Hand out the objects( baseball, computer game, key, ID card, ring, watch, notebook, pen) placed on the desk to different pairs. Ask students to write a bulletin board on a piece of paper and work in pairs. Present some notices to the whole class by sticking them on the blackboard with magnets ask students to write a reply to the notices. Step 4 Homework Practise conversations in a Lost and Found. 教学效果检测:按要求完成下列各句 查看更多



Ever thought of moving to a new country? How about starting a new country? Patri Friedman is planning to do just that. He left Google years ago to set up the Seasteading Institute. And his dream is to build seasteads-----floating micro-nations in the middle of the ocean.

So, what will life on a seastead be like? Probably a bit like life on a cruise liner (游轮), but much larger, with shops, gyms, swimming pools, schools and other areas. In fact, the early seasteads may actually be specially-rebuilt cruise liners. But as science advances, Friedman believes they’ll become more like floating cities, with several hundred people.

Seasteading raises a lot of questions. First of all, how will the new countries make money? The Seasteading Institute has suggested several money-making ideas, including ocean-based theme parks, casinos (赌场) and fish farming. There’s also the questions of safety. With storms, typhoons and pirates (海盗) , the high seas are a dangerous place. However, the Institute says that it can stand bad weather and prevent crimes with its well-designed systems.

So, is this just a day dream? Well, maybe not. One of the people behind the project is Peter Thiel. He founded PayPal and was one of the first investors (投资者) in Facebook. So far, he’s donated $ 500,000 to the project.

And Friedman isn’t wasting any time. He recently announced the creation of the Poseidon Award. This will be given to the first seastead with fifty people. Friedman is hoping to hand out the award in 2015.

1.Where did Friedman use to work?

   A. In Facebook.          B. In Seastead Institute .   C. In PayPal.         D. In Google.

2.A future seastead may be most likely to look like ___________________.

   A. a cruise liner          B. a floating city         C. a theme park       D. a fishing farm

3.What can we infer from the passage?

   A. Friedman is planning to move to a new country.   

B. Friedman is worried about the safety of seasteads.

   C. Friedman has got some supporters for his project.  

D. Friedman has already won the Poseidon Award.

4.Which of the following can be the best titles of this passage?

   A. Seasteading: a new idea of living               

B. Seasteading: a wild way of farming

   C. Peter Thiel: a man behind the project            

D. Patri Friedman: a crazy day dreamer



Tom helped the teacher to hand out the test papers, didn’t he ?

A.come out         B.give out           C.take out           D.put out



Tom helped the teacher to hand out the test papers, didn’t he ?

A.come out         B.give out           C.take out           D.put out



Tom helped the teacher to hand out the test papers, didn’t he ?

A.come outB.give out C.take outD.put out


The teacher stood before his class and was going to hand out the final exam papers.  “I know how  1   you have all worked to prepare for this test,” he said.  “And because I know you can do it well, I am willing to offer a B to anyone who would    2 not to take the test. ”
Many students jumped up to   3 the teacher and left the classroom.  The teacher looked at the   4  students and said, “Does anyone else want to get a B? This is your last  5    . ” Two more students decided to go. Seven students remained.  The teacher then handed out the 6  .  There were only three sentences typed on the paper: Congratulations! You have just  7  an A in this class.  Keep believing in yourself.    
I never had a teacher like that, but I think it is a test  8  any teacher could and should give.  Students who are not   9  in what they have learned are B students at best(充其量). The same is  10   in real life.  The A students are those who believe in what they are doing because they have  11  both successes and failures. 
They have learned life’s lessons, either from normal education   12  from events in their lives, and have become   13  people.     
Scientists say that by the age of eight, 80% of what we believe about ourselves has already been formed.  You are a big kid now, and you   14  that  you have some limits (限制).  However, there is   15  you can’t do or learn or be.  Sir Edmund Hillary, the first person to reach the summit of Mount Everest said, “It’s not the mountain we conquer(克服) but ourselves. ”
【小题1】A.  luckily        B.  terribly        C.  hard
【小题2】A.  dislike        B.  help            C.  prefer
【小题3】A.  thank         B.  praise          C.  fight
【小题4】A.  following     B.  relaxing       C.  remaining
【小题5】A.  chance        B.  trouble         C.  test
【小题6】A.  results        B.  presents        C.  papers
【小题7】A.  given         B.  sent            C.  received
【小题8】A.  where         B.  that            C.  what
【小题9】A.  confident     B.  necessary       C.  mysterious
【小题10】A.  unusual       B.  impossible      C.  true
【小题11】A.  broken off       B.  dreamed of      C.  learned from
【小题12】A.  and          B.  or             C.  but
【小题13】A.  ruder        B.  cuter           C.  better
【小题14】A.  decide           B.  forget          C.  realize
【小题15】A.  something     B. anything        C.  nothing

