Finally, finish 3. Step 5 Project ①Students say their favorite foods in class. The teacher writes down the words on the blackboard. ②Students work in groups to discuss how to cook them. ③Report the cooking procedure to the class. 课堂板书设计 单词:carefully.finely.lightly.slowly.immediately. finally.gently, add.cooker.ham, minute 制作步骤 (1)First, slice some cooked meat very finely. (2)Next, put some oil in the pan. (3)Then, add the rice slowly. (4)After that.add some soya sauce. 作业 Write a passage about the cooking procedure of your favorite food with the adverbs of sequence and manner. Section B 课程目标导航 教学目标: 查看更多



It was June. The sun was in the sky. It was very hot. Jim was tired of school. He wanted to be at the beach. He could not stay in his   1  . He could not   2   talking. While the teacher wrote on the board, Jim got up and talked to a friend. The teacher, Mr Smith, heard the   3  and said: "Jim, sit down and be quiet. "

    Jim sat down. Mr Smith   4   his lesson. Jim got up and talked to another friend. "Sit down and be quiet," said Mr Smith. He was very   5  .

    "OK," said Mr Smith.  "If you want to talk,  6  come to the front of the classroom and   7  the teacher. "

    "All right,"   8   Jim. He came to the front of the classroom and said:"Quiet,  9  . I am the new teacher. Class is over now. Let's have a   10  "

1.A. office           B. home           C. seat                     D. room

2.A. stop             B. enjoy           C. forget                   D. finish

3.A. news            B. story                     C. fact                      D. noise

4.A. got ready for    B. went on with      C. went over               D. was interested in

5.A. angry           B. sad              C. worried                 D. afraid

6.A. again            B. also              C. then                    D. next

7.A. hear            B. find              C. ask               D. be

8.A. asked           B. agreed                    C. guessed                 D. laughed

9.A. anyone         B. someone                  C. everyone               D. no one

10.A. lesson         B. break           C. try                      D. meeting



写出下列动词的过去式。 ________
2.finish ________ ________
4.stop ________ ________
6.have ________
7.know ________
8.forget ________ ________ ________ ________ ________


Here is an English boy.1________(call)Jack,he is 10 years old.He 2_________(not study)hard at his lesson,and he doesn't finish 3_____(do)his homework,but he 4_______(think)he is the cleverest student in his class.One afternoon.he 5______(feel)very hungry and said to his mother.“Mom,I am too hungry.Could I have something 6____(eat)?”“Dinner is not ready now,but here are two apples on the plate.You can eat them first.”When he 7_________(get) the two apples.Jack said.“Mother,I 8_________(have)three apples now.Look!.This is the first one,that is the second one,one and two makes three.I am very clever “Yes,you are very clever,”said his mother.“Now 9_________(give)me the first apple,your father will 10________(eat)the second one.And you eat the third one.”



(1) study ________
(2) finish ________
(3) play ________
(4) stop ________
(5) live ________
(6) have ________
(7) know ________
(8) forget ________
(9) buy ________
(10) fly ________
(11) meet ________
(12) read ________


    Think back to a time in your life when you tried something new. Being a teenager, I volunteered to give out water at a marathon(马拉松)  Watching the different     l  _ who caught a cup was exciting.
    The next year I was told about the race. I did little preparation. My only goal was to   2  _. I remember by about the 5th mile, thinking "Never again!" Have you ever felt that way about something? You choose
a goal hut soon realize it is   3   than you imagined. Then the most important   4   came. Near the end, an
old man ran _5   me, I felt I failed, then I understood something.He was running his race and I was running    6    . How often in life do we compare ourselves to others and feel disappointed when we really   7  ? I
decided that I wouldn't give up running.  As I    8   the finishing line, I was proud of myself. Today it is a
most joy in my life.
    It's natural to compare    9 _ sometimes. Don't allow those moments to make you _ 10 _. Let them
encourage you.
      If you don't win the race, but you get the lesson, and grow, you're
truly a winner.
(     )1. A. swimmers  
(     )2. A. finish    
(     )3. A. taller    
(     )4. A. day      
(     )5. A. with      
(     )6. A. yours    
(     )7. A. shouldn't
(     )8. A. passed    
(     )9. A. next to  
(     )10. A. weak    
B. runners    
B. win        
B. shorter    
B. race        
B. past        
B. my          
B. mustn't    
B. took        
B. face to face
B. strong      
C. drivers  
C. jump    
C. harder  
C. moment  
C. through  
C. his      
C. can't    
C. crossed  
C. in turn  
C. wet      
D. workers  
D. watch    
D. easier    
D. person    
D. across    
D. mine      
D. wouldn't  
D. raised    
D. each other                       
D. slow      

