The robots even start to have .( ) A.feelings B.feeling C.feel D.feels 答案:A feeling是名词.常用复数形式.意为“感觉,感知 . 查看更多



The robots even start to have     .

A. feelings   B. feeling      C. feel      D. feels




    You would see a robot when you were reading a story or watching a movie, such as Star Wars. Today,however,science stories are becoming true. More and more robots are starting to be used in factories and our homes.

These robots are different in size,shape and colour,but all of them have the same type of man-made “brain”. The robots that work in factories are called industrial robots. These kinds of robots are cleverer and faster than the old ones. Industrial robots can do jobs that are often boring and sometimes dangerous.

Robots are already coming into American homes,though not as quickly as they are going into factories. We have made robots work at home. They can do some housework like cooking, or playing with people just for fun.

These robots aren’t as friendly and clever as those in Star Wars. But their makers say, today’s  home robots can “walk” and find objects in their way,though sometimes they may knock into(撞上) those objects. They can even carry objects, though sometimes they may drop those objects. Well, nobody is perfect. We may laugh at home robots today,but some day they will do better than humans. We humans can only see certain length of light, and hear certain sounds, while robots may see and hear better than we do.

In a word, robots will be widely used in our life in the future.


1. Where are more and more robots starting to be used?


2. What do all kinds of robots have?


3. What kind of jobs can industrial robots do?


4. What do you think of today’s home robots?(请考生根据短文内容,自拟一句话作答)


5.What else do you want home robots to do for you? (请考生根据自己的想法,自拟一句话作答)



     You would see a robot when you were reading a story or watching a movie, such as Star Wars. Today,
however, science stories are becoming true. More and more robots are starting to be used in factories and our
homes. These robots are different in size, shape and colour, but all of them have the same type of man-made
"brain". The robots that work in factories are called industrial robots.
     These kinds of robots are cleverer and faster than the old ones. Industrial robots can do jobs that are often
boring and sometimes dangerous.
     Robots are already coming into American homes, though not as quickly as they are going into factories.
We have made robots work at home. They can do some housework like cooking, or playing with people just
for fun.
    These robots aren't as friendly and clever as those in Star Wars. But their makers say, today's home robots
can "walk" and find objects in their way, though sometimes they may knock into (撞上) those objects. They
can even carry objects, though sometimes they may drop those objects. Well, nobody is perfect. We may
laugh at home robots today,but some day they will do better than humans. We humans can only see certain
length of light, and hear certain sounds, while robots may see and hear better than we do.
    In a word, robots will be widely used in our life in the future.
1. Where are more and more robots starting to be used? 
2. What do all kinds of robots have?
3. What kind of jobs can industrial robots do? 
4. What do you think of today's home robots? 
5. What else do you want home robots to do for you? 



  You would see a robot when you were reading a story or watching a movie, such as Star Wars.Today,however,science stories are becoming true.More and more robots are starting to be used in factories and our homes.

  These robots are different in size,shape and colour,but all of them have the same type of man-made “brain”.The robots that work in factories are called industrial robots.These kinds of robots are cleverer and faster than the old ones.Industrial robots can do jobs that are often boring and sometimes dangerous.

  Robots are already coming into American homes,though not as quickly as they are going into factories.We have made robots work at home.They can do some housework like cooking, or playing with people just for fun.

  These robots aren’t as friendly and clever as those in Star Wars.But their makers say, today’s home robots can “walk” and find objects in their way,though sometimes they may knock into(撞上)those objects.They can even carry objects, though sometimes they may drop those objects.Well, nobody is perfect.We may laugh at home robots today,but some day they will do better than humans.We humans can only see certain length of light, and hear certain sounds, while robots may see and hear better than we do.

  In a word, robots will be widely used in our life in the future.

1.Where are more and more robots starting to be used?

2.What do all kinds of robots have?

3.What kind of jobs can industrial robots do?

4.What do you think of today’s home robots?(请考生根据短文内容,自拟一句话作答)

5.What else do you want home robots to do for you?(请考生根据自己的想法,自拟一句话作答)


父爱是太阳,即使在乌云密布的日子里,我也能感受到他的光芒。父爱是一棵大树,即使在烈日炎炎的夏日,也会为我撑起一片荫凉。 父爱是一把大伞,即使在风雨交加的路上,也不让一滴水珠落在我身上。父爱是高山,即使在我最困难的时候,也鼓励我永不言弃。父爱是北斗星,即使在伸手不见五指的夜里,也引领我走向成功。请根据提示完成下面这首有关父爱的小诗。

What Is A Dad?

A Dad is like the sun. Even though on cloudy days, I can also feel his light..

A Dad is like the tree. _1.__, he still holds up a piece of shade for me..

A Dad_2._. Even though on the stormy road, he won’t let a drop of water fall on me.

A Dad is like the mountain.3.__, he always _4.__.

A Dad is like the star. Even though in the dark night, he also5..


