(检查作业.复习Section C中的邀请对话和邀请函.) T:Now act out the dialog in Section C 1 in pairs. Who will try? (两个人分别扮演Kangkang和Uncle Yang.请两对学生表演.) T:Pretty good. Thank you. T:How did Kangkang write to Uncle Yang? Can you tell me? (任意挑选学生口述邀请函.请两个人口述.) T:Good! Thank you./Well done! T:Take out your own invitation. Can you show the invitation out? (请学生将自制的邀请函放在桌上老师任选几张来读.) T:How beautiful the invitation is! (老师找到好的可以给予表扬.) T:Good job! Thank you. (可能会发现学生用了不同的表达方式.将呈现在黑板上.) 1.May I invite you to-? 2.What about-? 3.Would you like-? 4.How about-? 查看更多




(5) 假设图中C的颜色为红色,已知R是红色的显性基因,r为黄色的隐性基因,请你写出C果实的可能基因___________。


想验证你的阅读速度吗?请快速阅读课本中本单元Section B中的3a部分,回答下列问题。

(1)What does Pierre Lambert do?


(2)Where is Pierre Lambert from?


(3)What languages do Canadians speak?


(4)How long is he staying in Canada?


(5)What does he plan to do in Canada?


(6)What will he be like when he returns to Paris?



你想验证你的阅读速度吗?请你快速阅读课本中本单元Section B中的3a部分并了解大意,然后回答下列问题吧。

(1)Who does Katrina write to?


(2)How often does Katrina exercise?


(3)How often does Katrina drink milk?


(4)Why does she only eat junk food once a week?


(5)Do you think she has a healthy lifestyle? Why or why not?


(6)Is her lifestyle the same as yours or different? What are the differences?



你想验证你的阅读速度吗?请你快速阅读课本中本单元Section B中的3a部分,回答下列问题。

(1)Wei Hua is quiet and often tired. What's the matter with her?


What should she eat?


(2)Li Lei is stressed out and angry. What's the matter with him?


What should he eat?



想验证你的阅读速度吗?请你快速阅读课本中本单元Section (B)中的3a部分并了解大意。回答下列问题。

(1)Who is Dave's best friend?


(2)Who is more intellectual, Dave or his friend?


(3)Who is more athletic, Dave or his friend?


(4)Who is Lyle's one of best friends?


(5)Who is more outgoing, Ruben or Lyle?


(6)Who is Mary's best friend?


(7)What do Mary and her friend like doing?


