Millie is asking Andy some questions about David. Complete their dialogue with the correct pronouns. Millie:Andy, do(1) know anything about David? Andy:Yes, is my favourite basketball player. Millie:Where does(4) play basketball with his friends? Andy:(5) play at a basketball court. Millie:Is (6) a large basketball court? Andy:Yes,(7) is very large and nice. Millie:When do(8) practise basketball? Andy: practise on Mondays.Wednesdays and Fridays. By the way,will(11) watch his game on TV with me tomorrow? Millie:Sorry, I can´t. I will go to the Reading Club with Kitty(12) will go there together. 牛津初中英语(7A)Unit 2 My Day 第五课时 Grammar(B)教案设计 课型:语法课 教学目标 查看更多



1. I am             (real) happy to tell you about my future plans.
2. I think               (dive) is the most dangerous activity.
3. Parrot has quite a               (music) voice.
4. He sits in the front of the class because of his poor              (eye).
5. Millie is clever, and she can always answer the questions               (correct).
6. Millie has big               (smile) eyes.
7. Yesterday he               (give) his seat to an old woman on the bus.
8. What about               (go) shopping?
9. The heavy rain stopped us from _______ (go) on a trip.
10. He jumped into the water when he heard a boy               (call) for help.


     Hi, I'm Millie. I'm in Class 3 Grade 7. I'm from England. I'm short but I'm strong. There are sixteen boys
and eighteen girls in my class. Look!This is my classroom. There are two blackboards on the wall. There is
a picture on the wall,too. There are fifteen desks and a chair in the classroom.There is a bag behind the chair.
It is our teacher's. On the teacher's desk, there are twenty new books.
判断正误,正确的用 T 表示,错误的用 F 表示。
(     )1.Millie is in Class 7 Grade 3.
(     )2.Millie is short and strong.
(     )3.There are twenty-four students in her class.
(     )4.There are two pictures and a blackboard on the wall.
(     )5.There isn't a chair in the classroom.


Millie is asking me ________ the Mid-autumn Festival.

  1. A.
  2. B.
  3. C.
  4. D.


      May is a lovely girl with two big eyes. But she always hides them behind a pair of glasses.
      She is one of my best friends but once I nearly finished our friendship. One day, the teacher gave us
our result of English test. I did very badly so I didn't want to talk to anyone after class. Suddenly, May
said, "You look unhappy, Millie. What's wrong?" I looked up at her but said nothing. I knew she got a good
mark in the test. I thought she must make fun of me. She kept asking me, "Is it because of the test? Do you
want me to show you the right answers?" I still didn't talk to her. Then she went away with my test paper.
     In the afternoon, May gave me my test paper back. I looked at it and became surprised. May wrote the
right answers next to each of my mistakes. My face went red. How kind she was! I wanted to hug (拥抱)
her, but I only cried and said, "Thank you!" After school, May and I walked home together. I felt very happy
and thanked her again. We are still good friends now.
1. From the passage we know ______.
[     ]
A. May is my friend
B. May is lovely and kind
C. May has poor eyesight
D. All of the above
2. Millie felt sad after class because ______.
[     ]
A. she got good grades in the test
B. May did better than her in the test
C. she didn't do well in the test
D. the teacher was angry with here
3. May came up to Millie to ______ after class.
[     ]
A. go home with her
B. play with her
C. find out what happened to her
D. give the test paper to her
4. Millie felt very happy and thanked May because ______.
[     ]

A. May kept asking Millie questions
B. They are good friends
C. May wrote down the right answers for Millie
D. May helped Millie with her homework

5. Which of the following phrases has the same meaning as "make fun of"?
[     ]
A. Say hello to
B. Talk to
C. Look after
D. Laugh at


Compared with other European countries, lifestyle in Italy is slower and more relaxing in its own way. Italians love to chat over a cup of coffee, go out for a walk in the middle of the day, and enjoy long lunches and dinners.
Family is important to Italians. They can’t think of spending a day without asking about their parents or children, and a weekend without a family lunch or dinner. Italians living outside their country also miss their family a lot.
Italians like simple life. Their days start and end with a cup of coffee. A cup of coffee after every meal is a must. Italians love to spend time over a hot cup of coffee and even hotter conversation with friends. Topics are usually about family, football and politics(政治).
Sport is a very important part in the lives of many Italians. Football is their favorite sport. There are hundreds of football clubs with top soccer teams in Italy. Also, many top players from all over the world play in Italy. Volleyball is also popular and so is rugby(橄榄球), with the top rugby team playing for the European Challenge Cup.
Every Italian province, city, town and street has a historical(历史的) even that took place there and the Italian calendar is filled with national holidays that they love to celebrate(庆祝).
【小题1】We can learn from the first paragraph that ________.
A.most European countries have slow and relaxing lifestyles
B.the lifestyle in Italy isn’t much like that of the other countries in Europe
C.Italians enjoy chatting over a cup of tea and long dinners
D.Italians love to walk in the middle of the night
【小题2】 What does the writer want to tell us in the second paragraph?
A.Friends are very important to Europeans.
B.Italians can’t spend a day without their parents.
C.Italians will never go to another country because they will miss their children.
D.Family is more important to Italians than any other thins.
【小题3】 Which of the following sports is loved most by Italians?
【小题4】Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?
A.Italians love to spend national holidays, but there aren’t so many.
B.Italians never talk about politics with their family.
C.Italians like drinking coffee after every meal.
D.Soccer is not very popular in Italy.
【小题5】What’s the passage mainly about?
A.Italian family.B.Italian life.C.Italian sport. D.Italian history.

