Learn words: unfold. lap. sip 教学重点 查看更多



In order to know a foreign language thoroughly, four things are necessary. Firstly, we must be able to understand the language when we hear it spoken. Secondly, we must be able to speak it ourselves, correctly, with confidence and without hesitation. Thirdly, we must be able to read the language and fourthly, we must be able to write it. We must be able to compose(组成)sentences that are grammatically correct. We must know how to arrange sentences in paragraphs, so as to write a good letter or composition.
There is no easy way to succeed in language learning. A good memory is of great help, but it is not enough simply to memorize rules from a grammar book. It is not much use learning by heart long lists of words and their meaning. We learn words not by ourselves, but in sentences. We must learn by using the language. “Learn through use” is a good piece of advice for those who are studying a new language. Practice is very important. We must practice speaking and writing the language whenever we can.
【小题1】The word “confidence” here probably means _____.

C.needD.feeling sure of ourselves
【小题2】The writer advises us to _______.
A.speak more and write more
B.read more
C.speak more
D.use a dictionary
【小题3】The first step in learning a language is ______.
【小题4】Words should be learned _____.
A.from a dictionary B.from a textbook
C.in sentencesD.from a good grammar book
【小题5】“Learn through use “is to say that ______.
A.we must practise speaking and writing
B.we must learn by using the language
C.we must learn everything by language
D.we must remember grammar rules as many as possible


How do you remember the way to your house? Where do dreams come from?

It is your brain (大脑) that does these things. A British scientist showed that sleep can improve one’s memory. It’s not a dream for students to study when they sleep. In fact, your brain is working day and night. If you learn words before bed, a certain part of your brain may help you to remember the words while you sleep. What’s more, another scientist in the USA found that there was a “talent button(按钮)” in the human brain. It might make a person more talented(有才能的).

There are more interesting things about the brain. Your brain uses less energy than a fridge light. Just two bananas can give the brain enough energy to work for a whole day. According to some scientists, yawning(打哈欠)keeps your brain “cool”, which makes us think quicker.

Here are some pieces of advice to keep a good brain:

● Eat healthy food.

● Get a lot of playtime or exercise.

● Don’t drink or smoke.

● Use your brain a lot.

1.A British scientist found out that               .

A.drinking could affect our memories.

B.dreams could affect our memories.

C.sleep could improve our memories.

D.bananas could improve our memories.

2.According to the passage, if we want to have a good brain, we should  .

A.use our brains more

B.sleep fewer hours

C.work longer hours

D.remember fewer things

3.Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?

A.Our brains only work in the daytime.

B.Our brains need much energy every day.

C.Smoking can keep our brains healthy.

D.Getting exercise is good for our brains.



How do you remember the way to your house? Where do dreams come from?
It is your brain (大脑) that does these things. A British scientist showed that sleep can improve one’s memory. It’s not a dream for students to study when they sleep. In fact, your brain is working day and night. If you learn words before bed, a certain part of your brain may help you to remember the words while you sleep. What’s more, another scientist in the USA found that there was a “talent button(按钮)” in the human brain. It might make a person more talented(有才能的).
There are more interesting things about the brain. Your brain uses less energy than a fridge light. Just two bananas can give the brain enough energy to work for a whole day. According to some scientists, yawning(打哈欠)keeps your brain “cool”, which makes us think quicker.
Here are some pieces of advice to keep a good brain:
● Eat healthy food.
● Get a lot of playtime or exercise.
● Don’t drink or smoke.
● Use your brain a lot.
【小题1】A British scientist found out that               .

A.drinking could affect our memories.
B.dreams could affect our memories.
C.sleep could improve our memories.
D.bananas could improve our memories.
【小题2】According to the passage, if we want to have a good brain, we should  .
A.use our brains more
B.sleep fewer hours
C.work longer hours
D.remember fewer things
【小题3】Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?
A.Our brains only work in the daytime.
B.Our brains need much energy every day.
C.Smoking can keep our brains healthy.
D.Getting exercise is good for our brains.


How do you remember the way to your house? Where do dreams come from? It is your brain(大脑) that does these things. A British scientist showed that “sleep can improve one’s memory.” It’s not a dream for students to study when they sleep. In fact, your brains is working day and night. If you learn words before bed, a certain part of the brain may help you to remember the words while you sleep. What’s more, another scientist in the USA found that there was a “talent button(天才按钮)” in the human brain. It might make a person more talented.
There are more interesting things about the brain. Your brain uses less energy than a fridge light. Just two bananas can give the brain enough energy to work for a whole day. According to some scientists, yawning(打哈欠) keeps our brains “cool”, which makes us think quicker.
Here are some pieces of advice to keep a good brain:
l Eat healthy food.
l Get a lot of playtime or exercise.
l Don’t drink or smoke.
l Use your brain a lot.
【小题1】 A British scientist found out that ________ could improve our memories.
【小题2】 According to the passage, if we want to have a good brain, we should ________.
A.use our brains moreB.sleep fewer hours
C.work longer hoursD.remember fewer things
【小题3】Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?
A.Our brains only work in the daytime.
B.Our brains need much energy every day.
C.Smoking can keep our brains healthy.
D.Getting exercise is good for our brains.


Hellen Keller was born in 1880 in the USA. When she was about 19 months old, she got very ill. After many weeks, the doctor told her parents, “Your daughter is better, but now she can’t see and she can’t hear.” Her mother and her father were very sad. After a few years , things got worse. There was no way for Helen to speak to other people. She heard nothing. She didn’t understand anything.

Then one day a teacher came. Her name was Anne Sullivan. She lived with Helen and her family. The teacher helped Helen learn words. Helen was a very bright child and soon she learned to spell her first word. When she was older, she went to college(大学).

Helen was a very old woman when she died. The world remembers her today as a brave and wonderful person. She was blind and deaf, but she found a way to see and hear. It helped many people in the world.

1.Where was Helen Keller from?

A.England.          B.America           C.Japan             D.India

2.What happened to Helen when she was 19 months?

A.She got very ill.

B.She began to go to school.

C.She left her home.

D.Her mother died.

3. Anne Sullivan helped Helen Keller_____________.

A.hear something

B.see the world with her eyes

C.learn words

D.do housework by herself

4. What do people think of Helen Keller?

A.She was quiet

B.She was brave and wonderful

C.She was blind and deaf

D.She was ill

5. Hellen Keller was famous because____________________.

A.she couldn’t see or hear

B.she went to college as a blind(盲的) woman

C.she was a bright woman

D.As a blind,she learned to read and write and helped many people in the world.


