Master some new words and useful expressions: put out, ask for a ride, victory The foreigner is asking for a ride. I’m just kidding. 查看更多



He was 11 years old and went fishing every chance he got from the dock at his family's cabin on an island in the middle of a New Hampshire lake.

On the day before the bass season opened, he and his father were fishing early in the evening, catching sunfish and perch(鲈鱼)with worms. Then he tied on a small silver lure(鱼饵)and practiced casting. The lure struck the water and caused colored ripples in the sunset, then silver ripples as the moon rose over the lake.

?? When his pole doubled over, he knew something huge was on the other end. Finally, he very gingerly lifted the exhausted fish from the water. It was the largest one he had ever seen, but it was a perch . The boy and his father looked at the handsome fish. Then the father lit a match(火柴) and looked at his watch. It was 10 P.M.--- two hours before the season opened. He looked at the fish, then at the boy.

? "You'll have to put it back, son," he said.

? "Dad!" cried the boy.

? "There will be other fish," said his father.

? "Not as big as this one," cried the boy.

? He looked around the lake. No other fishermen or boats were anywhere around in the moonlight. He looked again at his father. Even though no one had seen them, nor could anyone ever know what time he caught the fish, the boy could know everything by his father's clear voice that the decision could not be changed. He slowly worked the hook() out of the lip of the huge bass and lowered it into the black water.

?? The creature swished its powerful body and disappeared. The boy suspected that he would never again see such a great fish.

?? That was 34 years ago. Today, the boy is a successful architect in New York City. His father's cabin is still there on the island in the middle of the lake. He takes his own son and daughters fishing from the same dock.

?? He was right. He has never again caught such a magnificent fish as the one he landed that night long ago. But he does see that same fish---again and again---every time he comes up against a question of ethics(道德规范).

1.When did the story happen?

A. Early morning?? B. Late afternoon??? C. Late night??? D. In the bass season

2. Why did the father ask his son to put the perch back?

A. Because the father disliked the perch.

B. Because the father was afraid of being fined.

C. Because the ethics must be observed.

D. Because the son was more experience in fishing than his father.

3.When does the architect (the father’s son) think of that perch put back?

A. When he takes his own son and daughters fishing from the same dock.

B. When he builds many famous buildings.

C. When he pays a visit to his old father.

D. When he faces some problems about ethics.

4.Which word can not be used to describe the boy’s father?

A. honest??? B.unselfish????? C.serious??????? D. generous

5.From the passage, we can learn _________.

A. how we can get the handsome fish

B. how we master some skills of going fishing

C. how we understand our parents’ words is very important

D. how we do things in good and right ways.



A: Maria, have you heard the news on the radio about the space flight to Mars?
B: 1______. Who will take part in it?
A: The astronauts from China, the United States and Russia. 2______. They can travel to space
    and discover something new about Mars. I'd like to be an astronaut when I grow up.
B: It's really cool. However, 3______ and master some basic skills.
A: True. Maria, what are you going to be?
B: Mmm, 4______. Sometimes I want to be a dancer, but I think I'm going to be a scientist in the future.
A: Why? I think you dance very well.
B: Yes, I'd like to perform ballet on the stage in the future. But 5______ .It is my favorite subject in school.
    I believe more and more things will be discovered in the future.
A: That's wonderful! We all need to work hard.


A: Maria, have you heard the news on the radio about the space flight to Mars?
B: 1._____Who will take part in it?
A: The astronauts from China, the United States and Russia. 2._____ They can travel to space and 
    discover something new about Mars.  I'd like to be an astronaut when I grow up.
B: It's really cool.  However, 3._____ and master some basic skills.
A: True.  Maria, what are you going to be?
B: Mmm, 4._____.  Sometimes I want to be a dancer, but I think I'm going to be a scientist in the future.    A: Why? I think you dance very well.
B: Yes, I'd like to perform ballet on the stage in the future. But 5._____ It is my favorite subject in 
     school. I believe more and  more things will be discovered in the future.
A: That's wonderful! We all need to work hard.     


To master(掌握)language,one must be able  1  and understand the spoken language as well as to read and write.Speaking,of course, 2  go without listening.If you want to pronounce(发音)a word correctly,first you must hear it correctly. If you don't listen 3  ,you'll find it difficult or even impossible to understand the native speakers.As for writing,people usually use shorter words and shorter sentences  4   their writing.The important thing is to  5   your idea clear in your head and then to write it in clear language.And if you read too slowly,by the time you  6  the end of a page,you may  7  what the beginning is about and then you'll never finish a book.When you  8  some new words,don't look them up in the dictionary at once. 9  the meanings from the context(上下文).You may not get quite correct answers the first time,but as the new words come up again and again in different contexts, their meanings will become  10 .In this way you can learn a language well.

1.A.speaking         B.spoke         speak

2.A.can't              B.can                      C.must

3.A.correctly        B.carefully              C.happily            B.from                    C.with

5.A.change           B.make                   C.start

6.A.reach             B.arrive                   C.get

7.A.forget            B.forgot                  C.forgetting


9.A.Think            B.Guess                  C.Know

10.A.clearest         B.clearer and clearer  C.the clearest


When we meet some new words, we’d better       in a dictionary.

A.look them up                          B.look them out

C.look out them                          D.look up them


