mix A. advice B. holiday C. wild D. ill B)根据句意及首字母提示.补全句中所缺的单词. 查看更多



从A、B、C、D 四个选项中,找出其画线部分与所给单词画线部分读音相同的选项。
(     )1. bread
(     )2. bow
(     )3. crust
(     )4. top  
(     )5. mix  
A. great    
A. how    
A. put    
A. opposite 
A. advice 
B. mean     
B. window   
B. usually  
B. cold   
B. holiday
C. unhealthy
C. flower  
C. lettuce 
C. today   
C. wild    
D. idea
D. now   
D. cut                                        
D. money 
D. ill   


Beautiful pictures of mountains and forests, clear skies, flying birds, wild animals, silly faces — you can find them all in one place.  46  ? On a postcard! Have people always sent postcards? No! Before postcards, people  47  sealed (密封的) letters.

The  48  for the first decorated (装饰的) postcard came to John P. Charlton in 1861. He thought a simple card  49  a border would be a great way to send a note. Then in the late 1800s, postcards which had pictures on them  50  . By law, people had to write their note on the front—on the picture! The back was  51  for the address. Several years later, England allowed a divided-back (背面隔开的) postcard. Then people could write their  52  on the back left side. And they put the address  53  . During the early 1900s, the golden age of postcards, people around the world were more and more  54  picture postcards. In 1908, Americans alone mailed over 677 million postcards.

Today, postcards are the  55  most popular collection in the world after stamps and coins. You can always see or get a lot of newly-designed postcards, especially on New Year's Day.

1.A. How       B. When        C. Why       D. Where

2.A. liked       B. hated        C. found       D. lost

3.A. advice      B. picture       C. idea        D. card

4.A. above      B. with          C. under      D. for

5.A. happened   B. changed       C. ended      D. appeared

6.A. even       B. only          C. still        D. ever

7.A. note        B. word         C. address     D. letter

8.A. on the front  B. on the back    C. on the left   D. on the right

9.A. surprised at  B. interested in   C. expected by  D. worried about

10.A. first        B. second       C. third        D. fourth



A rich man loved his little boy very much. He wanted  1  him happy all the time. So he gave him everything that he could buy with   2  . But the little boy was still   3  .Where he went, he always wore a frown(皱眉). And he always wished for something he did not have. The rich man didn’t know   4   to make his son happy.

One day, a magician(魔术师) came and said to him, “I can make your son happy and   5   his frowns into smiles, but you must pay me a great price   6   telling him the secret.”

“All right,” said the man, “No matter what you ask for, I  7   you.” The magician took the boy into a secret room. He wrote something on a piece of paper, and then gave it to the boy. There were some words on the paper, “Do one   8   thing for someone every day.” The boy followed the   9   and became one of the happiest boys.

I think only those who are always thinking about   10  can be truly happy.

1.A. keep           B. get          C. to make      D. to do

2.A. money      B. food         C. time         D. toys

3.A. relaxed        B. unhappy      C. angry        D. worried

4.A. why            B. how          C. what         D. who

5.A. turn           B. come         C. put          D. look

6.A. on         B. for          C. at           D. with

7.A will give     B have given    C. gave         D am giving

8.A. boring     B. bad          C. kind         D. hard

9.A. advice     B. medicine     C. book         D. umbrella

10.A. another      B. the other    C other         D others



Martin is a fifteen-year-old boy. He used to be a“problem child”, but a recent? ???? with his mother changed his life. He didn’t use to give his mother many problems. ??? , after his father’s death a few years ago, Martin’s life became ???? more difficult. His mother couldn’t afford to pay for her child’s education. To do this, she ???? work, and so was often not at home.

His mother looked after him as ????? as she could. Unfortunately, Martin still caused problems. He was not ???? in studying and he often got in to trouble. Luckily, his mother was very ???? and didn’t give up trying to help him. In the end, she ???? a difficult decision:to send him to a boys’boarding school. Martin hated it and used to cause a lot of trouble.

One day, he told his teacher he wanted to leave the school. The teacher said it was necessary for Martin to ???? with his mother. Martin called his mother, but to his ???? , this phone call changed his life. “It was exactly ???? Ineeded, ”he said. “My mother helped me to understand how much she had given me. She also told me that even though my father was no longer with us, he was ???? me and would always take pride in every thing good I do. That’s when I decided to change. I realize that ???? my father died, I have been afraid of being alone, and have tried to make my mother pay more attention to me. ”

   Now Martin has ???? changed. He has been working hard and is now one of the best students in his class. How was he able to change?His mother’s???? helped him to feel good about himself.

1.A. conversation??? ?? B. report???? ?? C. survey???? ? D. speech

2.A. So?????????????? B. But??????? ? C. Therefore?? ? D. However

3.A. very??? ???????? B. many?????? ? C. much??????? D. too

4.A. could??????????? B. had to???? ??? C. should????? D. would

5.A. soon???????????? B. quickly??? ?? C. well??????? ? D. good

6.A. pleased????????? B. tired????? ??? C. bored?????? ? D. interested

7.A. worried????????? B. patient??? ??? C. careful???? ?? D. serious

8.A. made???????????? B. took?????? ?? C. got???????? D. thought

9.A. argue??????????? B. say??????? ? C. discuss???? ?? D. talk

10.A. surprised??????? B. surprising ??? C. surprise??? ?? D. surprises

11.A. which??????????? B. what?????? C. that??????? ?? D. how

12.A. seeing?????????? B. noticing?? ?? C. helping???? ?? D. watching

13.A. since??????????? B. before???? ?? C. after?????? ?? D. when

14.A. always?????????? B. hardly???? ?? C. really????? ?? D. just

15.A. advice?????????? B. love?????? ?? C. idea?????? ? D. decision



 Michael Essany is the young star of his own TV talk show. When he was 14, he bought some    36    machines and asked a local television station to air (播放) his show. Michael contacted 500 famous people but only three of them    37    to be on his show. However, now many well-known people want to be on his show. In 2003, the Michael Essany Show became so    38    that even the E! network made a show about his show!

    Michael’s show is    39    from the living room of his family’s house. Before the show starts, his parents    40    the guests at the airport and make them comfortable. While the show is    41   , Michael tells jokes and interviews the guests, and his parents    42    the video machines. After Michael finished the show, the guests eat dinner with Michael and his     43    in the dining room.

    Michael’s fame (名气) is    44   , but he still has plans and goals. “I would like to be the host of The Tonight Show. That is my    45   , and it’s a dream I intend to realize one day.”


1. A. radio                 B. video                    C. Internet

2. A. forgot                    B. refused              C. agreed

3.A. strange                    B. popular              C. serious

4. A. recorded              B. discovered           C.introduced

5. A. help out                  B. look after           C. pick up

6. A. on                        B. off                  C. up

7. A. mend                  B. run                  C. sell

8.A. family                 B. audience             C. boss

9. A. falling                   B. disappearing         C. growing

10. A. advice                   B. dream                    C. story


