude towards working with adopted children?

       A.He feels it is worth a try.

       B.He is eager to work with them.

       C.He is strongly against it .

       D.He thinks it is painful.

65.How does the author feel about his birth family?

       A.He feels that he can’t forgive his birth parents.

       B.He understands his birth parents.

      C.He misses his birth parents very much.

       D.He is afraid of being hurt by them again.

66.Why does the author writes this passage?

       A.To complain about being abandoned by his birth parents.

       B.To show how deep his desire to work with adopted children is.

       C.To encourage other people to find their birth parents.

       D.To show his love to his birth parents and his foster parents.


There are many American expressions about insects--- like bees, for example. Bees are known as very hard workers. They appear to be busy, moving around their homes, or hives (蜂窝). So you might say you were as busy as a bee if you spent your weekend cleaning your house. In fact, you might say your house was a beehive of activity if your whole family was helping you clean. You also might say you made a beeline for something if you went there right away. When we go to see a movie, my friend always makes a beeline for the place where they sell popcorn (爆米花) .

Here is an expression about bees that is not used much any more, but we like it anyway. We think it was first used in the 1920s. If something was the best of its kind, you might say it was the bee’s knees. Now, we admit that we do not know how this expression developed. In fact, we do not even know if bees have knees!

If your friend cannot stop talking about something because she thinks it is important, you might say she has a bee in her bonnet (女帽). If  someone asks you a personal question, you might say “that is none of your beeswax”. This means none of your business.

Speaking of personal questions, there is an expression when their children ask, “Where do babies come from?” Parents who discuss sex and reproduction (生殖) say this is talking about the birds and bees.

Butterflies are beautiful insects, but you would not want to have butterflies in your stomach. That means to be nervous about having to do something, like speaking in front of a crowd. You would also not want to have ants in your trousers. That is, to be unable to sit still.

1. If you make a beeline for something, you _____ .

A.are as busy as a bee

B.go quickly and directly towards it

C.always go to the same place

D.buy something at a certain place

2. The underlined expression “ it is the bee’s knees” ______ .

A.is not used at all now

B.was first used in the 1820s

C.reminds us that bees have knees

D.means “it is very good”

3. If you ask your American friend Jack “How old is your wife?” he may say “_____.”

A.It is none of your beeswax

B.You have a bee in your bonnet

C.It is the bee’s knees

D.You are talking about the birds and bees

4. When you have butterflies in your stomach, you _____ .

A.are too sick to sit still

B.have ants in your trousers

C.are nervous about something

D.have a stomachache


