It’s impolite to drink soup in China. 查看更多



It was Sunday .The train was crowded. A gentleman was trying to look for a place. In one of the cars he saw a vacant seat. But a small suitcase was lying on it and a young man was sitting next to it .
"Is this seat taken ?" asked the gentleman .
"Yes ,it's my friend's ." answered the young man ."He's just coming ---this is his suitcase."
"Well." said the gentleman , " I'll sit here till he comes. " Five minutes later the train started ,but nobody came .
"Your friend is late . "said the gentleman ."He has missed his train, but he need not lose his suitcase." And with these words he took the suitcase and threw it out of the window .
The young man got up and tried to catch the suitcase ,but it was too late .It was a good lesson to him .---"It's impolite to take a second seat just for being more comfortable for oneself ."
【小题1】The gentleman was looking for a ______
A. seat  B. suitcase  C. friend
【小题2】"A vacant seat" is a seat that ______
A. somebody sits on  B. there's something on  C. nobody sits on
【小题3】In fact ,the suitcase belonged to be______.
A. young man  B. gentleman  C. young man's friend
【小题4】We know from the story that the young man ______
A. was friendly and helpful  B. was not honest  C. told the truth
【小题5】We can guess that the young man must feel very______ in the end .
A. happy  B. excited  C. upset .





1.My uncle is coming to my home in this weekend. I've decided to     the vacation for  another week.

2.Li ping is busy with his study, but he________ does the chores for his neighbors.

3.Many people were saved in the earthquake________ the courage of those kind people—nurses, doctors and soldiers.

4.The campaign to keep our city clean is going on. Each of us has the chance to______.

5.We _______the concert to raise money for the children’s hospital. We will try our best for it.

6.You always ______our books. It’s hard for me to find mine when I use them.

7.You are smart and brave just like your father. You_____ him.

8.Little Jim is a playful boy. He can’t________ the lessons his teachers give.

9.It’s impolite to_______when we are queuing to buy train tickets.

10.Both parties are expected to meet later today to________ an agreement, or they might argue with each other.





Ling ling: I’m going to England as an exchange student.

Mary: Great!

Ling ling: But I don’t know much of the customs and manners in England. __36____

Mary: Sure.

Ling ling: ________37__________

Mary: Well, they think it’s important to be on time when you’re invited to dinner. _____38___ .As it is usually planned to have the meal at the exact hour given in the invitation.

Ling ling: Then how long may I stay there?

Mary :___39_ .Or you seem to have come only for the meal .An evening dinner invitation usually implied (暗示)that ___40__. The hostess often plans some after—dinner entertainment .

A. you stay for the whole evening

B. Could you help me?

C. After the meal is over, it’s not polite to leave at least half an hour.

D. It’s impolite to arrive late.

E. What rules do they have in England?

F. What’s the matter with you ?

G. What are they supposed to do ?



People from other contries will find many different suprising things in Britain.

Greek: A man from Greece sees a special way of driving in Britain. People drive on the left in the British street, but the British people never feel surprised. The Greek man said,“I’ve been in Britain for nearly a month now. But at first, I couldn’t always remember to drive on the left. Every time,my friend reminded me.”

Japanese:Japanese people can’t ucderstand why British people keep their shoes on at home. In Japan,people walk in the room without shoes. If visitor keeps his shoes on at home in Japan, the Japanese people think he is very impolite.

Spanish:The Spanish people mind the way that the British people greet each other. They themselves seem to be afraid of touching(接触).When they meet,they just smile or nod but never kiss or hug(拥抱) in Spain. But the British people think kissing is a very usual greeting when they meet!

There is an old saying,“When in Rome,do as Romans do.”When we go to a foreign country, we should follow the etiquette of country.

1.The Greek visitor________.

  A.always drives on the left

  B.used to drive on the left

  C.drove correctly in Britain with his friend’s help

2.______think it’s impolite to wear shoes at home.

  A.The Japanese          B.The Greek           C.The English

3.When greeting,the Spanish _______.

  A.kiss each other         B.hug each other at each other

4._____seem not to be afraid of touching each other.

  A.The Spanish           B.The British           C.The Japanese

5.Etiquette in the world______. the same   important sometimes different and interesting




【小题1】How are you _______ _________ _________(相处) your American classmates?
【小题2】It’s impolite to ________ _________ ________(插队) when we take the bus.
【小题3】 A: __________________________________________________________?
B: People will have robots in their homes in the future. (根据答语写出问句)
【小题4】 A: ___________________________________________________________?
B: She has already studied for more than three hours. (根据答语写出问句)
【小题5】They asked me, “Are you writing to Tom?”(改为间接引语)
They asked me ________ _________ ________ _________ to Tom.

