神通广大的OK . (1) 接受别人的邀请-Let’s play baseball. 我们去打棒球吧. (2) 询问对方是否已经准备好. -Are you OK? 准备好了吗? -OK, let’s go. 好.走吧. (3) 别人同你道谢或道歉时 -I’m sorry. 对不起. -That’s OK. 没关系. (4) 别人询问你的健康 -How are you? 你还好吗? -I’m OK. 还不错. (5) 别人征求你的意见.你觉得还行.不好也不坏 -How about the book? 这本书怎么样? -It’s OK. 还行吧. (6) 引起大家的注意 OK, ladies and gentlemen, let’s calm down. 好了.女士们.先生们.大家安静一下. 查看更多



(     )1. Is this your bag?   
(     )2. What's her name?    
(     )3. How do you spell "book"?  
(     )4. I'm Gina.                           
(     )5. This is your pencil.                       
(     )6.What's his name?                   
(     )7. What's your phone number?             
(     )8. Hello! I'm Mary.                      
(     )9.What's your family name?            
(     )10. What's this in English?                  
A. It's Smith.
B. Hi! I'm Jim.
C. It's a pencil sharpener.
D. His name is Ben.
E. It's 897-235.
F. OK.  Thank you.
G. I'm Jenny.
H. B-O-O-K.
I. Yes, it's my bag.
J. Her name is Sonia.



A: Hi ! Mary.

B: Hi! Jim.

A:            1.                

B: I’m fine, thanks. And you?

A: I’m OK.        2.                   ?

B: It’s a book.

A:                3.                  ?

B: It’s red.

A:               4.                   ?

B: Yes. B-O-O-K, book.

A:              5.                    .

B: You are welcome.



1. A: How do you s_______ book?
    B: B-O-O-K.
2. Please c_______ Steve at 529-6403.
3. Is that your ring in the l_______ and found case?
4. Do you have a b_______ bat (球拍)?
5. Where i_______"A"?
6. She is our English t_______.
7. My father and mother work at s_______. They're teachers.
8. I like playing c_______ games at home.
9. Is the English-Chinese d_______ yours?
10. It is my w_______. It can tell me time.



1.She needs an English—Chinese d________________.

2.My father's sister is my a_________.

3.English is i_____.I like it very much.

4.Let's play c_____games.

5.---How do you s_______it?


6. I have many_____(照片)in my family.

7.She plays_____(运动)every day !

8.Those________(双肩背包)are Ben's and Maria's.

9.  Is your notebook_______(丢失的)?

10.________(看)at the ID card.


Teacher:1. _____?
Lisa: I want to join the music club.
Teacher: May I 2. _____?
Lisa: Lisa.
Teacher: What 3. _____?
Lisa: I can sing and play the trumpet.
Teacher: Do you 4. _____?
Lisa: Yes, It's lisa@126. com.
Teacher: O K. Welcome to our music club.
Lisa:5. _____    

