我们用anymore来表示情况或活动的变化.(We use anymore to show a change in a situation or activity.) ·She used to live in NewYork, but she doesn’t live there anymore. 如果动词相同.则第二个动词可省略.(If the Second Verb phrase has the same verb, you can omit it.) ·She used to live in London, but she doesn’t anymore. anymore可不与used to连用(You can use anymore without used to) ·She doesn’t live in NewYork anymore. anymore只能和否定词连用 ·We don’t go there anymore. ·They never talk to me anymore. ·No one likes him anymore. 查看更多




A young man couldn’t sleep well every night. He was very worried. One day he went to see the doctor. The doctor looked him over carefully. But nothing was wrong with him. The doctor told him to count from 1 to 10 again and again. “Keep doing it until you fall asleep,” the doctor said.

After a few days, the young man came to the doctor again. But to his surprise, the doctor found the young man was even worse than before! “Didn’t you count as I told you?” the doctor asked. “Yes, I did,” the young man answered.   “But every time when I reached eight, I couldn’t help jumping(跳) from bed.”

“But why?” the doctor wanted to know. The young man said, “I am a boxer.”(拳击运动员)

1.The young man had a very terrible illness(疾病).

2.The doctor told him to count numbers from 1 to 1000 .

3.After a few days the young man was even worse.

4.The young man didn’t do the things that the doctor told him.

5.The young man was a boxer.



A young man couldn’t sleep well every night. He was very worried. One day he went to see the doctor. The doctor looked him over carefully. But nothing was wrong with him. The doctor told him to count from 1 to 10 again and again. “Keep doing it until you fall asleep,” the doctor said.
After a few days, the young man came to the doctor again. But to his surprise, the doctor found the young man was even worse than before! “Didn’t you count as I told you?” the doctor asked. “Yes, I did,” the young man answered.   “But every time when I reached eight, I couldn’t help jumping(跳) from bed.”
“But why?” the doctor wanted to know. The young man said, “I am a boxer.”(拳击运动员)
【小题1】The young man had a very terrible illness(疾病).
【小题2】The doctor told him to count numbers from 1 to 1000 .
【小题3】After a few days the young man was even worse.
【小题4】The young man didn’t do the things that the doctor told him.
【小题5】The young man was a boxer.


A young man couldn’t sleep well every night. He was very worried. One day he went to see the doctor. The doctor looked him over carefully. But nothing was wrong with him. The doctor told him to count from 1 to 10 again and again. “Keep doing it until you fall asleep,” the doctor said.
After a few days, the young man came to the doctor again. But to his surprise, the doctor found the young man was even worse than before! “Didn’t you count as I told you?” the doctor asked. “Yes, I did,” the young man answered.   “But every time when I reached eight, I couldn’t help jumping(跳) from bed.”
“But why?” the doctor wanted to know. The young man said, “I am a boxer.”(拳击运动员)
【小题1】The young man had a very terrible illness(疾病).
【小题2】The doctor told him to count numbers from 1 to 1000 .
【小题3】After a few days the young man was even worse.
【小题4】The young man didn’t do the things that the doctor told him.
【小题5】The young man was a boxer.


松 韵
接下来的聊天中,我们知道他是安徽的农民,跟父亲弟弟一起到北方贩丝棉,没想到折了本,近年关了,打算把剩下的丝棉低价处理了,好歹挣回返乡的路费。  “我兄弟的脚冻坏了,他跟我父亲在车站蹲着呢。今儿天太冷,没让他们出来,我寻思把最后一包丝棉卖了,今晚就跟他们坐火车回去。”他说。
我们把他送出门时,年轻人一眼瞥见院子里一堆锯好的圆木。他突然放下肩上的包,三步两步抢过去,“我干点儿活再走!”说着便抡起大斧,劈起柴来。母亲正要劝阻,父亲说: “让他干吧!”
我一直认为,在这个世界上,最赏心悦目的,是纤尘未染的青山绿水;最温暖人心的,是人与人之间纯洁真挚的感情。 暮年回首时,最有价值的财富,应是一颗恬淡宁静的心,和一份丰富无悔的回忆。而所有这一切的拥有,都需要用一颗善良单纯的心做底色。
【小题4】年轻人在为“我”家劈柴时,母亲要阻止,而父亲却说“让他干吧”, 父亲这样做



69. 不用担心,我一到伦敦就给你打电话。

Don’t worry. I’ll call you             I arrive in London.

70. 天气多好啊!为什么不出去散散步呢?

How nice it is! ___________________ go out for a walk?

71. 我们开始吧!我认为他不会来了。

Let’s begin.              he will come.

72. 不要把你妹妹一个人留在家里,她年龄太小,照顾不了自己。

Don’t leave your sister alone at home. She is      look after herself.

73. 我们用了两年使我们学校像花园一样漂亮。

It          our school       a garden.

