How do you spell pencil? 你怎样拼“pencil 这个词? (1)此句为特殊疑问句.do是助动词用来帮助构成疑问句或否定句的.一般疑问句结构为:do+主语+动词原形+?.其肯定回答为Yes.I do. .否定回答为No.I don’t. .don’t是do not的缩写形式.特殊疑问句结构为:疑问词+do+主语+动词原形+?.否定句结构为:主语+do+not+动词原形.第三人称单数作主语时应将do改为does.如: ①Do you know him? 你认识他吗? Yes, I do. 是的.我认识??? ②Do you know it? 你知道那件事吗? No, I don’t. 不.我不知道. ③I don’t know English. 我不懂英语. ④He doesn’t know English. 他不懂英语. ⑤What do you read? 你常读什么书? ⑥Does he know her? 他认识她吗? Yes, he does. 是的.他认识她. 或No.he doesn’t. 不.他不认识她. (2)how疑问副词.在本句中是对某种方式.方法的提问.意思是“怎么样 .how还可用来表示对健康情况.程度.数量以及价钱等的提问.如: -How is your sister? 你的妹妹身体好吗? -She’s very well. 她很好.(well在这里是形容词.表示“身体好 ) How do you like this new film? 你觉得这部新电影怎么样? How much is your backpack? 你的背包多少钱? 查看更多




Ⅰ                                  Ⅱ

(       ) 1. Is he your friend?                 A. F-I-V-E

(       ) 2. Are those your brothers ?         B. Yes, he is

(       ) 3. Is that his name?                  C. No, it isn’t. His name is David.

(       ) 4. How do you spell it ?                  D. Yes, they are.

(       ) 5. Is this your ruler ?              E. Yes, it is .

(       ) 6. What color is it?                  F. It’s in the backpack.

 (       ) 7. Where’s your book?                G. It’s 0779-7272727.

(       ) 8. What’s your telephone number?  H. It’s black and white.

(       ) 9. What’re they?                      I. It’s a key.

(       ) 10. What’s this in English?           J. They’re rings.




—They’re English books.

A. Are these English books?             B. Are those English books?

C. How do you spell it?                 D. What’re these in English?



【小题1】This is _____(她的)pencil case.
【小题2】Is this your _________(夹克衫)?
【小题3】How do you spell “pen”, ______(请)?
【小题4】His _______(家)name is Green.
【小题5】It is my ______(被子).
【小题6】white ___________ (反义词)
【小题7】last name _____(同义短语)
【小题8】father ____________ (对应词)



A.How do you spell it?

B.What’s her telephone number?

C.What’s her family name?

D.Yes, she runs every morning.

E.Do you know this girl in the photo?

A: Hello, Mona! How are you?

B: I’m fine, thank you. ______1__________

A: Yes. She is my good friend, Sally.

B: _________2____________

A: Green.




A: 998-0980.

B: Does she like running.

A: _______5______.




A:    (1) 

B:  It’s a jacket.

A:    (2)   ___________


A:     (3) ___________

B:No, it isn’t. (4) 

A:    (5)  _________

B:It’s 5 dollars.

A: How do you spell it?

B: What’s this in English?

C: It’s her jacket.

D: How much is it?

E: Is this your jacket?


