If you want to be , you should eat more fruit and vegetables. A. health B. healthly C. healthy D. healthily 查看更多



If you want to be ______, you should eat more fruit and vegetables.      
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A. health      
B. healthly    
C. healthy      
D. healthily


If you want to be ________, you should eat more fruit and vegetables.

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We know health and happiness are important in everyone’s life. Here are some ways to make them easy.
Eat a balanced diet(平衡饮食). Eat a lot of fruit and vegetables, some grains(谷物) and a little meat.
Exercise twice or three times a week.
Get enough sleep. It is best to get eight hours’ sleep a day.
Keep yourself busy. This is good because it stops you from having bad habits. To keep yourself busy, you can walk around the house, spend time with your pets, do a sport, or do a hobby you enjoy.
Go out and make friends. Spend time and have fun with them. Talk with them, but you must be sure not to talk about anything bad. You should stay with the people who are healthy and happy themselves.
小题1:How often should you exercise if you want to get health and happiness?
A.Every day .B.Twice a day
C.Twice or three times a week .D.Three times a month.
小题2:How many hours do you need to sleep every day?
A.Seven.B.Eight.C.Nine. D.Ten
小题3:The underlined word “it”referes to (指的是)“     ”.
eating a balanced diet.  B.exercising more  C. keeping yourself busy  D.making friends
小题4:Whice of the following is NOT true?
A.We should eat a lot of meat to keep healthy.
B.We should exercise to keep healthy.
C.The people whom we make friends with must be healthy and happy themselves.
D.We can spend our free time doing a sport or doing hobby we enjoy.
小题5:Which is the best title(标题) for the passage?
A.Eating HabitB.Healthy Lifestyle
C.Making friendsD.Ways to Have Health and Happines



  Travel is fun and exciting, but it's not if you get sick.You may think,“Not me, I won't get sick on my vacation.”But for many people, that is what happens.

  A vacation is supposed to be a time for relaxing.But very often it is not.“What can I do when I am a tourist?”This is what we should often think about.Usually there are so many places to visit:museums, shops, parks and churches.You may spend most days walking around these places.This can be very tiring.Your feet may hurt.And you may have a terrible headache after a few hours.If this is what you feel, you should take a rest.Don't ask your body to do too much.A tired body means a weak body.And a weak body can make you get sick easily.Just sit down for a few hours in a nice spot.In good weather, look for a quiet park bench.Or you can rest at a café.You can learn a lot by watching people when you have a rest.

  Sleep is also important.If you want to stay healthy you need enough sleep.You may have trouble sleeping at night when you travel.Your hotel room may be noisy, or the bed may be uncomfortable.If that is true, don't be afraid to change rooms or hotels.You may not get enough sleep for another reason.You may want to stay out late at night.In many cities the night life can be very exciting.Then you should plan to sleep for an hour during the day.That extra hour can make a big difference.

  Finally, if you want to stay healthy, you must eat well.That means eating the right kinds of foods.Your body needs fresh fruit and vegetables, and some meat, milk or cheese.When you are in a new country you may want to try new foods but you need to be careful about how much you eat.Lots of rich food is not very good for you.


Traveling around can be ________.

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the best way to relax


very tiring


no fun




It's a good idea to ________ when travelling.

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spend every night in hotels


change hotels


get some rest every day


take lots of medicine


According to the passage, we can get to know the local people by ________.

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watching them


visiting their homes


talking to them


going to the shops


If you stay out late at night, you'd better ________.

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enjoy the night life of the city


eat more rich food


sleep for an hour during the day


go for a holiday


Which is not good for your health?________

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Fresh fruit and vegetables.


Some meat, milk or cheese.


Some new food.


Plenty of rich food.


Which of the following is true to stay in good health on a vacation?________

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Try not to visit every museum and church in a place.


Eat proper food, have enough sleep and rest.


Stay up late every night and sleep for an hour in the day.


Visit as many shops as you can.


This passage is mainly about ________.

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what you eat when you travel


how exciting travel is


relaxing when you travel


how to stay healthy when you travel


If you often feel tired and the doctor can’t find anything wrong with you, you may be in a state of subhealth(亚健康). Subhealth is a state between health and illness. Most of the subhealthy people are middle-aged ones who are usually stressed out because of work and family. And some of them are students who are having exams.
If you are subhealthy, it is not difficult for you to become well soon. You should have good living habits. For example, you should get up early and go to bed early. And you should exercise regularly(有规律地). Exercising can keep you healthy. As for meals, it is better to eat less salt and sugar. Vegetables, fruit and fish are important to your body. You should eat more of them. It is not good to eat too much at one meal, because it may cause unhealthy changes in the digestive tract(消化道). And at last, a balanced diet is very helpful in staying away from(远离)subhealth.
【小题1】How may you feel if you’re subhealthy?
【小题2】According to the passage, who will probably(可能地) be subhealthy?
A.Teachers and students
B.Parents and children
C.Middle-aged people and students
D.The young and the old
【小题3】What should you do if you are subhealthy?
A.Relax and have good living habits
B.Go to see the doctor and ask for some medicine.
C.Go to hospital in foreign countries.
D.Stay at home and not talk to others
【小题4】If you want to have good living habits,      .
A.you need to get up early and go to bed early.
B.you should exercise very often
C.you should eat less salt and sugar and eat more vegetables, fruit and fish
D.All above(上边的)
【小题5】What is the main(主要的) idea of the passage(短文)?
A. What is subhealth.
B. How to keep away from subhealth.
C How to keep subhealthy.
D. Why are you subhealthy?

