(出示小黑板上的问题.让学生边读1a短文边思考问题.迅速找出答案.) T: Now, please open your books, read the passage in 1a carefully, and find out the answers to these questions. Do we need fruit and vegetables to make us healthy? How to keep a balanced diet? Should we eat regularly? Do you think we may just eat our favorite food? (让几名学生回答.或分组讨论.) Step 3 Consolidation 第三步 巩固 巩固练习1b. (让学生再读一遍文章.完成1b的判断题.) T: Please read 1a again, and finish 1b. Step 4 Practice 第四步 练习 练习本课2a.2b和3. 查看更多


