relish n. 调味品. 佐料 不可数名词 (1) How much relish should I put on the bread? 我应该往面包上放多少佐料? (2) First , put two teaspoons of relish on the sandwich. Then cut up one orange and two carrots.首先在三明治上放两匙佐料.然后切一个桔子和两个胡萝卜. 查看更多



One day there was a horse eating grass in an old   1   tomato field.

A little frog was sitting nearby and he saw the big animal. “It’s perhaps   2   biggest animal I have ever seen. I must hop(跳跃、蹦)home and   3   my father about it.”

He hopped past the parent’s house. He hopped around stacks of hay(干草堆).

“Father Frog, Father Frog,” he cried.

“I saw a very big animal just now. It is the biggest animal I   4  .Maybe it is the biggest in the world.”

“How big? Like this?” And the Father Frog puffed himself out(鼓起他自己的大肚皮).

“No, no,” said the little frog. “It was   5   than that.”

“Well, was it as big as this?” asked the Father Frog. And he blew himself even more.

“Oh, it was   6   bigger than you.” Father Frog was   7    now, because he didn’t like to think that something was bigger than he. He thought for a minute, then he   8   one more try.

He puffed and puffed. He blew himself up   9   …pop!

The little frog saw this. He was frightened and this   10   him a lesson. Never try to be bigger than it is possible for you.

1.A.parent            B.parent’s           C.peasant                D.peasant’s

2.A.a                     C.the                D./

3.A.say              B.speak              C.tell      

4. A. have ever seen                         B.ever have seen

C.ever saw                           D.saw ever

5. A. much big                              B.very bigger

C.far bigger                          D.much bigger              B.still               C.very              D.more

7.A.happy           B.not happy          C.pleased            D.beautiful

8.A.did             B.made             C.used             D.carried

9.A.and                   C.until              D.while

10.A.give              B.gave               C.given    



  My husband, Tom, is a born-shopper.He loves to look at the things and to t  1   them.He loves to compare prices b  2   the same items and in d  3   stores.He will never think of b  4   anything w  5   looking around in several stores.

  I, on the o  6   hand, I’m not a shopper.I regard shopping as boring as unpleasant.If I like something and can afford it, I buy instantly.I n  7   take the time to look around for a good sell or for b  8   deal.Bargains don’t interest me.Needless to say, Tom and I never go shopping t  9  .Experience will be too painful f  10   both of us.When we come to a shopping, we go our separate ways.


  Yesterday my mother went into a shop for some a  1  .She put her basket and her handbag on a table and went to look at the apples.There were a lot of people in the shop.When the shop assistant was f  2  , he weighted(称)the apples for my mother, put them in a paper-bag and said, “That will be twenty pence(便士), Mrs.Black.”

  My mother said, “My m  3   is in my handbag on the table.” She went to the table and was surprised to f  4   the basket was still on the table, but the handbag was no l  5   there!

  Just then there was a lot of n  6   at the door of the shop, a policeman came in.He was holding a man w  7   my mother’s handbag.My mother went up to the policeman and said,”That’s my bag.” The policeman looked in the bag and asked, “How m  8   money did you have?”“Two pounds and a few pence.” “It’s all here,” the policeman said and gave her the bag.”I stopped the man out there.He was running a  9   in the street.”

  There was a s  10   on my mother’s face.



  T   1   is a little duck.Her name is Debbie.E   2   day Debbie and her mother go to a small river.Debbie's mother likes s   3   in the river.But Debbie sits on the bank and w   4   her mother swim.

  Her mother calls her,“Debbie, it's time f   5   you to learn to swim.”Debbie puts her foot in the water and says.“The water is too c   6  ”“Yes, Debbie,”says her mother.“It's cold, but you m   7   learn how to swim.”Debbie doesn't l   8   to her mother.Still she sits on the bank.

  One day a big cat wants to catch Debbie and eats her.Her mother see the cat and calls out,“R   9   fast, Debbie!Jump into the water!”Debbie runs fast, but the cat runs faster.Debbie jumps into the water in a hurry and tries hard to swim to her mother.She's safe n   10  .“Mum, I am glad I can swim,”says Debbie.

1.T ________ 2.E ________ 3.s ________ 4.w ________ 5.f ________

6.c ________ 7.m ________ 8.l ________ 9.R ________ 10.n ________



My name is Ann. T________ is my birthday. I am twelve, Mum and Dad g________ me a big cake. I like cakes. You can see my cake on the t________ in my bedroom, It has my n________ on it. There is a lot of f________ on the table. T________ are some apples, oranges and pears. S________ bottles of juice(果汁) are on the table, too. I'm thirsty, I w________ to have something to drink now. My f________, Lucy and Lily, are coming to my house. I want to h________ the food and drink with them

1.T ________  2.g ________  3.t ________  4.n ________

5.f ________  6.T ________  7.S ________  8.w ________

9.f ________  10.h ________

